3.8- They Start to Grow Up
This is how Wanda cooks...

Yes! +5

Ryan: Shouldn't you be in school?
Wesley: Bite me.

And this is how Wanda makes friends.

Tbh, it's weird when I'm not making her act like a crazy person. But she does have to be a Friend of the World...

Wanda: I'm a YETI!
Dude: Yaaaaaaay!

Wanda: And the truth is- *throws neck out* I GIVE THE BEST HUGGLES!

Nat: You're still pretty! Even if you are pretending to hold a cup.
Ryan: Pretending? Aw, don't be silly Nat, there's something there.
Nat: *sigh*

Wanda: Hey! Do you wanna be the test run for my crotch-punching.
Dude: Yeah...no

Ryan: I put up with you every day.
Nat: And I tolerate your rantings.
Ryan and Nat: It's perfect!
Wanda: Ew. EW. My parents being loving. EW.
This is what passes for loving in her weird little mind. That's actually kinda sad...

Ryan: I'mma eat your hair now!
Nat: My wonderful husband.

Wanda making friends with the homeless guy here.

Homeless dude: How dare you even MENTION those things?

Yes! +5

Ryan: Shouldn't you be in school?
Wesley: Bite me.

And this is how Wanda makes friends.

Tbh, it's weird when I'm not making her act like a crazy person. But she does have to be a Friend of the World...

Wanda: I'm a YETI!
Dude: Yaaaaaaay!

Wanda: And the truth is- *throws neck out* I GIVE THE BEST HUGGLES!

Nat: You're still pretty! Even if you are pretending to hold a cup.
Ryan: Pretending? Aw, don't be silly Nat, there's something there.
Nat: *sigh*

Wanda: Hey! Do you wanna be the test run for my crotch-punching.
Dude: Yeah...no

Ryan: I put up with you every day.
Nat: And I tolerate your rantings.
Ryan and Nat: It's perfect!
Wanda: Ew. EW. My parents being loving. EW.
This is what passes for loving in her weird little mind. That's actually kinda sad...

Ryan: I'mma eat your hair now!
Nat: My wonderful husband.

Wanda making friends with the homeless guy here.

Homeless dude: How dare you even MENTION those things?

I'm sure you guys are having a bunch of fun here...
Homeless guy: Oh God oh God get her away from me.

Homeless guy: She sucks.
Wanda: I will STRANGLE HIM. Like thiiiiiiiis.

Aaaand the kids are here.

Wesley (Pietro's spawn): ARGH my ears!
Blonde girl: Weeeesleeeey...

Scarlett and Ethan have crashed this lady's picnic.
Lady: So, I was saving this for my family but you little ones look like you need it more! You say you NEVER get fed, so it's all I can do...
Scarlett: Mm-hm. Never. We're never fed.
Ethan: NEVER.

Wanda: Hey, y'all wanna be like me, don'tcha?
Wesley: Erm, no. No thanks, actually.
Wanda: But LOOK AT ME! I'mma town troll, certified thief and I even got my foot in a cement block!
Wesley: Erm, but...MUMMY! HELP!

Old dude: You're pretty.
Lady: Um...buh-bye.
Ethan: He creeps me out!
Lady: Not just you, kid. Now take your meal and run. RUN!

Wanda: Hey blue dude! Taste my wrath! *slap slap slap*
Blue Dude: Go away!
Wesley: Do it again, Grandma!
Wanda: EXSQUEEZE ME? *slap slap slap*
Blue dude: I didn't say that. *is bitchslapped*
Wanda: Well I want to hit something and apparently you can't hit children or some shit.

O_O Really? He was born such a short time ago!

And Wanda has made her twelfth friend.
It probably helps that she already has six in her own household (well of course Ryan doesn't count), and Pietro and Elektra outside of it.
Wesley is a creeper child. He's just been standing there staring up at her. WEIRDO.

I hate you. -5.

Wanda has been working out quite a lot recently, and she's got some issues with her treadmill.
And a bit later I got Ryan's notification. Please work one more day, Ryan, we need your money!

Dang Steve's mad. But one thing I like about him is when the random anger happens, he goes to cool himself down like a good little Sim.

Steve and Gamora just being adorable. It's so weird when you consider that she counts as an auntie.

Scarlett: Yes! Explode more things, tiny TV people!
Should you be watching that? You are still a kid.

Evan (bae of Elektra): Who are these people?
Nat: Haaaaaiiii.
Elektra: Oh God no, they're here.
Ryan: So is this the man that married my daughter? I don't like him
Elektra: Dad...

Elektra: Mum!
Nat: Aw, it's my daughter! Hey!
Ryan: Boy.
Evan: Uh, hi, Mr Sutherland, I respect your daughter, and I will love her forever, and uh-

This lot are all over one another while Ryan stands there awkwardly and Nat obliviously reads a book.

Right, you fit in.

Nat: I'd kiss him but I've still got morning breath...
Ryan: I'd kiss her but I just don't want to.

Elektra: Dad WTF? You came into the house and now you've messed up my backyard?

Well, he loves one of his daughters.

And then I brought all the kids here because it's more fun this way.

Gamora: But...but you're my sister!
Steve: Awwww Auntie doesn't like us!
Scarlett: SO MANY NEW PEOPLE! My loner tendencies can't take it!
Ethan: I like her.
Gamora: Ethan what.

Elektra: Well. This sucks. I just ruined my good shoes.

Wanda: Well. I ain't the only crazy now.
Elektra: Er...er NO! I'm just checking that I...put...deodorant on?
Elektra totally denies her insanity. Embrace it, girl!

This is significant because it's the first time this generation.

Wanda: Mkay, we're gonna go now, Elektra.
Elektra: Good. Don't ever come again.
Wanda: Funny, that's what Pietro's wife said. And Uncle Noah and Aunt Noel. And Aunt Kezia and that dude. And Aunt Sel...hmmm.

Yaaasss Cecil.

Scarlett: Well I hate people Ethan, but I hate you the least!
Ethan: Yaaay someone loves me.

Scarlett: D'you see the stars?
Ethan: Er...wut?
Scarlett: THE STARS! They're orbiting round my head and making me feel weeeeird.

Tbh, I can see where this is coming from. So this generation it's Steve and Gamora, and Scarlett and Ethan as sibling teams.

OH dear.
Ryan: I'm just gonna...just gonna lie here.

Wanda: D-d-dad?

A nice little crowd gathers...including everyone in the household but his own flipping wife.
*le sigh*

Wanda: Please bring him back!

Death: Haha! No.
I feel sorry for her. This is the classic story of 'but god-DAMN, there were so many things I wanted to say!' Poor girl.

Nat: *sigh* He's gone, isn't he?
It's kind of weird, but also kind of cute that she sensed it from down here.
OK. RIP Ryan, you were a great Gen 2 founder, you and Nat made three epic children, you had good relationships with two of them, and you were nice to your grandchildren. You just sucked at being a good father to your heir...you made money though, which was cool.

Can I get a finally? I've wanted Elektra spawn up in here for ages.
Well, with every death comes new life, or some shit...I don't even know. Anyway, yaaaay Elektra baby.

Poor children.

Hey Manda.
Amanda: I'm SAD!
Yeah, Ryan died, that's depressing!
Amanda: No! It's not that! I was enjoying the afterlife! Stupid boy had to come and invade it! >:(.

Blarffy: That's life, kid.

Of course.
They're both out tonight and haven't interacted a single time.

Warning: Everyone is going to be mopey as hell.

Because it was his time, dear.
Wanda: But I wanted to do so much more shit-talkin'! Me an' dad had a special bond!
You certainly did.

Hey Kezia!
Kezia: Can't talk, gotta jog.
But your brother just DIED.
Kezia: OK. Cool. He had it coming, the old fart.
You are heartless.

Cecil: Hey, Natty. I say that next time Grim comes around, we punch him.
Nat: I like that idea, boy.
Wanda: I jus' wanna yell at Dad one more tiiiime!

Awww Nat. You really want to wrap up your affairs before you join your husband, don'tcha.

Nat: *sobs* This steak is all I have left of him!
True dat. It was one of the last things he did. Use the grill to make steaks.

Wanda: Yeah, my dad just died last night and my family's takin' it real hard-
Cowboy #?: Um...you're pretty?
Wanda: WTF I just lost my dad! I was gon' insult him so bad this mornin' and now he's GONE!

Awwww Nat!
It was coming though, she's only a few days behind Ryan and I expect her to go pretty soon. Anyway, she'll be with her husband and deceased biological family soon enough.

Oh GAWD her face.
Cowboy: Oh God I'm turned on but repulsed at the same time! Can't even look!

Wanda: OMG I'm a cowplant!
Cowboy: No, you're a walking mistake.
True dat.

Wanda: Am I a cowplant noooow?
Cowboy: Hmmm...no. You're still a mistake.

Wanda: Now?
Cowboy: Oh go away. MISTAKE.

Wanda: Well, now I'mma spacemonster, sucker!
Cowboy: *sigh* But like no.

Cowboy: Alright, fine! FINE. You're a monster. Just don't hurt me!

Wanda: Hey! HEY! I'm a rainbow, you're a rainbow! Let's hug!
Glasses dude: She looks like fun!
Hat girl: I'm not so sure about this one...

Wanda: See! I can steal anything! ANYTHING! It's how I make my living! Mwahahahaha.
Glasses dude: You are so much fun.
Hat girl: *pained expression*

Wanda: Hehehe *SLAP*
Glasses dude: Now she's slapping me? So much FUN!
Hat girl: Halp.

Hat girl: Alright, shut up you lot! SHUT UP!
Glasses dude: Holy shit.
Wanda: Yeah! I'm hella fun.

Poor Steve. He's also growing up today, which is a bit depressing considering everyone's overall mood.


Ethan: *sniff* Granddad! My heart is breaking!
Gideon: SISSY
Sweater vest child: Oooh, I'm Ethan and I'm saaaad! I'mma cry now!
Hoodie boy: GASP! So sad! Oh the heartbreak.
Ethan: D: You lot are mean.

Ethan: You smell!
Scarlett: Hehe, what're you talking about bro?
Ethan: *facepalm*

Wanda: I'm done with this shit.

Cop: *breathes down neck* In the name of the law in the name of the law in the name of the law...
Hat dude: GTFO, I didn't do jack crap.

Gamora: Your fwace lwooks lwike dwis.
Blarffy: Keeping it chill, man...

Steve: When I'm older, I'm gonna be the best dinodragon ev-AH.
Keep dreaming kid.

Steve: Ooh yeah, party rock time, aged up with the worst outfit known to man!

Steve: *meth eyes* YEAH THAT WAS FUNNNNNN.
What isn't fun is that your little sister was right there and didn't even give a crap.
*goes to CAS*

Here is our little Stevie, aged up into a Teen. He's now a Childish, Hot-Headed dude who wants to be a Painter Extraordinaire.
He's got this 'hella chill but still pretty presentable' look going for him. Me likey.
OK I'm FINISHED with this chapter, it's been SO LONG. AH.
Next time I think Scarlett is growing up too.
Score Sheet- 75
Single Births (9) +45
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (22) +110
Aspiration (3) +20
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (1) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (1) +20
Pass Out (26) -130
Self Wetting (7) -35
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