2.11- So so close...

I took Ryan and the kids to the gym (Nat has work). I'm getting bored of the park.

Family tree pic! I like that the spare kids from Ryan's gen have their own kids now.

The girls aren't impressed with the gym.

Of course Wanda goes for punching

Pietro and Elektra go for weights.
This is a dark-ass gym.
(Then I put lights in it)

Kezia: Must...lose...baby weight.
Naw, you look great!

I love these two. They've been so in sync the whole workout.

Ooh. Kezia's husband is the new crop top dude?
Nah. It's only his athletic wear. Boo. That other one is long dead, he was an adult when Amanda was YA.

More synced-up working out.

Ooh it's Grim. Why is he here?

Wanda: I'm so done with the gym. And-WTF?
'Stache Sir: Our arms are...intertwined. *creepy smile*

Then I made them leave because they were all doing nothing useful or amusing. But I'll leave this pic of the Grim Reaper doing pushups.
Luna Link: WTF?
Blue Fleece: Not real. I refuse to believe this.
We then went to the lounge...

Where I found Sel twinning with a random old woman.

Ryan: It's so good to see you...
Sel: I miss you...
Old dude in tux: HEY GUYS.

Pietro: Piñatas! Yaaaay!
Sel: My nephew's trash.

Ryan's getting drinks for everyone. I know that three of them are teens, but Ryan would be cool like that.

Aww. Happy families.

Old pink woman: You look very nice tonight, young man.
Cardigan: And you're a real antique...

Wow NOAH, we know you're a big-shot astronaut, no need to rub it in our faces.

Ryan is going to tell jokes. I hope this works.

Real entertainer: He-hem, my spotlight.
Ryan: Why are you so near me? GTFO.

Nat's bro showed up. Looking very blue. Even his shoes are blue.
I brought Nat in but then I immediately sent them home because they were all annoying me a bit. And Ryan needs to do his daily task for work.

Nat: Yeah. It's true! My chicken speaks, Pietro, and I listen.
Pietro: OK...

Wanda is always up in this thing. She uses it so much. I wish she'd get a space print or something *grumble grumble*

Wanda: Hey. Cake. I'm pretty cool, right? Right...?

And she did the dishes! She's done them twice now this evening. Thx girl.

Food ninja Ryan.
My notifications came in! (Ry is up super late)

Yay for Sel. But that is Evil Dude...well done, you really pick the good ones, girl.

Jeez. Is your daughter even a child yet? Whatever, it's nice to see more kids on the family tree.

Turns out Kailani did grow up! She's super cute, but she's got a big nose from her mother. Still adorable.

I also let Sel and her new husband move out of his parents' house because the mod put them in there. So they're going to go live...near Kezia actually. What fun they shall have.

Oh my God he is a terrible Sim. Gloomy, Lazy and Evil, while all he wants is to get the world to hate him.
Back to playing

Elektra in her super-cute sleepwear.

Kezia is jogging outside at 5am. I guess if you're a business big-shot with two babies...when you have time you use it well.

Wanda: Haaaahaaahaha...I'mma smack you.
Elektra: Please don't.

Nat being the only person in the family with a goddamned heart.

Sel: I hate being pregnant. It sucks.
Hun, you're only on your first trimester.

Kailani's outfit. Look how CUTE it is. (Of course I picked it out!)

Wanda: I'mma chicken...DERP.

Wanda: Haaaahahahahaha...table, you're so funny.

I always feel like the romance is dying with these two because Ryan is always crazy busy. So this is cute.

She has the day off and he doesn't go to work until 2, so I decided to rekindle the romance. But OBVIOUSLY this is the day that Nat gets sick, so...

Ryan: Mmm, germs.

Ryan: I love you even though you're covered in weird spots! Your personality transcends any looks you might have!
Nat: Nice one buster, now why are you buttering me up?

They're best friends now. This screenie is rubbish, I know. I missed the BFF hug.

Ryan: Y'know how you asked what I wanted?
Nat: Yeah. What?

Ryan: That.
Nat: Wow... we really did that.
Ryan: You bet we did, babe *almost slips over*

Nat: Wait, doesn't Wanda use this ALL the time...
Ryan: Hmmm...crap.

Elektra: Oh yeah, Elektra in the house.
Pietro: Ugh...

Wanda: Voices? VOICES? Help me, I've been dropped off real far from home.
Or like...just down the road?

Pietro: Oh, it's a beautiful day...
Elektra: CAAAKE.

Wanda: That computer is going to get it...

Nat is STILL the only person who gives a damn.

Nat: Yaaay! Dancing! Get down with me, Pietro!
Pietro: You are embarrassing. *high-tails it out to the garden*

Nat: Dancing!

Nat: Don't you see it? If I try really hard, I can almost make my eyebrows touch.

Elektra: Zzzzzz...I have the sleep schedule of a five year old...zzzzzz
Seriously though, it's like, 7.30.

Nat: *sniff* *sob*
Pietro: Later mum, I need to COMPUTER.

Be still my heart.


Ryan: Awwww...I don't WANNA pay the bills.

Wanda: I love you, Cake. I know you love me too.
Ghost Amanda: *sob*

Amanda: We never had this when I was living, but that does NOT mean I'm not gonna try it out anyways.

She's so frickin cute and pretty...and I love her so much.

OK, what happened to the boy's hair? Do not like. CAS time.

So this is Santos.

And this is Nyla.
They both got completely different ends of Kezia and her husband's genes. For example, Santos has Kezia's big eyes in her husband's eye colour, and Nyla has it the other way round.
I'm gonna go back to playing now.

They sweet.

Oh yeah, we got some super nice bath-showers. They come in the same colours that the others were. So I didn't mess up my colour schemes!

Nat has great moves.

I love Ryan.
Ryan: Well, computer, you're RIGHT.

Nat is getting on my nerves. She's been out here for ages just crying.

Luna Link: Preggo in my eggo.

Noah's wife: If I make this face, will it make me irresistible?
Old lady: Girl, that's all wrong. Let me show you how it's done.

Ryan is comforting his wife because she is very sad right now.

Ryan: Smile! C'mon! Like this!
Nat: It's haaaaaaard....

And then she went back to mourning. *sigh*

Nat's bro is one day from death. Poor girl. So much death.

Kids are home...

Pregnant Sel.

Pietro: Y'all need to see these guns.

Nat, you're just...you're not useful. Tbh you're just being a bit depressing. I miss Amanda too.

Wanda: Pancaaaakes...

Nat: I heard you had twins!
Kezia: YEAH!
Aw, you two are getting along.

Wanda: Hey, you. Wanda. Listen to this. I've got some great flirting tips.

Kezia: You suck and I hate you and you should feel bad...
Nat: What?
How did she get married? How does her husband put up with her? Like, not everyone has to be the perfect even-tempered spouse, but HOW? It's no wonder that one of her kids is a klepto.

Nat: I hate her so much, Bear! Oh my God...

Kezia: Her time will come.

Nat: Look, you're my sister-in-law. I wanna like you. I want you to like me. Let's make peace.
Kezia: As if.

I didn't even know autonomous fighting was a thing.

Poor Nat.
Nat: I hate my life.

Kezia isn't done.

Kezia: No-one messes with me.

Kezia: Bye Natalie. >:)
She looks so proud of herself. The 'doting' mother-of-two, guys.

Nat pranked Pietro and his FACE.

She's not even angry.

The twins are...fish watching. You two lead such interesting lives.
My notifications came in...but nothing happened. Nothing that I care about.

Noah's wife is not happy with pregnancy.
Noel: I'M HUGE.

Oh Don. Tense in life, tense in death.

I said screw it and made Ryan call forth Amanda. I wanted to see how they act when both are haunting.

Well...they haven't interacted but Amanda is breaking out some pretty good ghost moves.

Thank you.

Ryan: So that's how it is? Well screw you!

Elektra: I was thinking of travelling after I graduate...whaddya think?
Wanda: Mhm...I kinda want fries.
Wanda would be a rubbish advice girl.

Ryan being a dick to his ghost mother.

Noel: Last one. This is the last one.

Serene Selina.
Right, I'm done with this chapter. Next chapter might be Ryan's last...
Score Sheet- 70
Single Births (5) +25
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (14) +70
Aspiration (2) +20
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (1) +10
Every 100,000 simoleons (1) +20
Pass Out (15) -75
Self Wetting (3) -15
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