3.2- Stevie
Second trimester.
I took them to the park. I probably should send them home, but I want Wanda to steal more things.
Ryan: Wouldn't it work better if you looked at the hot dogs?
Elektra: Shut up. You don't know a damn thing.
Nat: Aw shit...
Grrr. -5.
They're all eating together!
Cecil: Come to me hotdog! Nom nom nom!
Ryan: Whaddya say, Burger?
Wanda: It's real nice to have everyone together and stuff!
Elektra: Why am I here?
Wanda: Say that to me again, DAD! Say it again.
Ryan: Certainly, you dumbass daughter! USE HAND BUZZERS!
Cecil+Elektra: This is awkward.
Cecil: It doesn't matter what your dad says, Wanda, you're great!
Wanda: Aw, Cecil baby, that's so nice that I'm just gon' stick my fingers in my face, if that's alright wit' you.
Cecil: Wanda darling, this isn't a good idea!
Wanda: My fingers are a little bit greasy from that hotdog, but saddle up, babe, you're going for a ride!
Cecil: AH SHIT
Ryan and Wanda really don't get on that well.
I tried out this new random interaction I got from Wanda's mischief skill.
Cecil: Look a white thing!
Wanda: This is fun!
And then I took them home because it was about ten.
I think it was just the average Sutherland day out, tbh.
Pietro knocked up Mrs Condiment over here, lol.
This still amuses me but I feel like once he's old and I'm on Gen 4 it will really be pissing me off.
Elektra:...WTF. I don't even care anymore...
Elektra: Ahhh. Just me, myself and I.
Ryan: Hey, hey thought bubble. You want me to get you out of there? Well I WON'T! Haha!
Child: *sniff* My parents are CRUEL.
Indeed, kid, indeed.
I sent Wanda to Noah's house and she stole their lamp. We're just going to spend time here...stealing something every so often...
And then she throws up in their toilet.
Sending a chain letter to Kezia...
And then to some random woman who once got in the way of her and Cecil flirting.
Oh yes. +5.
We stole another lamp from the Spare house and now I'm sending her to the gym- to work out/pull pranks on unsuspecting people.
I'm not going to let her prank Pietro though, because he's her twin and was the person who nicest to her when they were kids.
But like...of course I had to get Wanda to do this.
Red Woman: Why is this dumbass messing with literal death!
And again...of course.
Gym Trainer: Who would want cold Death hands on their stomach?
After stealing a flamingo out of the museum, Wanda prank-called her dad.
Lol. He fell for it hook, line and sinker.
I brought Elektra here so she could have some fun in her life.
Wanda's resorted to scaring people after her prank calls kept failing. Gotta love that shameless trait, it really helps when the mischief fails.The only person to fall for one? RYAN. Stupid man.
After stealing a random mannequin, I let the girls go home.
And Ryan and Nat are making out in the bathroom. Classy.
Aaaaand 3rd Trimester!

Wanda: OUCH.
Nat: Hahahahahaha, now you know how I felt just before I birthed you! Suck it daughter!
Wanda: GO AWAY.

Nat: Awww. Are you in pain? ARE YOU IN PAIN? Poor BABY.
Wanda: Mum. GTFO.

I'm pretty sure that's not what happens when a pregnant lady bends over...
And I'm liking Wanda's freelance thief thing going on right now. It gives her time to do the housework, which Ryan NEVER did because he was so busy.

Nat is still the only person who cares. Cecil mourned once, and the others have mourned zero times,

YES RYAN. He's at level 9 now. However, looking at his next requirements I'd say that he can't get up there without my help.

There's always SOMEONE haunting.

The puddle somehow got over there...
Puddle: Dude. I did not want to be near her.
But yeah. TH fail. FFS. I blame pregnancy. I'm sticking to that. It's pregnancy.

Cecil: Hi, I'm Cecil, your hopefully soon-to-be grandson in law. I date Wanda.
Don: ...And who's that?

Don: You crying about me? Good.
Nat: Whaaat...

Cecil works out his frustrations with the gaming rig...

Wanda: I am bindin' this doll...

Wanda: To my stupid-ass dad! Mwahahahahahaha....

Voodoo fun.

Ryan: What just happened to me?

I wanna know what this lot are talking about.

She's just going round pranking everyone.

Blue jacket: What is WRONG with you?
Wanda: So so much, didn't ya know?

Ryan and Nat are here and actually being rather normal.

Wanda ran into the librarian. I actually want her to have some friends...

Wanda: HEY! The Force!
Librarian: Awesome. I like you.

Nope, this is what's awesome! I'm not sure what I'll do with her once I'm done with this aspiration though...


More voodoo. I really love this skill; I regret not doing more mischief in other saves I have/had.

Ryan: Now something really is up...

Ryan: Nat, I swear, it's like I've just been poked all over! I don't get it!

Wanda clogged a drain. She's going to wreak havoc on this museum.

Dammit Kezia. Why is this kid always sad and alone on the streets?

Elektra: Hah I'mma gorilla!

I decided that Wanda should introduce herself to her kleptomaniac cousin. This is Nyla, Kezia's daughter.

And Elektra is introducing herself to Kailani, Noah's daughter.

CRAP. I'm terrible at this. I really don't remember having this much trouble with Amanda's pregnancies...I don't even think Nat was this bad.

And now she's in labour.
(Yes, I put a shower in the museum; it's simpler this way)

Actually went to hospital...

I found Pietro's baby mama. The condiment.

Doctor: Don't worry, I scrubbed this down after the last lady. At least I think so...
Wanda: Ooh CLAW!

And finally, FINALLY Wanda's first kid happens.

This is Wanda and little Steve!
Yep. I called him Steve. Of course. Now we're done with this chapter. Next time I'm going to get Wanda knocked up again, and I will take better care of her. I can't believe I let her fail twice...I suck.
Score Sheet- 65
Single Births (6) +30
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (16) +80
Aspiration (2) +20
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (1) +10
Every 100,000 simoleons (1) +20
Pass Out (16) -80
Self Wetting (6) -30
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