3.10- The Last Grow Up
Warning: This is going to be a long chapter because I want to get both Gamora and Ethan grown up.
Elektra's kid is finally born. I've been waiting for an Elektra baby for so long...
Lol, she really hates sharing a room with Gamora.
But then so would I. I don't hate kids, but Gamora is annoying.
Wanda: Holy shit alien spawn.
My mod allows me to terminate the pregnancy, but I'm not going to do that.
Because this child is unwanted and irritating, I think that if he/she doesn't get the insane trait, I will move them out with Gamora when she gets the hell out. Because I would want to keep room for the actual TH and their family.
See, even Scarlett thinks so.
Wanda: Sooo...we're going to have another Gamora running around here soon.
Scarlett: FML...*weeps pitifully*
Cecil: Soooo...it's not mine?
Wanda:...No! But it's great news!
Scarlett: *evil eye* I beg to differ.
Ethan: Heeeey sister. Heeeey shoes.
Scarlett: I hate my life.
Ethan: Come on! Aren't we good friends?
Scarlett: Nope. My trait makes it impossible.
Scarlett: You know what? I'm done with this family! Buh-bye!
Steve: *sniff* Fine. GO. I don't care.
Cecil: Daughter, your elbow.
Steve: Holy shit....Scarlett?
Scarlett: What, you loser? Hang on a sec- MOTHER-
Gamora: By the power of the stars! We will overcome my mother's death.
Uni: Ugh. Who died?
Scarlett: WTF is up with my arms today?
WTF is up with YOU today?
I think so far Scarlett is more interesting as a teen than a kid.
Kezia: Ugh, who are these kids?
Gamora: *sniff* MY MUMMY!!!!
Kezia: Oooh. Ding dong, the bitch is gone.
Gamora: :O
Kezia: Yeah, yeah kid, you think I care? Now who the hell is the redhead?
Eddie (Kezia's latest child): I'm your SON! D:
Nyla (One of Kezia's twins): Mum. Just wanted to tell you that I hate you.
Kezia: The feeling's mutual, kid.
Wanda: There, there. It's OK. I know Mum died but she was old and crusty and needed to go.
Steve: Ugh, is she still crying? What a wimp!
Gamora: WHY ARE NONE OF YOU HELPFUL? I'm grieving here!
Wanda was a real little bitch just there. She decided that she was going to steal the loo roll just as Cecil went on the loo. I know in the sims you don't actually need a toilet roll next to the toilet...it's just kinda funny.
Cecil: Screw you.
Wanda: Love you too honey.
Wanda: So, yep, I'm certain of it, I'm having a little alien spawn.
Arianna (Wanda's librarian friend, gave her a makeover because I wanted to): Oh, Wanda, you are certifiable.
Kezia: *coughs* You're telling me.
Nyla: Ugh. Friendship. Ugh. People being nice. Everything sucks.
Eddie: Mum, what is up with women?
Kezia: Well, I'm not going to tell you when you're older. It's your father's job.
Eddie: Dad is DEAD!
Kezia: Exactly.
Yoooo, Santos.
Santos: Don't talk to me.
Ethan: Who dressed you? You look like gym coach trash!
Santos: SAY WHAT?
Kezia: Lol, you're being made fun of by a child.
Santos: SCREW YOU MUM. Kid, get yourself up and say that to my face.
Arianna: Er, he is...
Wanda: Oh, he really is my son!
Kezia: You say that like it's a good thing.
Scarlett: Steve, I swear to God, if you give Eddie the talk...
Kezia: So, you're being mean to my boy.
Kezia: Good. I appreciate that.
Santos: MUM! That kid is evil! Don't speak to him.
Kezia: Oh be quiet, Santos. This kid put you in your very small, sad place. I'm proud of him.
Ethan: :D
Santos: This is my work uniform! From the job I apparently had to get because I'm lazy, even though Nyla doesn't do jack crap around here...
Ethan: He still looks like gym coach trash...
Kezia: Oh yeah.
Santos: But-but-
Wanda: Give it up boy.
I didn't know this could happen...
Wanda: F*CK. This ain't right...
Kezia: You are so stupid.
Eddie: Dance, dance. Power time.
Cecil: Dang, kid. What's up with you?
Nyla: Yep. It's official. He's borked.
Wanda: Screw you Kezia! SMELL MY FINGER.
Kezia: Ugh! NO! I hate corn chips! GET THAT CRAP OUTTA MY FACE.
Gamora:...Yay my sister (and legal guardian) is getting into another fight.
Steve: Double ugh.
Cecil: Listen to my genius plan, daughter. You grab Lefty, and scratch it with Righty.
Scarlett: DAD. F*CK OFF.
Wanda: *sing-songs* Annnnggeerrrrr...
Scarlett: I hate you both.
Believe it or not, I felt so sorry for Kezia's family that I decided we were going to torment Sel instead.
Or her own daughter could do that for us.
She seems like a lovely girl.
Evelyn: Can I take my revenge on the stupid baby yet or not?
Pawel: Goo. (Translation: Oh crap)
Sel: Evie, I told you that we don't hurt babies. Go and bother your father.
Derek (Sel's oldest child, now a teen): Dad, get out of me.
Orlando (Sel hubby): Hehehe no.
That's Sel's family. Ain't they lovely? Actually, they seem a little more functional than Kezia's family.
Wanda: Scarlett. Check my hand. Check it. I think I'm growin' a fungus or somethin'.
Scarlett: No, Mum, I don't want your nasty hand. All of you GTFO.
Wanda: But what if I got an infection?
Scarlett: See if I care.
Gamora: Le gasp.
Ethan: *sniffs hair*
Derek: Er...Mum? Whaddya doing to Dad?
Sel: Nothing son.
Orlando: OUCH.
Derek: O__O
Sel: Hey. All's fair in love and war. I get childbirth and he gets this.
Scarlett: I know. It's disgusting. *proceeds to clean up only HER plate*
It's a start...but still.
It's bad enough when Cecil does this. And now Scarlett will break it too...why do I ever buy you lot nice things?
Noah's daughter Kailani grew up and immediately got herself pregnant with a little baby Goth. (Seriously, she JUST grew up).
While Kezia's fling with the pizza man resulted in a little mistake...
I threw this one in because it's awful.
That's not her husband. That's her stepfather.
If I see this chick I'm going to end the pregnancy because this is all kinds of NO.

Scarlett's pretty sleepwear that I like. Seriously though, why is she so skinny? Wanda lost weight recently, but when she had Scarlett she was still quite curvy, and Cecil isn't small either. Where did she get it from?
Never mind.

Scarlett: Ugh. Toilet time is the only time I get away from Gamora.

Steve: Look at the guns!
Scarlett: Hahaha...you're joking right?

Gamora: HELLO!
Scarlett: Can I never escape you?

We're starting collections, I decided. So far we have one decorated egg. *sarcastic clapping*

Not too long now, Scarlett.

I haven't screen-shotted bills in a long time. You know why? BECAUSE I CAN USUALLY PAY THEM.
We are 7000 short.

Today we are terrorising Elektra. This is her baby daughter Tia, who will probably be a child by the end of the chapter.

Arianna (who I brought for...reasons): Hey there PIETRO. Now where the f*ck is my cheque, you bastard? I know you have a new wife and kid to support now, but see if I care. I want my money....Don't you give me that shit, I know what your job is! You're some fancy-ass gamer!

Wanda: HA! I'm still the best cat!
Elektra: Ohhh...you haven't changed.
Arianna: And you're making £200 an hour while I work at my shitty librarian job...PAY UP ASSHOLE!

Wanda (off-screen): *hurling*
Elektra: *awkwardly in room with Arianna* Er...hey, you're Wanda's friend.
Arianna: And you're her sister. Are you as much of a dick as your brother?
Elektra: Uhm...
Arianna: You tell him to support his son next time you see him.

Wanda: O__O CRAP.
Don't worry sweetie. This is the Sims, it's not actually broken. Just a little clipping issue.

Speak of the devil.
Hi Pietro.
Pay Ari.
Pietro: I...don't know who you're talking about.

Elektra: Yo, broooo...one of Wanda's friends needs you to send her some money or something. Blue lady, dress, hair, librarian down at the Creek library...
Pietro: *drops down into pushups* Nope. No such person.

Elektra: Right.
Pietro: Yeah! Byeeeee!
Elektra: *mutters* Piece of shit...

Elektra: *snatches phone* So that's one...two...five emails...
Pietro: No such emails.
Elektra: >:(

Pietro: Well, now our heads and bodies are stuck in this car, I feel like we should reconsider.
Elektra: For f*ck's sake, it will move! Simple clipping issues and that crap. Now PAY THE LADY.

Wanda: Hey...hey...guess what! PAY MY FRIEND. Blue hair, blue dress, works in the library.
Pietro: Whaaaa? I have no debts to this person...!
Elektra: Soooo...fifteen emails.

Elektra: PAY HER.
Elektra: You're DUMB.
Pietro: Hey guess what? POT TO THE KETTLE.

Elektra: It's not even that hard! Just write out a cheque! Do a bank transfer online! Or hand her a simple wad of cash, you idiot!
Pietro: BOO. I'm not paying this imaginary person!
Pietro: No, there was only Ms. Condiment and Tasha...
Elektra: Dear lord, you must have had to pay the poor women.
Pietro: RUDE.

Elektra: You just got another email...
Pietro: Shut up, I'm not listening to you.

Elektra: You're not gonna listen? FINE. *starts typing* Dear Arianna. Apologies for my late paying. I promise to send you £7000 immediately.
Pietro: *face hits floor* What? No. Nooooo. Don't do it.
Elektra: Too late asshole. *keeps typing* If I for some reason do not, I will allow you to take me to court. You have that as my written word. Signed, Pietro. Send!
Pietro: Shit.
Elektra: Pay the woman.

Tia is crying while Elektra stands aimlessly on the street.

But Steve is an awesome cousin.

Scarlett is just throwing shade.
Gamora is sitting down somewhere and I don't know (or give a crap about) where Ethan is.

Evan (bae of Elektra): Who's the pissed-off child?
Scarlett: Screw off, Monopoly man.
Evan: Jeez, what's her problem? D: I'm on point today.

Ethan: So, I'm less annoying than Gamora?
Scarlett: Yes, dear. Now f*ck off.
Ethan: But-
Scarlett: That doesn't mean you're not annoying.
Evan: Wait, so I have one...two...zero bowls? Hmm.

Ethan: Um, certainly didn't do voodoo on the baby or anything...?

Hey Kezia.
Kezia: Hey yourself.

Steve: What is this feeling I feel?
Ethan: So blessed. Just look at that pavement crack.
Scarlett: Imbeciles...they no longer exist to me.

Scarlett: F*ck.
Scarlett: Get out of me or die.

Wanda: Fly, my pretty, fly!

I'm getting quite sick of this Steve/Cecil/Scarlett! (I have no idea who did it).

Heeeeeey founder.
How do you like it?
Amanda: Hmm. I like it lots. However, everything seems better than when I was alive...
Oh that's just what happens to founders of these things...

Oh hi Nat.
Nat: Can't talk, gotta game.

Nat: Now how do you do that?
I can imagine Nat sucking as a ghost.

Steve: You're so dumb that you smash dollhouses and then CRY over it. (I'm in such denial...)
Cecil: Say WHAT? Pot to the kettle much?
Wanda: Oh. Snap.
Gamora: *grabs virtual popcorn*

Steve: And then Mrs Gold Digger saw the house and was like 'Dang, look atathat. Time to marry and kill off the owner'
Childish is probably a cuter trait when it doesn't come with Hot-Headed.
I then got Wanda, along with newly YA-ified Santos and Nyla, to go to Pietro's house.

Nyla: OK. Hi, Pietro. Did you pay the woman my cousins told me about?
Santos: Ooh snap, you're in trouble.

Pietro: Oh yes, growing up with Wanda was an experience. She's always be threatening to burn the house down and she was always shouting at everyone- one time she even tried to explode our stuffed bear!
Santos: Well. Makes our own childhood seem idyllic in comparison.
Nyla:...No it doesn't.

I locked Wanda in this pathetic tiny bathroom at Pietro's house to skill up in charisma.
Wanda: Come to me air! Y'all will be my bitch!
Very charismatic.

Tasha, why are you out here?
Tasha: Shhhh. I'm hiding. Now go away, I'm concentrating on Blicblock here.

Scarlett: Screw you Unicorn!
Uni: Wh-what did I do?
Blarffy: Ugh. Girl, that's nothing. You should see what the evil child does.

Scarlett: Revenge is SWEET!
Uni: D:
Rene: I'mma make like Auntie Wanda and explode you. Just so you know, sucker.
Blarffy: F*ck.

TH fail.
I suck so bad.

So Ethan, who gives negative introductions to nearly everyone he meets, despite being Self-Assured (not Mean or Insane or anything like that), is actually getting along with the evil kid (Rene, Pietro's and Tasha's child).
This makes zero sense.

Deep breaths.

Lol at Steve dancing though. This pic made me feel better about having two fails so close together (and one by my own TH).

Arianna looks like she may need to start chasing more child support cheques...

Santos married this random lady.
(I checked and he's now also a stepfather to her baby son, which is quite cute)

Kezia married the pizza delivery guy who knocked her up. May you two be very happy.

I know Galactus and Gamora might get confusing but tbh I really don't care.
+5! (Feels like my first positive points in a long time).


F*ck you, Steve.
He needed the toilet more than he needed a shower, but he went and had a FREAKING BATH, got super clean only to PEE HIMSELF.

Oh hey Don, haven't seen you in a while.
Don: This- this computer. So thin. But I don't like the scary lady.
Stupid as ever, I see.

I think Wanda knows how little I care about Galactus and follows suit. She's sleeping. She won't wake up on her own. And who am I to disturb her slumber?
So it was left to Steve (he failed)

Cecil: What the hell does that thing think we owe it?
I was a bit bored of all the usual houses, so I decided to visit the house of one of Pietro's baby mamas and her family. (Which is Ms. Condiment, her husband, Jasmine (the Pietro spawn) and some other kid who I suppose belongs to her and her husband.

Randall&Condiment: *eating each other's faces*
Noel: Bri! BRI! Why don't you treat me like that?
Brianne: BYE.
Arianna: Le sigh.

Cecil: I'm pretty hot, huh? Look, I can close my eyes and not walk into anything.
Ari: That's because you're not walk- Wanda, really? This guy?
Wanda: It's OK. He's just my special pet, ya know!

Apparently Sel's a scientist now. She didn't do jackshit throughout her adult life, but now she's an elder she wants to throw herself into science?
The other woman is Santos's wife. She was already an adult so I switched her back to Young Adult.

It's Gamora's birthday!
Unfortunately she's at school so I have to wait.
I'll bring her here and random strangers she barely knows can celebrate with the fam!

Nyla: Hhhhheeeeyyyyyyy
Santos: Um...go away please.
Sloane: *fart noise* Ha! Blue lady farted!
Noel: WHAAA? No, cars go 'vroom vroom'!
Arianna: Kid. Shut up.
Soon after everyone left for random thought-bubble reasons so I'm just going to age Gamora up at home.

Gamora: It's mah birthday!
Scarlett: Do you hear a tiny, insignificant thing squeaking?
Steve: There's something there...
Wanda: IDGAF.

Teen Gamora, everyone! She is now a Cheerful Art Lover who wants to be a Painter Extraordinaire.
Wow...I actually really like that dress. Good job, game.
But there is always more to be done...

Here is a close-up of her beautiful little face.

This is her everyday outfit. I spent forever making all of her outfits, because I wanted to put on different alien markings/makeup/whatever for everyday, party and formal...

Yeah, I almost wish that Gamora was my next TH. She has an easy aspiration (I've played so many painter Sims), agreeable traits (if she went under my control, I think she'd be less weird) and is beautiful. But she can't be.
Also, after making over Gamora I left the game, and between that time, I noticed that 'hey, Get Together is on sale on Origin!'
I have it now! :DDDD.

This is Wanda's new club! It contains all of the teen or adult Kleptos in town (there's a woman with three kids who are also all Kleptos). Encouraged activities are stealing things, scaring people, being mischievous and f*cking up objects. They hang out in museums because that's where all the expensive stuff is.
It's perfect.

He was at Level 3 for ages.

Someone actually used the workout equipment. Go Steve!

Ryan: Oh. Another one of these.
GALACTUS IS GLITCHED. He's going to be screaming for ages. I tried everything, the autonomous sims tried everything, and he's still a smelly ball of glitch. Screw you, Galactus.

I haven't been this happy about a baby's almost-birthday since Ryan. (He was the worst). Not even when there were TWINS in the house.
That also reminded me to age Wanda into an adult, because she's much younger than Cecil now and she's been around for way too long as a YA. Anyway, it's only because of pregnancy.

Gamora: Hey! Hey niece! Hey niece!
Scarlett: Screw off...and don't call me your niece, it's weird.
It is.

Gamora: Hug!
Scarlett: There, there...*pats shoulder*...don't touch me.

HOLY SHIT KEZIA. Now you have FIVE children.
The girl is Kylie and the boy is Karter. Normally I change weird spellings, but this time I won't for obvious reasons.

Gamora got asked to join the Paragons, so I let her.
I dunno what she'll actually do with that though.
I think that if she gets invited to any hangouts, I'm going to make her go, and then make the family come just to troll everyone.

Speaking of trolling everyone...
The club is at the Willow Creek museum.

Jasmine: Heeeey musical note.
Wanda: Oh yeeaaaahhhh!
Layla (club member): OUCH.

Nyla: You see, all of the headbands are trying to kill us!
Magdalena (also club member): Ooh.
Wanda: WOW. She's better at conspiracy theories than me!
Jasmine:...I'mma just sink through the floor right now. Who tf even are these people?

Gamora fell into the bush...
Does this count as a pass out?
It does...-5.

Scarlett: You're a stupid little twat!
Ethan: Ohhh, I'm Scarlett and I have a stupid waistcoat and irrational hatred of children!
Dang Ethan.
You're growing up soon anyway.

I might actually love you now Cecil. Instead of passing out, he found a bench to sleep on. *coughs* Gamora! *coughs*

Scarlett: Hey turd. Mum and Dad say I gotta talk to you cos apparently you'll get lonely or something.
Ethan: Eh...no thanks. My pancakes take better care of me anyways.
Scarlett: Ungrateful shit...

Ethan: Ta-da! Me and my pancakes, it's gonna be a great novel.
Scarlett: *shudders* Ugh.
Wanda: Who the heck is this kid?
Scarlett: MUM, the turd was shoved outta you...
Ethan:...le sigh.

Ethan in his sleepwear as a teen. I exited CAS without taking a screenshot...so you'll see his everyday soon.

This is Shawna, Santos's new wife after a makeover.

And her son (Santos's stepson) Theo.

This is Pawel, Sel's latest son. I like him best because he has some of Sel's features, as well as her husband's. Sel is also old now, so no more kids.

And her daughter Evelyn as a teenager.

This is Jasmine Mayo, Pietro's first child, as a teen. I think she's really pretty.

And Wesley Schmidt, his second child as a teen.
He looks exactly like Pietro.

Also, like I said, Tia grew up. She looks completely like Elektra as far as I can tell... but she's only a child, let's see.
Score Sheet- 70
Single Births (10) +50
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (21) +105
Aspiration (3) +30
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (1) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (29) -145
Self Wetting (9) -45
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