1.8- Stuff Happens
So last chapter, we aged up Sel...and yeah, nothing else happened.

Sel and Noah doing sibling bonding. Oh the joy in their eyes as they watch the TV and completely ignore each other. I sense a loving bond!

Ryan being himself.

Now Sel and Noah are being wonderful. I want to know why Noah is so hilarious.
Noah: Duh, it's because I'm her older brother and she does everything I say.
Sel: Oh bro you really are funny...wait.

Amanda and her wonder at the painting easel? (Something she's owned for all of her YA life.)

Don walking in from work with no promotion and feeling crap because he can't take care of himself?

Don, stop pouting and take care of yourself like the grown-ass man that you are.


Noah: Is he dead? This pleases me.
Noah, you creepy child.

I should be grateful that the other kids are at least being semi-normal.

Don this is sad. You are sleeping in a filthy-ass bath


Ryan: My mother is gonna kill me! *runs out of room*
Amanda: So it was you who did this ya little mofo? You are dead.
Don (still in bath): *snore*

Sel you creepy child.

Slay girl! While Don is freaking out like a little bitch, AMANDA SLAYS. She is fearless (and also insane).

Don, Ryan and Sel: Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod

Noah: Ehhhhh
Kid you really are creepy.

WOWZA you have had a bad day. No promotion, exhausted through work, fire set by stupid son and finally he passed out AT HIS BEDROOM DOOR. -5 points Don, thanks.

Sel: The entire household are idiots.
I feel you Selly.

Ryan: Guys guys I'm washing the dishes.
A: Everyone else is asleep because it's 10.30pm and they're getting their lives together (I hope).
B: This does NOT negate the fact that you SET THE HOUSE ON FIRE.

Ryan: No, Blarffy. NO. I'm the boss and you know it you stupid bear.
Go to BED.

Don, you suck. Even your kids can take better care of themselves. And they're...kids!

He is walking round like this and yet what's in his action queue? PLAYING VIDEO GAMES. I shit you not, he is actually doing that. I know I can't control him but by GOD I wanna.

Then take a shower.

Don: I hate my life.
Don, you have basically the best-looking Sim I could create as a girlfriend, three hilariously messed-up children and a boxy house bungalow thing with real wallpaper and windows and everything! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?

OK, so I'm never gonna pause them during the 'I need the loo' animation thingy. What is Sel even doing?

Ryan is really mad. Also he needs to pee. They ALL NEED TO PEE. I NEED A SECOND BATHROOM.

This family is just...OK, so you've got Noah pouting, and then Ryan is screaming at pancakes while Sel gives pancakes a demented stare, and Manda just stares off into the distance like nothing's happening. I don't really blame her.

Amanda: Why HELLO there.

Sel: I'm cool.
It's just the self-assured trait talking.

Yay for autonomous skilling! Sel just looks a bit like she wants to take over the world with yellow glitter. Someone's actually using that activity table.

Bella: Mwahaha! I love you air!
Wat? Is Mortimer not enough? Why are you making that face?

The bathroom is all kinds of gross. Puddles, a filthy shower...

You can just tell here that Noah and Sel are planning to pull that shit when two siblings gang up on the other one and the other one has no-one to back them up.

Noah: *announcing his plan for world domination*
Ryan: If I smile and play along he'll go away.
Sel: Grrrrrrr... they are such idiots, they make Sel MAD.

Brother bonding.

More child selfie spam.

Sel is tense because of the fire Ryan started yesterday and she keeps making all these angry faces.
Sel: Everyone sucks.

More family bonding time spam, without Amanda (because she had to go to work on a Saturday).

Ryan: Mwahahaha BASEBALL GLOVE.

Sel: BOO!
Ryan: AH! *acts like monkey*

Sel: I...I didn't do anything Ry, I wuv you!

Ryan: Look what I can do with my eyes!
Sel: You disgust me.

Sel: Well, two can play at this game, which I'm better at BTW.

Nina Caliente, why are you here?


Thank you Noah.

Thank GOD.
Let's end this. Amanda finally got promoted! I'm just going to celebrate that. So we just had a lot of the kids and Don interacting. Next time Amanda and Don both have a day off, so I'm going to work on her aspiration. Don should get a promotion too.
Score Sheet- 5
Single Births (3) +15
Aspiration Tiers (2) +10
Pass Out (3) -15
Self Wetting (1) -5
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