3.1 - Cecil the Confused
Wanda's first act as TH is to take a shower. Girl was filthy.
Ryan: Hello? Tell me to do something, I've got no frickin idea what to do!
Nope. Can't. Not allowed.
Wanda is mopping up for us. Well, I made her do it. Ryan was always too busy, so there's only about ten to do rn.
Preparatory breakfast before I take her to Cecil's house.
Wanda: So I'm doin' this whole marriage-kids thing, huh?
Look at that epic game Ryan's playing. Everyone else just does boring Blicblock.
This was a smart investment; now he's sure to get his daily task done and get promotions!
Wanda: Ya know what? I am gonna get married. To this Cecil guy y'all seem to like.
Glad we agree.
Wanda: Hey there! I'm called Wanda Sutherland and I'm one of your new neighbours!
Cecil: Um...are you sure? Cos I've been here...OK, it's been like a day, but still, I haven't seen any crazy girl with a red hat around these parts. I think I'd remember such a...unique person.
Wanda: Awright, I'll tell ya. I'm from round Oasis Springs, but it's the same place really, ain't it?
Cecil: Isn't that the next town over? Why are you here?
Wanda: Well, the voice told me ta-
Wanda: Ehehe just visitin'!
Great start, Ms. Smooth.
Wanda: Well, he's lookin' at me real nice!
No sweetie, that's the 'should I call the hospital' face.
I'm just going to friendship spam here.
I like this one though, you've got Wanda being her crazy self and Cecil looks slightly scared but also slightly interested...
Wanda: Exactly what I want here, y'all!
Cecil: Just agree with her...what am I doing?
Boom! Failed interaction. Wanda is not the easiest Sim to get along with though, is she?
Cecil: Wat.
Just from the three or so hours I've made them talk for, I can kind of see the relationship they'll have.
This woman has been here for ages. Go away, woman.
Look at them! Wanda keeps messing up, though. Or me...but I'm blaming her cos it's easier.
Haha, by the end of the day you'll live in our house.
HER EYEBALL! That's scary Wanda.
And yeah, we accidentally made Cecil angry. He still likes her though...I hope.
A little sweeter...
And finally they got to 'friend'. God it's hard getting a HotHeaded Sim to like your own Sim.
Cecil: Y'know what...I kind of like this wacko.
Wanda: Awwww, that's a real nice thing to say, sweetheart!
Cecil: That didn't change anything.
Good to know.
First Romantic action!
Getting along like a house on fire.
Wanda: Heeeey there.
Cecil: Why...why do I feel like...why this girl?
And then he flirted right back.
Wanda: Hey, you gon' spit on me?
Cecil: Er, no.
Wanda: It's cool wi' me if ya want to though.
Cecil: Hmm...NOW I kinda know why I like the crazy girl.
Cecil: Why did she...wow.
Wanda: So, you ready to be dragged along in my crazy life?
Cecil: SCORE!
Wanda's 'yay I get WooHoo!' face is terrifying.
And now they're trying for...I mean WooHooing.
This is love, guys.
But of course. (Again the bathroom is too tiny to get pics.)
Cecil's reaction is great. He's adorable.
And now he's moved in.
Wanda: Good job, me.
I went to test out the Klepto trait so I sent her to Kezia's house.
Heh heh heh. I think that I'm not going to give Wanda a job, just level her mischief skill so she can start swiping TVs and computers and make her money that way. Also, I neglected Ryan's aspiration, so I'm completely devoted to Wanda's. Chief of Mischief- should be fun.
Wanda's first thing is to have two people dislike her so we're picking this guy as a target.
Waistcoat: Well, screw you, lady!
Wanda: Ehehe...it's working.
She just looks so goddamn proud.
Wanda: I just threw a drink at a dude!
For good measure I stole some candles out the park and now she's going home.
Why is it only ever the in-laws who go to the graves?
Also Wanda made £155 off her stolen items. She's also gonna buy a voodoo doll and annoy everyone.
Wanda's next victim is Kezia.
This makes me happy because of that fight Kezia had with Nat, for NO REASON.
Wanda: HA! DRINK!
Kezia: WTF?

+5 already!

Ryan: Ya know, this freedom thing has some real good perks!
Oh yes. Waste away the rest of your life in the rig, why don't you?

Elektra: Hello...sister.

Cecil is smart and picks the right bed from the get-go.

Aw. Much cute. Pietro's gone, but he's still hanging around. He'll never truly leave us.

Elektra: My brother's free but I have to be in stupid school!
Stop whining, you grow up in like a week and then I kick you out.

Amanda is a very bored ghost. She's annoying me too, cos it means I can't just fast-forward through the night like normal.

Finally, FINALLY someone realises that we have the other bathroom. I love you, Cecil.

AMANDA. GTFO. Stop haunting everywhere and get back in your grave.

HotHeaded and Childish is a weird combination. Cecil smashed the dollhouse, then he went to cry over it. Weird conflicted guy.
Cecil: Wuaaaahahaha! What have I done?

Wanda: *hitting dollhouse* OK, listen up, red! I'll put up with yo' weirdness if ya put with mine, K? 'Cos really, ya say you ain't crazy as me, but we're probably the best the other'll get.
Cecil: Huh. True. OK. Plus, you have my child.
Wanda: Eh. Kid will be screwed up anyway. You've met my parents, there's no hope for it.

Nat: *sniff sniff* Dead in-laaaaaaaws!
Amanda: HI!

This is Cecil's new job. Don had this job, but sue me. It's the easiest job for them to get promoted in, because the breakthroughs just...happen.

Cecil: What a woman.

Until she gets good at cooking, I will live in constant fear of her burning down the house. I mean....shit. I really don't want that to happen.

Wanda: Hand. Hand hand hand hand hand hand. My hand.
Cecil: What?
I will never stop spamming these two.

He...he doesn't even have the neat trait. I LOVE YOU CECIL!

And now he's taken up the family pastime. Trolling. Wanda's trolling too, but that's her aspiration rn.
Then I took them all to the library (apart from Nat, who has to work on weekends). The idea is that Wanda can alternate between trolling and stealing shit. I like that plan.
And then she got caught and now can't steal anything for eight hours. SIGH- apparently the Shameless trait helps so I'm going to give her that one.

I checked on Ryan and he's freaking hacking on his own! I knew you wouldn't fail me once lost to free will.

Stachey: Llamaaaaaa...

Sisterly affection.

Wanda: Whoo! Sunglasses!
Ryan: I'm proud, ya know. I always wanted a daughter like me!
Elektra: Thanks DAD...IDEC, I'm not even here rn...

I'm blitzing Wanda's whims because I want enough for the reward trait, goddamn it. I only need 200 more points to get it...so...
Wanda: HELLO!
Woman: Uh...hi, you talking to me?

This is cute.

And then Wanda ruins it...
Wanda: What're ya lookin' at, BOY- oh wait, silly me!

I'm a bit afraid to ask....but Wanda, what are you doing?
Wanda: Makin' a prank call to my stewpid aunt.
And where's the phone?
Wanda: Aw, I forgot 'bout that.

Sel: Hi computer.
Ryan: I can help you make friends with it, I've done that all my life!

Wanda: Auntie Sel! You're looking wonderful! When's it due? (Hehehehehe)

Ryan: I'm quite disappointed in my daughter; she KNOWS better. The hand buzzer is the best. Where did I go wrong, Selly?
Sel: Give her a chance, she's still learning.

Sel: Brother dear, you have no idea what I deal with. I was out helping my hubby on a 'job', and I come home and my son Derek, he's baked his class cupcakes. I just don't know what to do with him.
Ryan: Did he burn anything?
Sel: No! He didn't even burn anything. Dear lord...

Wanda: Hey, sis, maybe this is why I'm all screwed up and ever-thing!
Elektra: Totally. And shut up, I'm not related to you right now.

Wanda: Hello, librarian! Y'know what, you should come on vacation with us.
Librarian: Uhhh...wut?
You guys aren't going anywhere

Lol. This is what happens when you start actively fulfilling whims. This random stuff.

Wanda: Ya know what, I like you lots, library lady.
Librarian: I can see the crazy in her eyes...I like that.

I brought Nat here...and WTF?

You go Cecil! Yaaas!


This is Noah's son, Eric. He's super adorable but he looks like he's plotting something. It's prob the eyebrows.
He's insane too. Of course.

And Selina's son, Derek.
He got that crazy red hair. He is a Genius, so maybe he'll grow up nice.
And....done. Yeah! I think Gen 3's off to a good start! Next time...Wanda's kid will be born, and I'm probably going to knock her up again straight after. Cos I'm nice like that. >:).
Score Sheet- 65
Single Births (5) +25
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (14) +70
Aspiration (2) +20
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (1) +10
Every 100,000 simoleons (1) +20
Pass Out (16) -80
Self Wetting (3) -15
I love Cecil and Wanda's relationship.