3.12- And the next TH is...
This chapter, Steve and Scarlett will grow up, and I will reveal the next TH.
Don: Who's that green kid?
You're so not in the loop.
Don: And why's he sleeping in the hallway?
Because I'm a bad Simmer, and also f*ck off and don't break anything.
Steve: Ugh. You're a twat. I would prefer a new computer or something.
Galactus: Brother loves me!
Ignorance is bliss.
Ethan: Ooh! I caught a sparkly.
Ugh, you're so annoyingly cute.
Gamora: Hey look loser niece. Me and Ethan are twinning our food!
Ethan: Uh-huh. *does that smug nod*
Scarlett: Whatever, losers.
Gamora: At least we're not wandering around the lawn with no shoes.
Galactus: Sister!
Scarlett: All right, come here so I can strangle you.
Gamora: Should I save my nephew/half-brother? Hmm...the choices...
Ethan: Come on! Come on Scarlett! Do it! For all of us!

Blonde lady: GET OUT OF ME!
Sweater dude: You're in ME!
Blonde: You were in me first!
Wanda: Wow! This sounds dirty.
Wanda: Hat gal? Who're ya callin' hat girl?
Sweater dude: Your hand's in a WALL lady.

Wanda doing more setting-up...


Is it weird that I kinda ship the two teen Sims in this Club?

Magdalena: So...would you like to...like, uh, rob a bank once we're done or something?
Rico: Um...I dunno, Magda. Maybe later.
Magdalena: *sigh* OK...

Right, I'm great at this.

Steve: So...you've stolen stuff? Like CDs? Can you teach me?
Cowboy: Boy. I've stolen more than you can think of. I could teach you how to grab a motorbike for your very own...

Magdalena: So...how to impress someone.
Cowboy: Young lady, that's not how it works.
Magdalena: So how does it work?
Cowboy: Don't ask me. I don't have a f*cking clue.
Dang Cowboy, just giving out all of the shitty, incomplete advice, aren't ya.

Rico: Well, I've got this...jacket...you can practice stealing it...
Magdalena: REALLY?
Wanda: Can you please do this somewhere else?

Galactus: This plate is my friend.

Amanda: Dance with me, lamp. DANCE.

Amanda: I kinda feel like we're all better at this now. Something change?
You betcha.

Steve is dancing at 2am like a twat...but he can get down.

Steve: Great-grandma, why are YOU here?
Amanda: Haters gonna hate...

Hey! Triple mutation!
Galactus: I don't have the front, but my head is DOMINATING the back!
Scarlett: The face belongs to me!
Cecil: Well your face is wearing my ugly pyjamas!
Galactus: So why do you wear them?
Cecil: I-I don't know...
Galactus: Do we need to go shopping, Dad?
Cecil: This is kinda fun...
Galactus: Dad my hand's in your leg!

Sel! D:

Steve sleeping in a bush (was at the museum when kids were at school, nothing interesting happened).

Also, sigh. You suck, Steve.

Awwww. Gamora's actually a nice person. It's her Cheerful trait, I guess. That's Tia, Elektra's kid.

Scarlett: You keep the children away from me or I crush you like a bug.
Steve: Ehehehe...OK...

I really love Gamora, actually. I may like her more than any of Wanda's kids.

Scarlett: WTF? Ugh...get it away!
Galactus: I'll do that one day...

Well, this is today.
Holy shit.
I'm doing this when I take Wanda home.

Galactus: I'm so confused...

This is depressing.
He got the Family-Oriented trait... which means he's not the TH and I had to say sayonara. Sayonara Stevie, it was great having you around.
He's moved in with Pietro's family.
Pietro and Tasha: F*ck.


OK Steve...this is just weird...she's your step-something...I don't even care.

Nyla...whatever, hopefully you'll make cute kids.

Hey Ryan.
Ryan: I didn't do it! I swear.
I'll actually believe you b/c look at all the other uncontrollable idiots who could have done that (there are three possibilities).

I used Cecil's adult move to make him skill up in comedy. He needs one skill point to get his first tier of his Joke Star aspiration done. He won't do the rest of it, but ehh.

Ethan: Blah. School. It sucks. Who actually needs it?
Wanda: Yeah...I'd have to agree, ya know.
Great parenting, Wanda.

Look at this lot. We are at the Old Manor, stealing shit. (Well Wanda is).

Derek (YA spawn of Sel): AH!
Wanda: What? Is it my clothes? I can change that! I'm lookin' good, what's ya problem?
Elektra: All of you idiots move, pregnant lady coming through!

Elektra: HOLY SHIT!
Derek: Tee-hee, you've suffered like me now...
Elektra: But I'm in my third trimester!

Fun fact, that dude in the black sweater has the exact facial expression that I do right now.
Blue knight: Lol. Look at that guy. What a strange dude.
Gryffindor knight: IKR.
Black sweater dude: WTF?

Elektra: Chauvinist twat.
Black sweater dude: OHHHHH!
Pietro: Oh trust me man. She could. I grew up with that piece of crazy.

Wanda: *pulls face* *mocking* I'm an idiot. I'm a MAN! I'm a manly man!
Pietro: *also mocking* Blah blah blah blah blah. Women can't do things.
Wanda and Pietro: Asshat.
Stick it to them.

I'm not sure what 'ball and chain' is supposed to mean here.

Wanda: I dunno what to do!
Pietro: Arianna, I paid you, what do you want?
Arianna: When are you going to come see your son?
Pietro: Oh yeah I'll get round to it...er, Weston or something?
Arianna: F*CK YOU. WESLEY.

Well done girls. -__-

Ghost: MY FAMILY GARDEN! *fixes eyes on Wanda* She. Will. Pay.
Try it.

Gamora's been wandering around the maze for ages.

Wanda: Hi other me!
Scarlett: I hate her.

Wanda got invited to the club by one of her friends, and she brought all of her teenaged kids. Cecil will come when he gets off work...but I just can't get over how epic all of the group dances look.

Ryan: Whooo! Just as good at this as all of the young people!
Joaquin: Er...
Eva: Let's just pretend he's like...not here.

Wanda challenged Gamora to a dance battle.
Wanda: Y'all think ya can beat me? Think again.
Gamora: You're pretty good, but you ain't that good.
Ryan: Le sigh. I wish they had this when I was alive...

Gamora: Ugh...I pulled something!
Wanda: HA-ha!
Gamora: D: Meanie!

Parties are not Ethan's thing...

Same for Scarlett.

Condiment: SHIT SHIT SHIT-
Eva: OHHH this is so going on Twitter.
Ryan: Someone should help her...
Joaquin: WHOO! Yeah! PARTY- what's that wet stuff?

Scarlett: Hey Mum, Dad, can we go home yet- where are you going?
Wanda: To have sex in a closet.
Scarlett: *spits out virtual drink* WHAT?
Cecil: Just saying, your mother's making me do this.
Wanda: Quit ya whingin', I've got all of the props-
Scarlett: Right, OK, one order of double-strength brain bleach please.

Scarlett: Hey. Hey bro. Our parents just went into a closet to WooHoo. You happy?
Ethan: *barfs in mouth*

Cowboy: Now where in the world did I put my coat?...O__O Please say not there.

Cowboy: Yo...why were you in a closet.
Cecil: *coughs* No reason...*hisses* WANDA STAY BACK.

Hey Don.
Don: Hey yourself. Now GTFO, I'm having a bath.
Fine, but if you break that I break you.

OK, so he broke the bath but at least he's cleaning out this gross-ass thing.
How did it get like that? That is nasty.

Cecil's supposed to get old now but I'm not going to let him because...I don't want him to get old.

Ethan: Someone gave birth at the club?!
Gamora: Oh yeah. I saw it. You know our dead granddad/dad was there? You saw it right, Scarlett?
Scarlett: So...grateful...she's a teen...

Scarlett: So I can tell her this! Guess what, Mum and Dad had WooHoo in a closet last night.
Gamora: *gags*
Scarlett: Right, my work is done, you've all suffered now.

+15 BABY!

Because I was a fangirl before I was a Simmer, this is probably one of my favourite parts of the expansion.
My ship sailed.
If only it were that easy in the fictional media of today's real world...

Rico: Pic for my girlfriend!
Magdalena: I'm right here...psh, digital age.

Rico: That's a terrible picture...
Wanda: I'll give you a dollar for it.
Marcus Flex: You're so weird.

Wanda: If you don't admit that it was a shotgun marriage, I will strangle you. And then I will burn you.
Rigoberto: No, I kind of love my mean, uninteresting old wife...
Gamora: Is that what marriage is like?
Magdalena: I'm in love...!
Gamora: Oh shut up sappy, I'm here for the shower.
Magdalena: Well you're just jealous.

I gave Wanda Leader of the Pack, I know she won't finish it but because the Town Thieves have been around for a while, she has done two milestones.

Ulrike: I am bee-yoo-tiful.
Layla: Oh! Oh God! I can barely look!
That's cold.

There are just so many random things about this text to Gamora.
To Steve: Of course she's cool, she's your sister.
To Gamora: Of course you're friends, she's known you since your birth. You're her half-auntie.

I put the crappy dance floor (the one you receive at level 3 dancing for free) in the museum because I was bored.
Anyway, I like this pic of Wanda dancing.

Dude: You smell.
Gamora: Well you just suck.

Actually, Ethan sucks. -5.
You were in your bedroom.

Gamora: Let's celebrate our filth together, Gal!
Galactus: Good idea!
Or take SHOWERS.

Elektra had a son.

Nyla got married to someone who isn't her baby daddy, but I'm sure they'll do fine.

Ari's pregnant.


Gamora, I like you.
I remember that Don used to always clean things for Amanda so she wouldn't have to do that...no such luck this gen. Everyone this gen is a lazy irritant who just barely takes care of themselves.

RIP Sel. You were one of my favourites of the Gen 2 kids (who are all almost dead). And you had three children who are all pretty cool, I guess.

Tasha had her and Pietro's second child. It's weird that it took them this long (Rene is a teen, as you can see) but I'm happy it happened. I like their genetics.

Scarlett: Hey. Gamora is upstairs, on that gaming rig, and we're both skipping today. So f off.
Scarlett I understand because her b-day is today, but Gamora has 4 days and has no excuse.

I decided that Wanda was going to at least make Scarlett do something useful. For her aspiration.
This scene reminds me of when your parents are trying to make you be useful, but then your sibling is doing something fun (worthless) and you're just like "Why can't this be meeeee?"

Steve, if you text that to an old guy who aged up by his bed because I couldn't be bothered to make him a cake, you're basically giving him the finger.

Oh Gamora.

Wanda is clearly saying something incredibly weird.
Gamora and Scarlett: Smile and nod until she goes away...

Scarlett: Oof!
Wanda: Gamora, did you mind-zap your niece again?
Gamora: YEAH!
Wanda: Good job.
Scarlett: But- but- NOT FAIR.

This is just cute.

Scarlett's birthday.


Welcome to TH-hood, Scarlett.
Scarlett: I'mma rock this bitch. The sparkles told me so.
Yeah, but you hate children.
Scarlett: Children? Ugh. What'd you say about children?
Nothing. ;).

Kailani's daughter Cassandra (changed the name) as a child.

This is Ari's son from another randomer, Akeem. He's super cute,

This is Eddie, Kezia's middle child.
He aged up with this hair and I found it really funny so I kept it.
Eddie: It's not my fault my mother refuses to send me to a salon, and then f*cks up my hair herself.

This is Pietro's son, Rene/Evil Kid.

He grew up attractive.
Rene: *smoulder*
Is it weird to be ever so slightly attracted to your Sims?
Score Sheet- 80
Single Births (10) +50
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (24) +120
Aspiration (4) +40
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (2) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (32) -160
Self Wetting (9) -45
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