3.5- Double Trouble
This is cute. But get your butts to bed.
Steve: You know you love me.
I DO. Look at those dishes you're cleaning!
Then after everyone went to their job/school, I brought Wanda to the Willow Creek museum because the Oasis Springs one is running out of things for her to steal.
Wanda: And then the eeeeevil monster came up and grabbed my foot, and then suddenly One Direction started playing, and then Liam Payne came over and hung Cecil an' me above a tank of sharks, but I'm fine with that, because OF COURSE I have a torture kink...
Arianna: Sharks? I like that. For your brother.
Nat: GASP! Who's that girl stealing out of the museum?
She's your daughter.
Nat: That ain't no daughter of mine, no sir-ee!
Sweater Dude: Get away from me!
Wanda: Ya not the first to say that, and you ain't gon' be the last!
Arianna: Inside me is the hell-spawn of your brother. Wanna feel?
Wanda: Ya know tis whole sitch is as awkward for ya as it is for me. That thing there inside you is my niecephew.
Arianna: Er...wtf, are you making up words again?
Sweater Dude: Hey, you, you're a F*CKING LLAMA.
Wanda: Hey, that ain't nice, mister!
Brown Shirt: Ugh. I could insult her so much better.
Ever since Ryan became an elder, he's looked more and more out-of-it every time I see him.
Wanda: Raise ya glasses!
Ryan: So you stretch your fingers around the object and then-
I got Wanda to make some drinks because I was bored and wanted her to learn a new skill. I left and now she's drinking. Yay!
Ryan: Drinking while pregnant? I'm so proud!
Wanda: Aw, thanks dad!
I think this may be the happiest I've seen them in a long time.
Wanda: Hey, maybe I can get over my issues!
No you can't. Your issues are also your job now, genius.
Ryan: Yeah, you'll have your issues forever. Bye loser...OW MY ARM.
Wanda: Well, whatever dad, I don't NEED you. I've got my best friend DRINK.
I remember when I found Nat and I saw her traits. I thought she might bring some sanity to the family. I was wrong.
This woman has done nothing to her.
After a while I was tired of this and wanted to work on Wanda's mischief because she's been a bit shit at that so far today, so I sent them home.
Wanda: Humph! Screw you, Norbert! Go away!
Ryan: Ooh look, I'm pregnant now. Wait what?
Scarlett: There's a sparkly in my hair. This does not amuse me.
How is that NOT brilliant?
Pietro Baby Mama #1 and their daughter Jasmine. The dude is Jas's stepdad. Jas's hair is Kiara Zurk and the tunic is from TSR. (And also, I think Ms. Condiment's hair is also Kiara's. I love her custom hairs.)
Steve: HELLO there.
Wanda: Ugh! Thermometers are going to kill us!
Wanda: Bat at the thermometers! BAAAAAATTT!
Ryan: Damn you're weird.
Scarlett: O_O
Get used to it kid, cos Wanda's crazy isn't going anywhere.
Wanda: Duuuurrrr...I'm a ZOMBIE Scarlett!
Scarlett: Halp.
Ryan: Ehehehe...wait what was I doing...
HOPELESS. All of you.
Ryan: HAH. Fingers in chin!
Wanda: That's real nice, dad. Can ya do it again?
Child: Talk to the hand, hoe.
Mailwoman: I tried so hard.
And back at the Sutherlands...
Wanda: YA PUT YA FINGERS IN MY CHIN! Well I'll do ya one better! I'mma rip out your heart.
Ryan: Please don't.
Scarlett: She's far out.
Noah: Boy, get your act together. You need to stop getting these women pregnant!
Pietro: :( I know.
Don't you give me hope.
I feel sorry for this boy because it looks like he has a major kid-crush on Nyla. And Nyla, being Kezia's daughter, is not impressed.
Nice one, Cecil.
Yes. Nice one, Scarlett. She's a loner too. Which makes no sense, but I don't care because this is the only childhood aspiration that ever gets a milestone completed.
Cecil: Dude. DUDE. I'm so tired.
She did it. A child actually completed their homework.
I'm so proud.
Wanda: Splashy splashy.
Cecil: Ew. EWWWW. She smells. YOU SMELL WANDA.
Wanda: La-la, hum-di-dum, can't hear ya, splashy splashy.
Scarlett, you are amazing.
I used Ryan's elder move to make his programming skill go up. When I saw that I was quite annoyed at first, because I'd JUST switched to Wanda and he needed like, 10% of a skill bar.
Arianna gave birth to Pietro's son, Wesley. The next girl, Tasha something or other, is not gonna give birth for a while.
Also, my game just lagged massively and that's because a stupid townie had to have triplets. Freaking triplets. HOW?
Amanda. Hi.
Hey founder. Miss you.
Amanda: Look at this place. They've used it well!
That's real sweet of you, but most of it came from your paintings, and Wanda funds it by theft, soooo....
Cecil's almost an adult. It's a shame that his gallery version was 9 or so days older than Wanda, and now even more because of children...
Wanda: Now...I bind this doll to my Cecil baby. So he's mine forever. Also, I'll win every fight.
Nat: *sniff, sob* Yeah?
Get over it.
Nat: I don't wanna...
Meet baby Gamora! She was going to be Galaxy if she wasn't green, but she's Gamora now.
Gamora: Ohhhhh the sparkles. I can't SEE.
Gamora: Put me down put me down PUT ME DOWN. YOU'RE SCARY.
Yeah, it is weird that she is above Scarlett, Steve, Jasmine and Wesley (who are Pietro's love-children) on the family tree.
Ryan goes to have pre-parental panic after the fact. Slow claps all around.
Nat: Time to get old!
Wanda: Yay sandwich!
Ryan: MY WIFE'S HAVING A BABY...ooh, saggy boob.
This is Kezia's son Santos in his teenage years. He reminds me of a skinny Noah with Dil hair.
And his twin Nyla. You can probably tell I spent 2 seconds on Santos and quite a bit of time on Nyla, because...I just wanted to. She looks pretty cool, IMHO.
The kids have come to the museum.
Steve: Hey.
Scarlett: Blaaaaaahhhh I'm booooorreed.
Steve: Ehehehehe
Steve: That child is crazy!
Child: Hey look at meeeeee. I can squint one eye.
Steve: Cra-a-zy.
Sup Cecil.
Cecil: Screw off.

Screw you Cecil. Every chapter. -5.

Heard of some new piece of revolutionary furniture Nat? It's called a bed. Use it.

Steve: Ahhhh. Just me and my stink cloud.

Well done.

Guys. No. Moises is about to die. And well done, Pietro. Well done. Well done for actually marrying the chick. Third time lucky indeed.

And this is Tasha, Pietro's new wife. Post-makeover. She is also pregnant with his kid. And because Tasha lived in a house of her own, he moved out instead of moving her in. I'm sure Noel is very grateful.
I'm still sad that Elektra hasn't done anything yet. Elektra. Please do things.

I also gave them this epic house off the gallery because Wanda's spare kids are going to move out there.
New rule: The oldest spare has to take the next gen's spare kids on. I don't know who's inheriting yet, but if it's Steve, than Scarlett would take them on. If it's Scarlett or Kid #3 then it would be Steve etc.
Also I peeked at Manage Worlds and almost everyone is a child, teen or married, so I dropped some people into the town for Elektra.

Ryan: Awww! Are you gonna turn out to be a monster?
Gamora: Screw off.

And finally the idiot gets it.

Cecil: And the princess flew out of the open room and straight into the arms of the flying monkey!
Scarlett: *rolls over and grumbles*

Nat: AH-HA! I solved it the mystery! The answer is that you suck!
Wanda: MUM, GTFO.

This is how to dance, guys. (I wish I had Get Together)

Scarlett spam because she's adorable.

You two are sweet...ish. Seriously, they never interact anymore and it's sad because I initially thought they'd be better at keeping the romance alive.

Wanda: You have purty hair.
Librarian: ...thanks.
Checky shirt guy: Oh my God
Blue jacket: Is that MY hand?

Wanda: You wanna know how we get our cash?
I feel like Cecil is completely oblivious to his wife's source of income and lives in a world of dollhouses, dancing, alien abductions (seriously, he is abducted all the time because he's a scientist) and science. Ignorance is bliss.

Wanda: I'mma definitely screw up this one!
Cecil: Ooh YAY!
Librarian: Wut.

Wanda: MOTHER.
Nat: I raised a real weirdo.
Yup. 'Raised'. As a Sim I never controlled, you did soooo much parenting.

It's almost time to see little baby Gamora as a child. I'm excited.

Check shirt: Hey there WRINKLES!
Nat: I know you are but what am I?
Ryan: Wut...I'm just gonna read.
Wanda: Well what're the odds? A situation where me an' dad are the sane ones, huh?

Check Shirt: Well you're interesting.

Wanda: My hands!

Check Shirt: Here's a fun fact! Stop talking to me! I don't want to be alone with you.
Wanda: OK! You an' me an' Miss Library Lady over here can have a conversation! Come heeeeeeere!
Librarian: Don't touch me.

Check Shirt: Wow.
Wanda: Hey! Look at my stomach and not my boobs!

Wanda: HA-ha! Ya dumb, y'know that?
Check Shirt: I don't want to live anymore.
OK Wanda, talk to someone else.

Wanda: Well, ya got spat on by some ugly over there, sir!
Check Shirt: Ohhhhh snap.
Check Shirt: She's right, dumbass.
Let's just leave.

Scarfy: Damn, who's the chick yelling?
Wanda: But DAD. Bells are our enemies. Y'all dumb.
Scarfy: Well, it has to be the crazy ones.

Wanda: How DARE YOU sit next to me? I was reserving that one for the voices.
Scarfy: Lolnothxbaaaaaaai.

Scarfy: Actually...
Wanda: Why of course I like the sexy times Mister. But not with y'all. Even if I wasn't totally married an' crap.

Scarfy: But I thought the crazy girls didn't care about that stuff!
Stick to 'im, Wanda.

Wanda: And what's more, your useless creep self wouldn't know the slightest thing 'bout pleasuring a woman. SO GOOD DAY SIR. GOOD DAY.
Scarfy: Ouch. Low blow.

Lmao, the ghosts come to the club?
Amanda: Yep. I am feeling this sick beat.


Amanda: Heard you've been fighting with my daughter.
Wanda: *shifty stare* Er...yeah.
Amanda: Good. Someone needs to take her down a peg. Good on you.

Steve: :( What is this place?
Scarlett: And why did Mum bring us here?


Scarlett: Well...my family sucks.
Glad to see you have it sussed.

Wanda: Um...I ain't drinking! Y'all others are drinking!
Steve: Haha you look like a TURD.
Ryan: You really are Wanda's child.

Trust me dear, they really really aren't.

Woman: You and that girl look way too happy!
Ryan: I'll have you know that I've caused her so many issues! ALL her issues come from ME. So good day sir!
Woman: I'M FEMALE!

They're sweet. Steve is hot-headed supposedly, but really he's pretty mellow most of the time.

Scarlett's the one who's all pissy. Probably because she doesn't want to be in a club full of strangers as a loner kid.

Ryan...TF you doing?
Wanda: Just...you...wait.

Scarlett: BROTHER. Just shut UP.

Looks of hatred.

Classic Wanda...becoming partners-in-crime with her husband just as she goes into labour.
So I brought them all home...because the world has seriously seen enough Sutherland for one day.

Cool story bro.

Meet Ethan, everyone.
Wanda: Hey Ethan! Welcome to Crazytown!
Ethan: Yaaaaay!
And that was about the time that I motivated my lazy butt to furnish a house shell I'd got off the gallery. It looks pretty awesomesauce...it's also incredibly expensive (because it's SO NICE). Lots of stealing for you, Wanda.
Score Sheet- 80
Single Births (9) +45
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (17) +85
Aspiration (2) +20
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (2) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (1) +20
Pass Out (19) -95
Self Wetting (6) -30
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