Chapter 26- Finally...wait, wrong one.

Welcome back. I'm going to start off with THIS.
Don: You know, robots will take over the world one day.
Elektra: You sadden me.

Amanda, you are gross. GROSS. Take a shower before eating that!

She is pretty scary.

Noah is in a spacesuit. Is he an astronaut now? I guess so, there ain't no rocket in the spare house.
Checked family tree, turns out he is. And Kezia is apparently now some business big-shot. Sel still has no job.

Amanda: And you can shut up, sink! That ain't how you talk to me.

Wow Elektra. Wow. That's nasty. Go and clean yourself.


Wanda: FISH! FIIIIIISH! Since when have we had these?

Again with the affection.

Even PIETRO is trolling. This is how bad it is. They all do it!

Wanda: Whaddya say, PICTURE? You're just a rainbow and I'm a real girl!
Nat: Durrrr...I want cupcake.

Nat. what are you doing?

Nat: Actually 'Lektra...I kind of think your brother's a bit nicer than you...he puts up with all our crazy.
Pietro: Aw yes, finally appreciation for all I go through!
Elektra: Psh. As if.
Ryan: Hey GUYS.

Hey Don? Dead yet?
Don: Go away!

Don: Curse you, plates.
And THIS shit is why I genuinely believe that Pietro and Elektra are the only sane people. Don and Nat have been doing this kind of thing the whole chapter.


Wanda: Still a cat.
Never change.

OMG she used it. No-one uses that thing.

Right, it goes on the wall. I'm going to put the rainbow one with it and see how many times this gets used.

Amanda got promoted. She's on level four now. And guess who's on level five? DON. Honestly, he's been working at that job since the day he moved in. And she's been working at hers since Ryan was a YA. Which was a few weeks...but STILL.

Amanda is talking to herself. Again.

Nat: Hey! Hey voices! Put food in my mouth, I'm hungry!

So this is how it worked. She wanted to wash up a plate in the bathroom sink. She walked in, didn't react, then she walked out of the room, put the plate down and reacted.
Sims, why you make no sense?

Elektra walked in on her parents WooHooing in the sauna.
You never really had a functional one.

This is just like the day they met...except it's the other way around and they're both old as shit and also Amanda's being her insane little self.
Also, Amanda's age bar is FULL. FULL I tell you. Why is Don even here anymore?

Amanda: I'm telling you, the vacuums are taking over!
Nat: *nods* Oh yes. I wonder why we're the only ones who know this.
And then the second notification for Amanda happened. The one that's like 'you gonna die soon '. WHY IS DON ALIVE?

I am not ready to let her go...and these kind of faces show why.

Thank you.

And again.

Pietro: I'm hot!
Wanda: That's a real pretty cloud.
Elektra: Oh my God...

Nat: Pietro. Boy. Don't just walk away from me. You know I'm right.
Pietro: Mum. Baseball gloves don't fly.

Lol Pietro.

Wait no. I meant screw you, Pietro! WHY?

So I used Wanda's teen move.

I hate you.
That was so expensive. We now have 2500 simoleons left. That's not even enough for the bills.

Except then Ryan made me happy by getting himself a promotion. So good job.


Wanda: I'm smarter than y'all think.
True. If one of you had to start a kitchen fire on the SECOND-MOST EXPENSIVE STOVE, I would've pegged Wanda for it.

Luigi's back. It's the same Luigi, all the time.

Great job, PIETRO.

Elektra's living the life.

Pietro: Ugh, what is this?
Homework. Of course, you've never done it, but it's a thing.
And then he just, like, didn't do it...because Nat started talking to him and he became unfocused.

And then I find Ryan doing this and I lose hope...

Smart boy.

Seriously WTF? At this rate she might die before Don does.

Selina still isn't doing anything, poor girl. But yay for Kezia baby! And yes, this is Noah's baby mama. He did the right thing, I guess.
I was deleting some townies because I didn't want them there and they should have died ages ago anyway, so I decided to show Kezia and Noah's spouses.

This is Noah's wife Noel, post makeover and quite pregnant.

And this is Kezia's husband, Moises. I just changed his shirt.
Back to gameplay now.

And here is Wanda's awesome sleepwear that I love.

Pietro is skiving.

Amanda: Hello? Death?
(Side note: Walls down b/c this bathroom is tiny and she had to die in it instead of the big room downstairs)

Amanda: I lay down right here...right here...


Nooooo! It's hard when your founder dies on you!
RIP Amanda. Well, you were a great founder, you had four awesome children and three awesome grandchildren, and two more were about to be born. Your awesome paintings helped make this house so good for the second gen. I still remember our crappy house-skeleton bungalow thing. And now it's a functioning two-storey that actually looks like a house.
Also, none of them were home except Pietro and he was outside messing about so, yeah, no-one is sad about it.

Elektra: I got a B!
She's still stuck on a C.
They're just going about their usual business because no-one witnessed Manda's death. No-one is sad about it. Which is kinda funny.

Pietro is trying to redeem himself...

Pietro: Now am I forgiven?

Oh, and this is where Amanda is. I deleted the graveyard because I put a foundation on the house and it made the graveyard look weird.

Nat is the first person to mourn Amanda. Wow guys. How caring. She had a son, three grandkids and a HUSBAND who also live here, but none of them have given a crap yet.

Wanda: *is possessed* TOILET!


Wanda: Well, I 'unno, computer, ya need to work it out for yaself!
I'm going to spam Wanda until someone else wakes up.

Elektra's awake too but I'm just going to give a shot of Wanda doing her homework. Both twins did their homework today. Weird.

Sel's doing pushups outside at about 4 in the morning (yes, Wanda was up really early)

New dining table and fancy cabinet!

Don: Can I just die already?
You and me both wish, buddy.
I MC Command Center'd him, and he is a week over death. A WEEK. Amanda died STRAIGHT AWAY, and he's still here!

Don: Well, I'll have to see what my bed thinks...
Wanda: Nooooo...I wanna touch sparkle!

Wanda is skiving school to watch the fish tank. *facepalm*

And Nat is skiving to mourn her dead else has yet.
Let's just leave the stupid skivers here and end this. Next chapter...I really don't know.
Score Sheet- 70
Single Births (5) +25
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (14) +70
Aspiration (2) +20
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (1) +10
Every 100,000 simoleons (1) +20
Pass Out (15) -75
Self Wetting (3) -15
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