3.9- More Friends
I'm back! I finally got all my stuff back, so on with this chapter.

Random shot of the girls being cute.

Can I just say that Wanda looks really good? I've been having her work out every couple days or so and the results are there. She looks so great!
Wanda: Pfft. Not worth it.

Scarlett: You make me really sad.
Wanda: Yay fridge!

Ethan: WOE IS ME

Scarlett: Lol something went wrong here, didn't it? >:).
Wanda: -__-
Scarlett: Are you still laughing at that? Hey Mum, this here parfait will be a bitch to wash out! HAHA.
Wanda: OH WHY ME?

Gamora: Wut? Countertop, tell me what she's talking about.
Ethan: Urrrrrgh.

Ethan: So you know how everybody else in this house is totally stupid?
Blarffy: Totally, brah. I just sit here and accept it. Keeping chill.
Ethan: But we could run away!
Blarffy: I'd reeeeally like that.

Steve: Damn she's littler than I remember!
Gamora: NO FAIR! I wanna be tall too!

Steve: So. If they're bullying you, you grab the hair and the arm, and then you FLIP-
Gamora: Yay fights!

Steve mourning.
It's good to know that some people around here have feelings.

You suck Steve! You have a goddamned bed! WHY CAN'T YOU USE IT?

It was after the last picture that my computer died a death, and in the intervening time, I got MC WooHoo.
Dat autonomy though.
Seriously guys, it's 7 in the morning and all four kids are still in the house. Better times for this stuff.

We crashed Pietro's place again, and Cecil is crying over the dollhouse that was broken from the last time I let Wanda and her crazy fam come over.
Le sigh.

Wanda: You're making me talk to this dude.
Check Shirt: Oh crap, not her.
Don't worry, she won't be that horrible...maybe.
Check Shirt: F*ck.

Tasha: Dammit it's you.
Cecil: Heeeey bby.
(OK, let's get real, that is a creepy look, Cecil)
Pietro: What? No. There's no-one here. Ehehe...just me, my wife, and my orange juice.
Cecil: You can run but you can't hide.
Tasha: Get out.
Cecil: Hehehe...no.

Back to Wanda on the street.
Wanda: You disgust me.
Check Shirt: So you DIDN'T like my improv? *gasp*

Wanda: You wanna know how big my dick is?
Gardener: O__O But-

Wanda: I was just jokin' bout me. Now what about you?
Gardener: OH. NO. SHE. DIDN'T.
Wanda: Sooooo, what kinda hair dye do ya use, Ms?
Gardener: >:(

The kids are back!
Steve: These...these small ones, so unworthy.
Gamora: Ooh, hedge! Heya, hedge!
Scarlett: Ugh.
Ethan: Er...hey
Rene (Pietro's kid): Hey yourself, sucker. I'm evil and I'm definitely the best.

Tasha: Heh...they'll go away. They'll go away if I just keep dancing....ahh...keep...d-dancing...
I think Wanda and her crew have caused her to...lose it. You can see the crazy in her eyes.
I like it. She's part of the family properly now.

Wanda: Now...that ain't right.
Gamora: OMG sister GTFO.
I'm about to have a TH fail here guys, this isn't even funny.

Steve: *puts on funny accent* Helloooo!
Pietro: Hello my crazy nephew...don't talk to my wife, she'll go properly insane. Like Wanda insane.
Steve: Shit. OK. I won't.

We made it.
Wanda: Voice? VOICE? The sink's looking at me weird.
You're not supposed to speak to me, I don't write the ISBI like this.
Wanda: Yes ya do. Y'all slip in and outta it like the terrible, inconsistent writer you are! Now sort out that damn sink, you idiot!
*sadface* Rekt.

Ethan: *sobs*
Gamora: Hahaha look how close I am to you! Does my hair tickle you? HAHAHA.
Scarlett: UGH.

I shall say one thing.

Ahem. Sorry.
I stole something else and took them all home.

But of course.
We got £100.

Ethan: *sigh* No-one likes me. My siblings don't like me. My new cousin doesn't like me.
Scarlett likes you.
Scarlett *offscreen*: Sssshhhhshshhhh! I am a badass loner mofo. You can't mess up that shit.

Elektra (who is quite pregnant by now): Psh. I don't even like him. Who is this kid?
Ethan: D:

Cecil: Well....this sucks. *hits daughter in head with cake*
Scarlett: Well...you suck.
Steve: Aha! Snap! How do you guys like my stink?

Steve: Aww. This is such a sad aeroplane.
No-one gives you aeroplanes because you're like, fifteen or something.
Steve: THE AEROPLANE MUST DIE. *stabs self*
Sweetie, if that was a knife you'd be freaking dying.
On a random note, Scarlett and Ethan are the only two who take care of themselves. Everyone else constantly has half their bars down to yellow or below.

Elektra: You say I look too fat to work out? Well SCREW YOU WANDA.
There was an option to encourage Elektra to work out. And she actually took the bait (in my head Wanda taunted her into working out). Sucker.

Told y'all that Scarlett was growing up soon.

Ryan: *sniff* I forgot how sad this is...it reminds me of...oh, is Nat OK?
You two are going to be together very soon, her life bar is almost full. (Unless she pulls a Don on us).

This is Sel's new son, who has such a weird name that I'm not even going to change it when he grows up. I just have to keep it.
As proof of the fact that Sel was as crazy as Ryan.

This is the WORST part of the hot-headed trait. Steve you'll make your sister cry again.

Yay Ethan! That's four times someone's used this activity table.
Ethan: I'm channelling my spirit of art.
I remember that.

When Noah died Noel remarried a woman and moved to Newcrest because that's just how she rolls.
Wanda (offscreen): Hey y'all!
Noel: CRAP.
Brianne: You SAID they wouldn't find us here! You said so! Dammit!

Wanda: Ooh...can ya help me, Auntie Noel?
Noel: Oh, dear, I can't see a thing!
Wanda: Auntie! This ain't funny! I'm stuck in a bag!
Noel: Oh, no, you certainly don't seem to be in annnny trouble at all there, Wanda. You sound very comfortable.

Wanda:...all I did was rig the explosives! I only 'sploded one chess table and several chairs, and the gardener's hat and hair MAY have burned off but I still don't think I deserved to get kicked out!
Noel: Mmm-hmm. (I hate you so damn much).

Wanda: I love ya!
Noel: Now I can lick her stupid, non-grey hair.

Wanda: Oh Grandma...what sharp teeth you have!
Noel: Why thank you..hang on! OY! SCREW YOU.

Eric: Hey little sis!
Ana: GTFO.

Kailani: Ugh. Everything sucks.
Hi to you too.
These three were three of the four Noah spawn (IDK where the other one is). Lovely children, aren't they?

Gabby: Hey!
Found the last Noah spawn.
This is Gabby and I love her. I remember that she makes the amusing facial expressions.

Ethan: Damn, you looked in the mirror? What you see must break your mother's heart.
Gabby: Oooooh snap.
Gamora: Ugh, Ethan, you're an idiot. It's Gabby's sweater that sucks.
Gabby: SAY WHAT?
The kids take it upon themselves to be social...

Apart from Scarlett (and Steve, but Eric has a job and Kailani is also a loner, so it's not his fault)

Noel: So, kids, how was your day?
Ethan: SCREW YOU WALL! We all know what YOU did.
Kailani: FML.
Eric: Well...Cousin Wanda's finally done it. They're all screwed up.

Gabby: So it's true?
Gamora: Oh yeah! I hail from the freaking Kislasiohauh people of the sun! BOW DOWN.
I thought Gabby was the mean one. Ana is the outgoing one. Well. At least they seem to be acting fairly normal.

Wanda: Damn that rush. I do love to steal. And I'm lookin' GOOD.
Steve: D: My childhood!
Did you have one? Ever? You did come out of the woman who steals for a living, spends half her life trolling people and is completely insane.

Scarlett: Ethan. ETHAN. You don't get to control my facial expressions...
Ethan: Hehe!
Scarlett: I don't CARE if you're part of the mutation, Ethan! STOP CROSSING MY EYES.
Gamora: Damn I got lucky.

Scarlett: DANG IT...well now your face is wearing a skirt!

And FINALLY we could move out into the new house that I built, well furnished, ages ago and then realised we couldn't afford...here it is.

There are also several bathroom but no-one wants to see that shit.
The kid's rooms have fancy desks and shit this is amazing!
I realised that I forgot to bring over three of the pictures! D:

Wanda please don't get pregnant.

Scarlett why aren't you sitting on that awesome new sofa.

Cecil: Hehe. I'm a robot!
Scarlett: Oooh! Are you a KILLER ROBOT?
Cecil: Um...K.
Scarlett: Good! The others are still sleeping. You can finish them off for me now.

Steve: Hmm. Dead people.

Do not want.
We already have Gamora.
(In case you were wondering, the mod makes it so that there is the normal symptoms of pregnancy for females)

This kid, Gideon, is a bit of an asshole.
Gideon: Damn your hair breaks my heart!
Cecil: What about your hat? And your NAME?
Cowboy: Dang that's cold.

Scarlett: Holy crap.
Brianne: What?
Scarlett: I-I-I got hands.
Brianne: K cool...


Wanda: Can you be my twentieth friend?
Yep, we're almost there...
Scarf dude: Er...OK.

Scarlett: Holy crap not again.
Gamora: Ha it's got my face!

Scarlett: Hello. Does this...scare you?
Not really, you're too cute.

YES she's dying outside where no-one will see her...hopefully. I do not want them all sad again.
Nat: Well you're nice...shit this hurts.

Nat: This is a good bit of floor...

Gamora: Mummy!
Cecil: Is she gone yet?! I mean...sorry for your loss.
Grim: Let's just hurry this up.
RIP Nat. You gave us three awesome children with, had one surprise alien one very late in life (who is the only one who cares). You failed quite a bit...but I still loved you, you gave Wanda lots of your pretty genetics and in the end you were nearly as crazy as her anyway, so I'll miss you!

Steve: You're the best bear ever!
New Blarffy: Aw! You guys seem so nice.
If only...

Birthday time!

And this is teenage Scarlett. She got the trait Hates Children and the aspiration Nerd Brain as her teen thingies. I think she's super pretty.
Her hair, ribbon, top and skirt are Kiara Zurk, I think the tights are from TSR?

Close-up! I like her. She got lots of Wanda's pretty features, but enough of Cecil to make her interesting. She's no clone, that's for sure.

This is Rene, Pietro and Tasha's (Woman Number 3) kid. He had a cameo earlier in the chapter, and as you might have guessed from that, he's evil.
But he's so dang cute.
Rene: That is just to fool you.
But you're so dang cute.

This is Kezia's son, Eddie. Shame her husband died before this child was born.
What are their eyes? They're so big that both boys look kinda anime.
Both are cute anyways.
Score Sheet- 65
Single Births (9) +45
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (21) +105
Aspiration (3) +30
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (2) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (1) +20
Pass Out (27) -135
Self Wetting (7) -35
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