3.4 - Park Adventures

OH MY GOD HE WENT IN THE SHOWER. Finally. And now he got his second breakthrough! Yaaay!


Steve: Oh God oh God oh God!
Have I mentioned that I really love this kid?

This is our new kitchen.
And yeah, Steve's in it. Just totally messed with your action queue, sucker!

And more Steve spam.

Ryan: What's your problem? It ain't that bad to be like me!
Steve: I beg to differ, old man.

Right, time to kick her out.

Elektra: GROW UP TIME!

And finally, after ages of dealing with the crazy around her, she joins the ranks. Bye bye Elektra! Go and spread your crazy throughout this town. She's gone to live with Noah and his family too. They have five bedrooms.

Steve: Trash.
Cool story, bro.
And then I decided that, hey, we need to spend time with Sel and her family. So I took them all to the park.

Sel: I'm jogging, K? That's what people do.
You're in cement. And that's walking.

Sel: Good jog me!

Wanda: Y'all can't see me!
Hat Dude: Er, I can...what is wrong with you lot.
Ryan: Duuuurrrr...

Wanda: Dad, ya know about them issues I got 'cos a you treatin' me like crap all my life?
Ryan: Erm, well, hey...
Wanda: Well I just wanna say THANKS! It totally helped me on my path today!
Hat Dude: *facepalms* And what is your path, may I ask?
Wanda: Well, young man, I'mma freelance thief an' I'mma certified troll. Now stand up and let me shake ya hand!

Wanda: Hehehehe
Ryan: I'm so proud of you.

Hat Dude: Look...I'm sure you're real nice...but would you just leave?
Wanda:....but I'mma ZOMBIE!

Wanda: Voooodoooooo hehehe...ooh it's in your man-boob!
Hat Dude: *smiles but is really crying on the inside*
Ryan: Oh not AGAIN.

Wanda:...I don' really understand the question.

Ryan: Your real mother was a CRAB!
Wanda: Bu-but...DAD!
Hat Dude: BRB, throwing myself into the fireplace.

Poor Arianna. This is all your fault, PIETRO. Quit knocking up women and not staying around!

Sel: Child.
Derek: Mother.
Thought they were gonna hug...but nope.

Wanda: Kiss me!
Cecil: Um...no. Duuuuuhhh.
Why are you so out of it? He isn't even TIRED.

Wanda: Marry me...please?
Cecil: Ooh! It's so shiny!

Wanda: Look what else it does!
Cecil: It emits a pink bubble heart? Eeeeeeee!

Cecil: Soo....shiny...

Noel: Deep breaths...they've offloaded another crazy onto our household...deep breaths...

That's just Wanda, you guys...so classy.

Wanda: Burgers? BURGERS!

I am so glad she doesn't belong to my household...

Wanda & Cecil: *making out*
Steve: :( My childhood! Er, think of food, plates, cutlery, spoons...ew no, not spoons...HALP.



Steve: Boogly-boogly boo!
Wanda: So proud...

Yep. Actually trying a real wedding. OH FRICKING JOY.

Park wedding! And as you can see, we have Sel and Kezia and a random musician woman for guests. I wanted Noah and his family to come as well, as well as Wanda's siblings. But they're just rude. Screw em.

Kezia's child is here too.

Arianna: Screw you.
Pietro: Er...hi?

Sel: I'm a BALLOON!
Kezia: You look it.
Sel: Oh f off.

Moises: Old Moises in da HOUSE!...(I'm too cool to say how much my leg hurts)
Arianna: Well that man looks like he'd treat me right! *glares at Pietro*
Pietro: Cecil...oh that man is not good enough...actually I don't care.

Noah showed up.
Noah: Screw off.
Love ya too.

Elektra also showed up! Heeeey, maybe people do love Wanda.
Elektra: In her dreams...wait that was the voices! I'm so sorry!

Wanda: One day, little klepto cousin, you'll be just like me.
Nyla: Yaaaay!

Kezia: Nope...not good enough.
Cecil: What do you care? You hate Wanda. Wanda hates you!
Kezia: I still have auntie cred. And this auntie says you're not good enough. So suck it, dumbass.
Cecil: D: HURTFUL!

True. Sutherland. I love this kid.
Eric: Well screw you too.
Derek: Cousin. Leave.

And finally I started the ceremony. Look at everyone there! How cute!

RYAN! Dick! Don't walk away!

And finally they are married!

Now everyone's eating some crappy park food Ryan made. Firstly...we have this table. Look at them.
How awkwardly awkward.

And this lot.

And these people.
In the background you can see a musician I hired. She was crap.

Elektra: I know you are, but what am I?
Sel: Ohhhhh snap! But really, all of you suck.
Steve: Dad help me!
Cecil: Hehehe no.

Wanda: HA! Married gal now! HE'S MINE FOREVER!

Nat: Er...wut? NO, you're drinking!

Cute, right? NOPE. Look behind them.
She dragged him off the toilet so they could share the cake, and they're doing that in front of the toilet blocks. Oh Wanda.
And then everyone got kicked the freak out THE END.
That was really difficult.

Moises: You see these trousers? These are real trousers! SANTOS YOU SUCK! SANTOS YOU SUCK! SANTOS SUCKS!

And now the wedding is over and the newlyweds are having newlywed fun.

Wanda: Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? AM I?

Wanda is pregnant! Yay!

WHY. There's a bed for you.

This is Sel's new daughter.

And birthday time for Scarlett.
Scarlett: Superhero landing!...my hand's in a wall...D:
Great start to childhood.

Joking aside...she's SO CUTE.

This is Scarlett with an awesome outfit. And her hair and dress are Kiara Zurk's work. She also made Kezia's hair, but because I got that one off a different website I didn't realise until I found the blog. Check it out!

Guys. No. Noah's gonna die soon, this is no time for a kid.

HONESTLY. WHY. I was hoping we might have a third time lucky.
Seriously, Pietro is going to have like 10 love-children if he doesn't knock it off.
Elektra doesn't have a life yet. Makes me sad.

Throwing in this one because it's Hat Dude, who amused me at one point this chapter, and Eva the mean. I'm sure you'll both be v. happy.

Oh, and this is Kailani (who is the spawn of Noah) as a teenager. I think she's quite pretty.

OUTFIT! (Kiara Zurk hair, TSR jacket)
OK, I'm officially done.
I said Nat's spawn was supposed to be born but then it wasn't because there was a wedding and other stuff. Next time, Nat's alien spawn and Wanda's next child should arrive. For real.
Score Sheet- 70
Single Births (7) +35
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (16) +80
Aspiration (2) +20
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (2) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (1) +20
Pass Out (18) -90
Self Wetting (6) -30
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