2.10 - Don of The Dead

Let's start off with the birth of Noah's daughter. Awww! I like her name.

Nat: *sniff* Amanda! *wail* The mother in law who always yelled at me! I MISS HER.

Wow Wanda! Conceited much?

Wanda: There ain't a time in the world where Miss Wanda Sutherland ain't ready for a selfie.

Nat looks like she's kind of trying to smile but doesn't have the energy.

Nat: Wuaaaaah I'm so upseeeet!
But I'm happy because I used my MC mod thing to flag Amanda to never get culled. I'm gonna do that with all the descendants.


Don: I lay down right here...
Yes, please do.
Nat's right there, she doesn't care though. She's too busy mourning his better half.

A crowd of people gather...

Wanda: Ooh, I'm winnin'! What're you saying, Mum? I'll come when this game's over!
She's super far away.

It is not fair that Amanda died in a tiny bathroom with no-one around and Don gets this huge frickin spectacle.

Grim: Hmm... I'm gonna get a cupcake after this job.

Ok fine. RIP Don. You lived too long, and despite your stupid noncommittal trait managed to not do absolutely awfully in your career. You were nice to Amanda even when she was being horrible and you helped make four awesome children. So bye bye. I guess I'll de-cull you too...

Wanda: Hey! I win again! Guys, why're y'all cryin'? Somethin' happen?
Ya think?

And all three go to mourn. Amanda that is.
I think it's saying something that the kids only started mourning when both died. I think it's like...they finally had to accept it.
That's what I'm sticking with.

There is so much wrong with her.

Elektra is still mourning.
Poor kid.

Wanda: Shhh Sink. Deep breaths.

It makes sense that Pietro (and also Elektra) are the most affected. They are the only two who are generally capable of natural behaviour.

LUIGI! ;_;

Sad homework.

Sad Nat.

Happy Ryan.
Ryan: It's a wonderful day, Sparkle. But everyone else is being so sad...!

There are better places to do this stuff.

Wanda: I'mma eat your soul!
Pietro: Uhhh...O-OK...*sadface*
A bit later my notifications came in and STILL nothing for Sel!

The next morning Elektra is still upset as hell...but then both her grandparents are dead.

Why do they do this?

Wanda: *sniff* You disappoint me, Pasta.

HUH? No way!

Oh my God Ryan TF you doing?

Nat still spends the most time at the gravestones.

Luna Link (I like her name) I wanna CUPCAKE.
Sel (can you see her there): Hi!

Elektra: Screw you pavement! Oww....
Pietro: BORED.
Wanda: SAY WHAT?

Wanda: I don't understand why y'all sad, but I'll be here for ya.
Pietro: It's OK...

Elektra working things out with the bear.

Wanda is being a TROLL.

I gave him the Gamer branch b/c it's easier for him to get fun from doing his daily task.

The family support each other through the times of mourning...
Kezia: I hate being pregnant.

Hopefully we'll get more money soon.

Kezia loves her fam.

Oh crap she's in labour!
This has happened before in other saves so I'm going to get Ryan to make her leave and then she'll have the baby soon enough.

These two still do not get on.


Well no shit, Nat.

Kezia: Pietro...please help your Auntie.
Pietro: Hang on, Simbook goss.

This would be sweet if she wasn't giving birth right now.
Then Ryan finally kicked her out so she could have her baby.

Wanda: And the dinosaur BLEW IT UP!
Elektra: OK.
I've missed your little chats. Elektra has just been moping around for a while.

Amanda is a scary inspired ghost.

YAY. Also, thank God she died in the nice top and skirt, not something stupid like a lab coat and googles (i.e. Don) or pyjamas (which will probably end up being Ryan or Wanda).

OH MY GOD! Do twins just happen in this family?
They are called Santos and Nyla. I kind of like it, even though the names are a bit weird.

Amanda: HA! Screwing over all the science!

Amanda: Good as ever, Pancakes. I still like you.
And even in death she's still crazy. She hasn't even broken anything yet. I like Ghost Amanda so far.
Don hasn't come haunting yet. But I can imagine Amanda getting out of her tombstone and rattling on Don's, and he'd just be like 'go away, can you leave me alone now that we're both DEAD?'.

And now it's time for her to go back into the grave! See you soon, Manda.

Ryan: I think I just saw my mother as a ghost, but that's crazy talk, right?
Nope, you're right about that one.

Successful Pietro food.

I like Wanda's face here. I'm not sure what she's freaking out about.

Wanda: Hey sister, I know you're sad about our grandparents dyin', but at least we got this bowl!
Elektra: And that there is what's really sad.

This is actually a normal kid-parent situ.
Elektra: I need them!
Nat: Lemme think about it...(i.e. No)

Ryan consoles Elektra. I like that the interaction comes up after a kid sees death. Cos that would mess you up a bit.

Look! I've been using Ryan's career rewards around the house, maybe it will help the kids with their grades.

This morning I was looking in our inventory and I found this cool stereo that Amanda got off her career a while back. I put it out and of COURSE it's Pietro who takes up dancing.

Ryan had to go to work, leaving all the kids in the house alone. Be afraid.
The feet belong to Noah's wife, Noel. I guess she's coming to acquaint herself with the in-laws but tbh no-one's gonna let her in.


Elektra: You think you're so smart, having macaroni? Well I'm getting myself some too! HA!

Wanda: MY ARM.

Elektra: What?

I love her.

Mother-daughter selfies.

Nat on our new gaming rig.

Ryan: SALT!

Ryan and Ghost Don are being mean to one another.

SCREW YOU DON. Stop haunting us! GO AWAY.

Pietro's like 'Hmm, nice wall.'

Don: Whoo! Got your counter, mofo!

Kids eating outside at 6.00am.

I am not growing you up now, Elektra. Ryan is still in bed.

Sister bonding.

Wanda: Mum, you're as smart as a beetle! HA!
Nat: Shut up and do your homework!
Elektra: Psh. Someone needs ointment.

I find it funny that the person who mourns Don and Amanda the most is the person who isn't even blood-related to them.

Elektra and her dad celebrating her birthday. It's still better than most of the birthdays that happen around here.

I decided to make her look quite understated. She got Musical Genius and Perfectionist so as of now she's pretty different from dramatic, insane Wanda. (Though she is going to be insane as a YA trait).

And here's a closeup! So pretty!
And Amanda would have been proud of that eyeliner. Look at the flicks!

Elektra: Aaaand...selfie power unlocked.
I love her already.

Elektra: Pietro come look!
Pietro: Nice! I like it.
Wanda: Too cool for all of you.
I find it funny that Elektra's first few actions as a teen have been to do all the new teen stuff with the phones. Must've been jealous. I guess she would be, having seen her older siblings do all of that stuff, because they're quite far apart in age.

Elektra: Don't even try it, I'm clearly the best.
Pietro: Well well well, we'll see about that.
This chapter has been about 1000 years long. I'mma wrap this up. Next time...I have no clue.
Score Sheet- 70
Single Births (5) +25
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (14) +70
Aspiration (2) +20
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (1) +10
Every 100,000 simoleons (1) +20
Pass Out (15) -75
Self Wetting (3) -15
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