2.8- Twins Age Up
Let's start off with Wanda being stupid and playing outside at 2am.
She's just been alternating between this and playing outside.
*facepalm* Now you?
Ryan's working out because he's gained quite a bit of weight by having a computer-based job and never making healthy food.
Wanda: I'm a CAT.
She legit looks like she's going to scratch him, lol.
Wanda: Tell me all of your secrets...
Elektra (aka Only Kid with Normal Sleep Cycle): Y'know, Wanda, you're not trash.
Wanda: Mkay girl...
Nat is celebrating alone because...it's too much effort otherwise.
Nat: I still look good.
Nat's new outfits.

One of Amanda's autonomous paintings. It's worth a bunch of money but I like having it.

Good lord these kids are in a bad mood.

I like her facial expression here.

Wanda: Lemme break it down to ya... a llama is going to punch you.

Ryan: One day, you'll live in a pretty pretty castle and be a princess...
Wanda: OK Dad. But I'd prefer the cash.

Elektra: I'll strangle you and pull your floppy head off!
Guys. Why are you all so cruel to the bear?
Blarffy: *sniff* I miss Ryan.

Ryan, bro, you're making me nervous.

Amanda still amuses me.
Also, can I just say that Don needs to die. His age bar has been glittering for quite a few days now. I hope he doesn't end up like Zara in the Terrey ISBI (one of the blogs that inspired me to write this)
Why isn't he dead yet? I wanna start a graveyard! I built the fence and everything.


Nat: Books!
Ryan: Ooh we gotta wall.
FYI the person with the plates is Pietro. Thanks man.

Amanda: Heeyyyy....my hand is stuck in my hair.
Don: Amanda. Are you OK? I am genuinely concerned for you.
Elektra: Hi guys.

Amanda: I'm breaking my back here but I'm happy to be a MONSTER.

Elektra: Oh. Ohhhh. You really are an imbecile.

Wanda: And then he jumped into the flames and killed all of the creepy puppets!

Here is a pic of Ryan cooking while talking to his friend Dishwasher.

I swear, every kid is either on the jungle gym or looking at the fish tank.

Don: Hello, ceiling.

I love Elektra. I love her so much. Look at that face.
Pietro also became good friends with her. He's so close to his siblings.

Elektra: Le gasp!
I want to know what they're talking about.

Ryan is yelling at Wanda.

The joys of the insane trait.

Elektra: I just wanna leave...

Amanda is sad so she's just standing in her sad tiny bedroom talking to herself.
This woman has so many issues but I still love her.

Ryan's blowing out his candles. I would get everyone to come cheer and clap and watch... but I don't care.
I can't even be bothered to change his clothing. So I won't.

Sisterly bonding.

And now Wanda and Pietro are ageing up.

Mrs I-can't-take-care-of-myself is here.

Everyone is celebrating this time.

First up is Pietro. As you might be able to tell, I spent 5 seconds on his outfit. But I did keep the hats...
He got Geek and Nerd Brain for his teen things.

And we're going to start off with a closeup of Wanda because OMG the pretty! The pretty! She is insanely beautiful. The hat is staying, and I put some pretty good makeup on her.

I worked on her a long time and gave her two outfits... because she is the next TH.
I generated all of their traits when Wanda and Pietro aged up. Pietro will never be insane. Wanda already is (now she is Cheerful and has the Mischief aspiration). Elektra will be insane once she is a YA. So I stuck the girls' names in an online spinner five times. I took out names as they were landed on, and we still ended up with Wanda. This is our next heir, everyone. And I love her.
Back to gameplay....

Sel: *possessed by demon* SAUNA...
I miss having Ry's siblings around.

I also just remembered it was LGBT history month and found this awesome CC for Ryan to wear. Nat has one too, but she's often in her cop uniform so I don't know when we'll see it.

The twins' first act together as teens is for Wanda to show them both a funny vid.

Touching mother-daughter moment.
Nat: I'm so proud of you!
Wanda: Go away Mum.

Random woman: I'm a walking fashion disaster!

Amanda: Yep, all true. And then, you'll never guess what happened, Lamp-

Amanda: Shhh Wanda, it's rude to interrupt. Now, Mr Lamp, if I can tell you what happened-

Wanda: Aaaand...she's gone.


Elektra: You have so many issues.

This child is very done.
Elektra: I swear to God, I'm about 5 seconds off from hitting myself with this plate.

Wanda: Do ya wanna help me murder some flies?
Elektra: Nope. You don't exist.

Pietro: Wanda, Wanda calm down.
Elektra: Phew...

Interesting convo you two have going on there. I swear Pietro and Elektra are the only sane ones. Nat and Don don't have the trait...but really they might as well.
And now everyone's going to the park because they are all boring me.

Pietro: Hey random girl, what's up with you?
Eva: I hate you.

Being Pietro he talks to her anyway.

Eva: Hmmm,...I hate that child too.
Eva has no chill.

Wanda plays some guy at chess. Amanda is happily engaged in a match against herself.

Pietro: Aww!
And then Elektra found out that Eva is mean. No shit. Also, Ryan caught a Betta fish.

Noah is creepily staring at the two preggos of the town, who are having a nice chat WITHOUT HIM. GTFO creep.

Wanda: I love you!
Elektra: And I'll protect you always. God knows you need it.

Pietro is randomly watching a chess game between the gardener and Eva the mean.

I always imagine Elektra as the over-it, sassy little kid who really does love her mental family.

Eva the Mean: MY LEG

Aww! Siblings reunite!

Sel: Humph! I'mma fall into the river here, guys!

Amanda! Nuuuuu! D:
Which reminds me of something- Don. DIE ALREADY. You should not be alive at this point.

She's so fricking cute.

Elektra: Really guys?
Pietro: There's like NO signal out here!

Wanda: Your face is a cupcake.
No-Chill Eva: Go away.

Nat (who is skipping work): Why, hi Eva No-Chill! My son and daughter told me so much about you!

Don: No phones. Family day out.
Wanda: I'm...I'm not on my phone. Ehehehe.

Amanda: Wow...I really am going to fall in.

Eva the Mean is being cruel to Pietro.

WTF is this dude wearing? Unnecessary man, it's a park.

Are you KIDDING ME? -5. It's sad to see an ex-TH fail.
And then I took them home so we could stop failing. The Betta went in the fish tank and Ryan is fishing at a nearby lake now.

The twins are having a DMC and Elektra is just being that obnoxious little sister and doing sit-ups right next to them.

Ryan caught a Guppy, so now we have a full fish tank! I may buy another because I like collecting the fish.

Elektra: Ya know, despite it all, I'm not that f-ed up.
Keeping it real.

New lonely fish. Don't worry, Ryan will catch you friends!

Don: Much logics.
I find it ironic that he's reading a logic book while standing in a place where he could fall into a lake and die.
And then Selina invited him to a birthday party for her age up to Adult. So I made him go and bring all of the family (except Amanda cos she has to work.)

Right. Party time.

You two and your obnoxious party wear.

Ryan started talking to Kezia. She looks unimpressed, as usual.

Noah: Daaaaaaamn Nat-Natasha? Nancy? Whatever, Ryan's wife. Hot damn, she's fine.
Then I ended the party after a few hours of the Sims being pointless. Sel didn't age up but that's alright. Tonight I hope the spare kids get families of their own.

Amanda is so dirty that her hair's almost black again.
And then I finally got the notifications! Noah got a woman pregnant and Kezia got married to a semihot redhead (babies now please).
Right, finished. Back down to 70 points, guys.

One of Amanda's autonomous paintings. It's worth a bunch of money but I like having it.

Good lord these kids are in a bad mood.

I like her facial expression here.

Wanda: Lemme break it down to ya... a llama is going to punch you.

Ryan: One day, you'll live in a pretty pretty castle and be a princess...
Wanda: OK Dad. But I'd prefer the cash.

Elektra: I'll strangle you and pull your floppy head off!
Guys. Why are you all so cruel to the bear?
Blarffy: *sniff* I miss Ryan.

Ryan, bro, you're making me nervous.

Amanda still amuses me.
Also, can I just say that Don needs to die. His age bar has been glittering for quite a few days now. I hope he doesn't end up like Zara in the Terrey ISBI (one of the blogs that inspired me to write this)
Why isn't he dead yet? I wanna start a graveyard! I built the fence and everything.


Nat: Books!
Ryan: Ooh we gotta wall.
FYI the person with the plates is Pietro. Thanks man.

Amanda: Heeyyyy....my hand is stuck in my hair.
Don: Amanda. Are you OK? I am genuinely concerned for you.
Elektra: Hi guys.

Amanda: I'm breaking my back here but I'm happy to be a MONSTER.

Elektra: Oh. Ohhhh. You really are an imbecile.

Wanda: And then he jumped into the flames and killed all of the creepy puppets!

Here is a pic of Ryan cooking while talking to his friend Dishwasher.

I swear, every kid is either on the jungle gym or looking at the fish tank.

Don: Hello, ceiling.

I love Elektra. I love her so much. Look at that face.
Pietro also became good friends with her. He's so close to his siblings.

Elektra: Le gasp!
I want to know what they're talking about.

Ryan is yelling at Wanda.

The joys of the insane trait.

Elektra: I just wanna leave...

Amanda is sad so she's just standing in her sad tiny bedroom talking to herself.
This woman has so many issues but I still love her.

Ryan's blowing out his candles. I would get everyone to come cheer and clap and watch... but I don't care.
I can't even be bothered to change his clothing. So I won't.

Sisterly bonding.

And now Wanda and Pietro are ageing up.

Mrs I-can't-take-care-of-myself is here.

Everyone is celebrating this time.

First up is Pietro. As you might be able to tell, I spent 5 seconds on his outfit. But I did keep the hats...
He got Geek and Nerd Brain for his teen things.

And we're going to start off with a closeup of Wanda because OMG the pretty! The pretty! She is insanely beautiful. The hat is staying, and I put some pretty good makeup on her.

I worked on her a long time and gave her two outfits... because she is the next TH.
I generated all of their traits when Wanda and Pietro aged up. Pietro will never be insane. Wanda already is (now she is Cheerful and has the Mischief aspiration). Elektra will be insane once she is a YA. So I stuck the girls' names in an online spinner five times. I took out names as they were landed on, and we still ended up with Wanda. This is our next heir, everyone. And I love her.
Back to gameplay....

Sel: *possessed by demon* SAUNA...
I miss having Ry's siblings around.

I also just remembered it was LGBT history month and found this awesome CC for Ryan to wear. Nat has one too, but she's often in her cop uniform so I don't know when we'll see it.

The twins' first act together as teens is for Wanda to show them both a funny vid.

Touching mother-daughter moment.
Nat: I'm so proud of you!
Wanda: Go away Mum.

Random woman: I'm a walking fashion disaster!

Amanda: Yep, all true. And then, you'll never guess what happened, Lamp-

Amanda: Shhh Wanda, it's rude to interrupt. Now, Mr Lamp, if I can tell you what happened-

Wanda: Aaaand...she's gone.


Elektra: You have so many issues.

This child is very done.
Elektra: I swear to God, I'm about 5 seconds off from hitting myself with this plate.

Wanda: Do ya wanna help me murder some flies?
Elektra: Nope. You don't exist.

Pietro: Wanda, Wanda calm down.
Elektra: Phew...

Interesting convo you two have going on there. I swear Pietro and Elektra are the only sane ones. Nat and Don don't have the trait...but really they might as well.
And now everyone's going to the park because they are all boring me.

Pietro: Hey random girl, what's up with you?
Eva: I hate you.

Being Pietro he talks to her anyway.

Eva: Hmmm,...I hate that child too.
Eva has no chill.

Wanda plays some guy at chess. Amanda is happily engaged in a match against herself.

Pietro: Aww!
And then Elektra found out that Eva is mean. No shit. Also, Ryan caught a Betta fish.

Noah is creepily staring at the two preggos of the town, who are having a nice chat WITHOUT HIM. GTFO creep.

Wanda: I love you!
Elektra: And I'll protect you always. God knows you need it.

Pietro is randomly watching a chess game between the gardener and Eva the mean.

I always imagine Elektra as the over-it, sassy little kid who really does love her mental family.

Eva the Mean: MY LEG

Aww! Siblings reunite!

Sel: Humph! I'mma fall into the river here, guys!

Amanda! Nuuuuu! D:
Which reminds me of something- Don. DIE ALREADY. You should not be alive at this point.

She's so fricking cute.

Elektra: Really guys?
Pietro: There's like NO signal out here!

Wanda: Your face is a cupcake.
No-Chill Eva: Go away.

Nat (who is skipping work): Why, hi Eva No-Chill! My son and daughter told me so much about you!

Don: No phones. Family day out.
Wanda: I'm...I'm not on my phone. Ehehehe.

Amanda: Wow...I really am going to fall in.

Eva the Mean is being cruel to Pietro.

WTF is this dude wearing? Unnecessary man, it's a park.

Are you KIDDING ME? -5. It's sad to see an ex-TH fail.
And then I took them home so we could stop failing. The Betta went in the fish tank and Ryan is fishing at a nearby lake now.

The twins are having a DMC and Elektra is just being that obnoxious little sister and doing sit-ups right next to them.

Ryan caught a Guppy, so now we have a full fish tank! I may buy another because I like collecting the fish.

Elektra: Ya know, despite it all, I'm not that f-ed up.
Keeping it real.

New lonely fish. Don't worry, Ryan will catch you friends!

Don: Much logics.
I find it ironic that he's reading a logic book while standing in a place where he could fall into a lake and die.
And then Selina invited him to a birthday party for her age up to Adult. So I made him go and bring all of the family (except Amanda cos she has to work.)

Right. Party time.

You two and your obnoxious party wear.

Ryan started talking to Kezia. She looks unimpressed, as usual.

Noah: Daaaaaaamn Nat-Natasha? Nancy? Whatever, Ryan's wife. Hot damn, she's fine.
Then I ended the party after a few hours of the Sims being pointless. Sel didn't age up but that's alright. Tonight I hope the spare kids get families of their own.

Amanda is so dirty that her hair's almost black again.
And then I finally got the notifications! Noah got a woman pregnant and Kezia got married to a semihot redhead (babies now please).
Right, finished. Back down to 70 points, guys.
Score Sheet- 70
Single Births (5) +25
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (14) +70
Aspiration (2) +20
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (1) +10
Every 100,000 simoleons (1) +20
Pass Out (15) -75
Self Wetting (3) -15
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