2.2- The First Gen 3 Spawn
Nat is honeymoon-phasing big time.
Both sisters are tense as heck.
Sel: Ugh...
Kezia: I hate you.
Sel: Cheese, I don't like her.
Cheese: Yeah girl, I getcha.
Nat: You make me uneasy...
Amanda: I don't like my job.
Too bad.
Also, Nat's in her second trimester.
Sel's gonna be YA!
I'll miss her crazy. But then they never really leave. Noah's been here nearly every single day.
The first birthday Kezia has ever cared about. Sure, she's low-key caring in the other room instead of actually celebrating near her sister, but it's a START.
And now Sel is gone. :(. She also gained creative as a trait.
Nat's brother is coming to hang out.
Nat's second trimester bump.
Duck lips.
Nat's brother is being mean to her, Ryan is being weird and Don is just so done.
Nat's working out! Look at that face!
Treadmill time. Be careful, Nat, you'll get tired.
Amanda: The grilled cheese is plotting something!
Nat feels horrible.
Great job guys!
The joys of not being able to control a pregnant sim. Wet self IN THE BATHROOM. You can see the shower right there! -5.

Ryan is a good husband. Cleaning up your wife's pee while she showers. That's love, kids.

Amanda goofing off in the bath. I never let her do that, this must be nice.

Don will be old soon.

Sorry Natty, you're still off to work.

Ryan is a good husband. Cleaning up your wife's pee while she showers. That's love, kids.

Amanda goofing off in the bath. I never let her do that, this must be nice.

Don will be old soon.

Sorry Natty, you're still off to work.

Now that Kezia's the only one in the After School pic she appears happy in them. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
Nat's on her 3rd trimester now.

Amanda: I still hate my job.
Too bad!

She deals with her feelings using yoga.

Ryan gets a promotion.

Third trimester bump!

Kezia: Hey! Hey lady! Hey!
Lady: Who is this girl?

Kezia has given up on socialisation and just gone on the internet. I feel you.

She made it!

Kind of cute but also a bit terrifying!

Don's being a nice father in law and cleaning up the dishes for Nat.

Luigi's back to fix the dishwasher because Ryan has no time.

The romance is still strong with these two.

While Ryan's relationship with his mother is the least dysfunctional out of all of his siblings.

Nat and Ryan spam. They are so cute!

Ryan: So, whaddya say, Computer. Is my smile cute enough?
Computer: OK...

Don is running to work in his towel. Professional.

Kezia will never be impressed by anything.

Nat came home early cos she's in labour!

Poor girl.

Meet Pietro Sutherland! I recently re-watched Age of Ultron, so I wanted to do a tribute to Quicksilver.

And what to name the twin sister of a boy called Pietro? Wanda, that's what. Meet Wanda Sutherland! It's also pretty neat that she was born last.
We got twins. WE GOT TWINS. Holy- this is good and bad. This also makes 7 people in the house.

Also Amanda got a promotion!


Ryan is v. devoted.

Even Kezia helps out. Both are crying and Ryan's busy and everyone else is useless.

There ya go.
Kezia: Who's a good boy? You are...you are...ahem, I mean STUPID BABY. Why do I have to feed you?
She so has a nice side.

Noah came over.

All four of them are sleeping.
And then Wanda started crying.

Amanda is doing autonomous painting! I put the paint rack in the hallway so people could get inspired.

Ryan: Who's dad's princess, Wanda?
So far Nat's been pretty useless with the babies. Ryan is not going to be in a good mood these next days.

It's Don's Elder birthday, but Ryan doesn't have a cake ready and is in no position to get one ready so we might have another age-up-by-fridge scenario.

Well, Don is cleaning the shower/bath now.

Don is being helpful, but Pietro actually needs food soooo...
And I got a notification that Kezia got a mischief score of 4. That's crazy. No-one in this family ever gets their skills past 2 without me making them.

I used Amanda's one adult move to get her to play the guitar for a promotion.

Aunt Kezia to the rescue!

And again. She's really taken to them.
Amanda got level 2 in guitar. Promotion please!

And finally Kezia figured out that Wanda needed food.
It was funny watching her because she would do one or two useless things, then go to troll teh forums, then try again. This went on for two Sim hours. I think that's Kezia fighting with her conscience.

Meanwhile Ryan was eating pancakes...but seriously, he took care of them the whole night. I think he deserves a break.

And finally they both go to sleep!
I think that's a pretty good place to end this. Next chapter... things will happen. Depends how interesting the Sutherlands are.
Score Sheet- 55
Single Births (4) +20
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (10) +50
Aspiration (2) +20
Grade A (1) +5
Pass Out (7) -35
Self Wetting (3) -15
Single Births (4) +20
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (10) +50
Aspiration (2) +20
Grade A (1) +5
Pass Out (7) -35
Self Wetting (3) -15
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