4.1- That's Her Name Now

We're going to begin the chapter with CAS shots because Scarlett needed more outfits.

Ethan: I'm hot!
Scarlett:...No you're not.

It's back to structured jobs for this ISBI. Scarlett has the Nerd Brain Aspiration, and the Astronaut job goes great with it.

Ethan: Hi...
Gamora: Can't talk, gotta get my selfie on.

Steve visited and now he's Scarlett's chess buddy.

I gave now-uncontrollable Wanda the criminal career, because it suits her. She's far ahead already because I got her the connections reward.

Scarlett: WHAT IS THIS?
The cooking. You have to cook for everyone as TH. And clean. They're not going to do it themselves.
Scarlett: NO. My mum cooks for everyone. She does most of the cleaning, but sometimes Great-Granddad Don does it at night. I don't clean. Or cook.
Not anymore.
Learn then.

Scarlett: Stay calm, me. Stay calm. Cooking isn't that big a problem! I'm gonna cook, have a successful career, maybe get married-
Maybe you think? How wrong you are.

Scarlett: Wait. I have to?
Scarlett: FINE. I'll get married, cook, have a successful career and that's my life.
Scarlett: Well WHAT.
Well nothing.

Scarlett: Well, whatever. If those lazy bastards aren't going to help me, then they can eat my earwax.
She went there.

Wanda: So when ya die y'all can be this bendy?
Ryan: You betcha! *whooshes*
Wanda: Then I beg for the sweet release of death!
Scarlett: UGH, Mum.

This is Scarlett's bedroom.
Originally this was supposed to be a room for the previous TH and their spouse, and Scarlett was going to move into Wanda's current room, but then I realised this rooms fits Scarlett a lot better than Wanda's room. So I put in two pictures, some decorations and an armchair so it's a room fit for a TH.

This is sweet.

Cecil: *stabs with plate* For Wanda.
Actually, they're kinda OK right now...
Wanda: You're my second favourite parent.
Ryan: You're my third favourite child. Fourth if you count little Gamora.

Wanda: Good old dad. Maybe he was just as much of a troll as I was.

Wanda: Blah blah blah wellness. Blah blah blah zen.
It looks like she's mocking a concentrated face instead of actually being concentrated...but that's Wanda.

I love her. She will be missed, but I feel like it's wrong to keep her here as a titular idiot and not let her have her own life...

Scarlett: Phew, something I actually like doing.
Handiness is on her aspiration, so from now on no more clicking replace.

Scarlett: Go away. I'm working and also I don't like you.
Galactus: But I love you! You're my sister.
Scarlett: Well I'll hate you until you're a teen, so whatever.

I have a feeling I won't get over ghost texts for a while.

These texts are also one of my favourite things about the EP. It feels like the spares who move out are still part of the family and don't exist in a completely separate world.

These are the Franklin twins! The one on the left is Scarlett's future husband Easton, and the girl is Eveline. I have two of them because I was messing around in CAS, I made Eveline, made Eveline's male equivalent, thought 'hot damn he's a pretty Sim' and decided he was going to marry Scarlett.
Maybe she'll marry/get knocked up by one of the other Sutherlands running around right now. (Cue Eveline marrying some old fart townie one day from dying).
Scarlett (offscreen): Nice, nice. I definitely don't mind getting married now.

Eveline: You know I keep a selection of crushed cans in my bra?
Easton: Go away, sis.
We left Eveline on her depressing empty lot because she'd just make it awkward for the other two and took Easton to the park in Windenburg.

Easton: I never said I disliked aliens.
Scarlett: Well I know two! They're my relatives! They live in my house!
Easton: Cool.

Scarlett: Is that a mask or are you always this attractive?
Easton: She wants to flirt? Let's flirt.
I love them already. (I've said this about every TH and spouse, actually. Except Amanda and Don...why did I make them get together again?)

Easton: Funny, I was about to ask the same thing.
Scarlett: Why you-
Easton: Kidding, Scar. Kidding.
Scarlett: Don't call me Scar.
Easton: All right. Scar.
That's her name now.

Scarlett: Well you're a robot! *makes weird beeping noises*
Easton: Eh. Always the crazy ones.
Scarlett: I'm not CRAZY. Have you met my mother?
Easton: I would say no, because I moved here last night, also I only just met you.

Scarlett: Extremely subtle.
Easton: Um...sorry.
Scarlett: Who said I minded?

Scarlett: This is my FACE.
Easton: And it's a very pretty one.
Scarlett: You really know how to lay on the charm, don't you?

Scarlett: Right, you're hot, I'm obviously beautiful, you think the same, some voice says I have to be your wife, sooooo-
Scarlett: Was I not supposed to say that part?
Easton: No. I can hear your voice. It says that apparently we gotta get together and have-
SHH! She doesn't know!
Easton: Have...er- a wonderful marriage!
Scarlett: Yay!

Scarlett: You have awesomely pointy hair.
Easton: I know. Yours is weirdly smooth.

I think this is pretty freaking sweet.

Easton: So we're following the voice's instructions?
Scarlett: My shoulder is practically melting into yours, what do you think?

Scarlett: I would give you a rose, but I didn't bring one.
Easton: That is FINE. *puts on voice* Oh! Thank you! Virtual roses are the best!

Now he lives with us. So he's an Insane Evil Bro (randomised the last two, wanted Insane so just had that w/o randomisation, with the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration).

Easton: Sweet house, funny, awesome hot chick- what could possibly be a drawback?
*cough* In-laws! *cough*
Easton: Whatever. Evie's still stuck on our plot of land.

Scarlett: *reaches into chest*
Cecil: Hey there loser! Guess what, that's my daughter and I don't like you. You're lucky my bones are frail, or I'd THROW THIS MUG AT YOUR HEAD.
Easton:...maybe this was a mistake.

Scarlett: OK, Dad's gone. Now here's what we're gonna do. We're going to have WooHoo in the family sauna. It's a rite of passage.
Easton: I'm game.

Scarlett: BTW, I was lying about that rite of passage thing.
Easton: I know. But who doesn't want to have WooHoo in a sauna?

Dang guys. You're all over each other. New love, I suppose.

Scarlett: You know what the real rite of passage is? Having WooHoo in the family observatory.
Easton: I know you're lying about this but I don't care.
Scarlett: You could at least indulge my fantasies. But whatever, let's do it.

Gamora: Basically-my-Dad, Scarlett and her hot new squeeze went to go WooHoo in the observatory.
Cecil: That's nice dear. We can hang out in the observatory later.
Gamora: *rolls eyes* He doesn't listen. His loss.

Galactus: Soooo...are you two gonna go play outside like me?
Scarlett: *gives look saying 'you tell him'*
Easton: *sighs* No...we're kind of doing something different...

Also, this is Easton's new job.

Scarlett's (imagined) reply: Uh...yeah, friends. See you soon Stevie.

Thaaaat's more like it, Evie.

So evil, Easton.
Easton: Shut up! *sniff* She founded this whole thing with a tiny house-skeleton and nothing but dreams!"Raised" four kids and became a great painter! And she's gone! So saaaaad!
Stop mourning Amanda, who you've never met, and go do something useful. All you're going to do here is 'raise' kids and play video games.

Evie is a good sister.

More pics of Gamora dancing because I love her.

K, cool.

Screw you, Scarlett.

Scarlett: Well this sucks.
Woman your hair, and your clothes...wow.

Cecil: Our daughter's an idiot.
Wanda: Yup.

Elektra is a supportive auntie.

Galactus is really into the sauna lately.
Galactus: This sauna is tainted.
If only you knew...

Cecil: You may be able to dance young man, but you're talking to the man who once flew over all five towns in a propeller hat.
Check Shirt:...that is so untrue.

Scarlett: We should have WooHoo in a ROCKET!
Easton: NO.

Please accept please accept please accept...
Scarlett: Take it. It has sparkles!
Easton: It sparkles...but not as much as your eyes? IDK, lemme think.

They're in their formal wear to have a nighttime elopement by the birdbath. I was gonna do another proper wedding event because they're fun but Scarlett's a loner and she wouldn't like that, and it's HER wedding.
Look how HAPPY they are. I love them together.
Yeah, spam incoming.

And now they're married.

Look at her, sleeping so peacefully...we still need to tell her.
Easton: Oh yeah. I'll take away her sword.

Great way to round off your first day in a proper job, Wanda.


Yeah. I'm sorry, but Easton is one of the most attractive Sims I've ever created.
I took this picture when I realised I was bringing Amanda's ass back into the gene pool. Look at that.

He went into the kitchen so he could hide the fact that he was talking to himself. Don't worry man, you'll soon learn that everyone here is crazy and we don't judge.

Joint efforts! Nice, Galactus.
Scarlett: Yeah...I still hate him.
Galactus: *sigh*

Well, Eveline, this is an ISBI, so...eh.

No freaking shit, Easton.

Easton: Pretty hot, huh?
Scarlett: No offence, but I prefer the book.

Ethan, just what kind of setting are you using that thing on? It looks like you are about to pull EVERYTHING.

Yay for autonomous skilling!

Scarlett joined him after a while, cos she needs to skill herself.
Scarlett: Whaddya mean? There is no dragon!
Easton: >:)

Gamora: #bliss.
If only you knew...

Now you get it Steve.

This is so cute...also I finally accepted the fact that Galactus is likeable enough.

Steve: Congrats.
Scarlett: *dreamy sigh*

Easton, stop, you've never met these people. And Steve, since when did you give a damn?
Honestly, be useful.

Wanda: Like a boss!
She maxed out the dance skill, so she does look pretty cool while dancing. Even if it's in her towel. She hasn't nicked anything in a while, so she's always tense.

Ethan: Cheese!
Cecil: Stare into my death eyes!
Ethan: Dad, no.
Cecil: Well, what's the scarefie then?

Sel's son Derek is having a kid.
That's it for this chapter. Next time, Gamora leaves, and Ethan probably does too...

Elsa, Pietro and his wife Tasha's second kid. (His fourth, if you count the ones with Condiment and Ari).

Ernest, Elektra and her husband Evan's second kid.
Score Sheet- 80
Single Births (10) +50
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (25) +125
Aspiration (4) +40
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (2) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (33) -165
Self Wetting (9) -45
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