2.7- FAIL

As you might know, quite a lot happened last chapter. But on with today's post. Nat just got home. I love her but GODDAMN this woman cannot take care of herself.

Wanda, as we know, has all of the health.

Ryan: Ehehehe....
Don't you give me that smile. We all know you dropped it.

Ryan's done a crapload of cooking so he and Nat are hanging out. They haven't spent much time together lately b/c he's been so busy.

Nat: Even with a stink cloud you're the best husband ever.
Ryan: :)


-5. But again I'm blaming myself, because she gave birth at around 6.30, then her work was at 9, and I still made her go.

Ryan's tending to his garden. I am so bad at remembering that he has to water the plants and shit.

Nat's parenting! I keep forgetting that Elektra exists, because she's not a loud baby.
Nat: Um...the monster will make your stink cloud go away?

Amanda has a new outfit.

Y'all fail. Just change her flipping nappy.

But finally he did that and gave her a bottle for good measure.

Also YAY. I made Manda's aspiration this after she finished the painting one cos I figured we'd make some money, so +5!

I remembered that this random girl is someone I was thinking of marrying Ryan to back when he was still a teen. Well, she and Nat were the only teens in the town at that point.

Don: I do not think this is how it's supposed to work.
Ya don't say? GET BACK IN THE HOUSE, you senile git.

Don: Why am I still in here?
Because I don't control you, now GTFO of that hedge.


Wanda: Hey BED! Do you like it when I squash you?

Don finally got out of the hedge and is now going home.

Family tree pic.

I'm leaving the walls down so you can see that there is ANOTHER BATHROOM RIGHT NEXT TO THIS ONE. Why can't Sims figure this out?


These two always make me feel better.
Nat: Lalalalala...ignoring youuuu.


Thanks Wanda.

Pietro: Aw thanks, Pasta. Wanda says my joke isn't funny but we know better!


Ryan doing some housework.

Everyone's going to the park.

Wanda: Hello Mista!

Wanda is a GREAT dancer.

Amanda: Match. On.
Dude; O-OK...

This grown-ass man is yelling at a little kid. I think Wanda yelled first...but she's a kid!
Grown-Ass Man: Your dancing SUCKS!
Wanda: Le gasp! Oh no you didn't sucker!

Of course.

Wanda: Hey Mista! You wanna come live with us? It'll give ya a place away from the flies.
I feel like Wanda is a very angry, crazy, but quite sweet little girl.

Wanda's conversation with the evil dude made her very very mad.

Don is possessed by the spirit of cooking.

Wanda's calming herself down.

Amanda: I'mma fall into this river but at least I'm talking to you guys!
Nat's bro: I caught a real good fish!

Pietro: AAAH SCARY MAN CALL 999- wait, it's Dad.

Amanda: I still love ya!
Don: I guess I still care for you...

If they're going to put decor with height around this place, they need to make it so that Sims don't walk in hedges or bits of cement...

Ryan still loves his mum.

A note to Ryan and Amanda: Playing the 'space monster' does not mean that you have to ACTUALLY scare the living bejesus out of the kids.

Ryan is being nice to his parents today.

Amanda and Rude Dude are getting off to a bad start.

She's pretty mad.

Ryan: So? What do you think?
Don: Great son! *cries internally*

Ryan: Ya know, if I saw you on the street I probably wouldn't punch you!
Don: Thanks! No really, thanks. I know how you are.



Homeless dude: AHH scary lady.

I notice that Pietro always drops what he's doing to socialise with others, mostly Wanda. She'll get off their spaceship thing and then he'll get off just so he can give her a hug. I guess he does that with everyone...he's such a sweet child.

Ryan's fishing. I want to get an aquarium full of our own fish.

Wanda: And sometimes I just wanna blast music and cry it out...
Pietro: O...OK...I don't get it, Wanda.

Don: Ryan said that I should probably be nice to you, soooo...
Amanda: Wait who are you again?

Friendship everywhere.

Pietro: So you catch like this!
Wanda: I knew that already, ya doofus.

Wanda is totally spinning her twin bro some real bullshit and Pietro is totally buying it.

Don: Durrr....I gotta book.

You're a right senile old pair.

Ryan FINALLY caught a fish.
And he still has homework, lol.

Amanda: This is good! Pietro, watch, watch, you'll need this someday.

Great job! *applauds sarcastically* -5.
Also Ryan has now caught two fish!

Bella is old. But still pretty.

I'm gonna plant this.

Evil Dude: Eating hotdogs that I DIDN'T make! I'm so evil!

I brought Nat here. Once again, she feels a bit shit...

Sideburns: For you, old fishing lady, I venture into the abyss!
Old Fishing Lady: Thx bby.

Noah: Hiiiiiii.
WTF why are you wearing a suit?

You suuuuuuck. -5. I would leave but I want Ryan to catch more fish!

Homeless Dude: Boooooo child!

And then THIS popped up.

Old dude: I like your butt. And I want to feel ALL of it.
Nat: WTF creep get your hand out of me.

Ryan's obsessed with catching romantic gifts.

Don and Wanda take a selfie.
And then Ryan caught ANOTHER rose. Catch FISH.

NAT! Ugh! -5.

SERIOUSLY? I wanted Ryan to catch more fish while you guys took care of yourselves!
I'm taking you all home. At least Ryan got a 'Kissing Gourami'. He has a confident moodlet so it's a good catch, right?
I checked and it's uncommon! Yay!

Not too shabby!

OK, I'm ending this! FIVE pass outs, seriously? SERIOUSLY? Our points have gone down by so much! Look at them! Ugh. Next time...IDEK.
Score Sheet- 55
Single Births (5) +25
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (14) +70
Aspiration (2) +20
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for a generation (1) +10
Pass Out (13) -65
Self Wetting (3) -15
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