1.7- Selina Grows Up

Amanda: I'm just gonna close my eyes and see how it turns out.
Amanda that is not how you paint.

Ryan and Noah came back from school, so I went outside to check on them and here they are.

Goddamn Noah, she's not that bad. Just because she's crying right now.
Ryan (to the stuffed bear off-screen): And then I was like....ahahaha, you're hilarious.

Ryan: I don't trust this show.
You and your conspiracy theories.

Noah: Well I don't like you either, you stupid stuffed bear.
Poor Blarffy. Noah, just because your mother had a baby while you were at school does not mean you can take it out on your toys! That thing cost £75!

Amanda: Derp.

Amanda: Say whaaaat?
Grilled Cheese: Yeah girl, I'm telling ya the truth, I was just chilling in the fridge and then this motherf-er comes up to me and is all like-

Ryan: She doesn't even exist. I'm going to my happy place.

Upgraded the kid beds.

Noah, get out of the way.
Noah: Whatever. This thing is boring me.
Go play with your brother then or something.

Noah: Really, salad? NOOB!
Also why are you sitting on the bed when we have a dining table with four perfectly good chairs?

Noah and Ryan and their brotherly love.

Don: Son, I'm going to tell you one thing. I'm serious about this.
Noah: Dad, go away, 'cos I am FAR too cool for you.

THANK GOD. I accidentally clicked Try For Baby when I was trying to get Amanda and Don to have fun a while back because they were both tense as hell. But we're cool, we're cool. They MIGHT have more kids, but not now, because they can barely afford the three they have. Also Sel is still a baby and babies are annoying. Though she cries a lot less than RYAN. He was the worst.

Ryan: IDEC what you think, cos I'm doing SCIENCE
See, that's what you both think. You're wrong.

Aw. Domestic goddess Amanda. She looks pretty good for having had three kids, just saying.

Don doing sit-ups in the bathroom at 3am. (I know you can see the plumbbob but I wasn't actually controlling him, FYI)

Noah, what did the salad do?
Noah: It displeases me.
Oh my God...

Amanda: WHAT IS IT?
It's your hand, stupid.

Autonomous cleaning from Don!


The boys are back from school and are...they're doing their thing.

Noah got a B in school!

Noah, I thought you didn't like the salad.
Noah: I do now.
You don't make sense, kid.

RYAN. Get it together. Maybe if you hadn't spent the whole night on your science toy thingy you would not be in this situation.

Amanda: What is this thing?
Your child. Your THIRD child.

Noah: And me and you and your stink cloud are going to own a nice castle in the sky where we can all be happy and eat salad. But we will have to destroy the others, I am afraid. COME WITH ME, YOUNG SISTER! >:).
Sel: Goo. (Translation: Are you mofos actively trying to mess me up?)
Yes, Sel, yes they are. Good luck.

*puts on condescending voice* Now Don, what did the Fish Taco ever do to you?
Don: Why are you so mean? You let Amanda get away with this stuff.
Because Amanda makes me laugh. You just look pathetic.
Don: :(

Really Ryan? First you make the shower gross and now you do the same thing to the toilet? SHAME ON YOU.

Amanda: Those flies are my best friends ever now.

Have I ever mentioned just how much I love Amanda? She just makes the most adorable faces.

Goddamnit Don! (Though that one might be on me because Amanda was raising their friendship for her aspiration and I failed to notice how tired he was, because he had good moodlets overpowering the Exhausted one)

Good job boys!

Last night's gross plates are still here.

I noticed we had a bit of money, so upgrade for Don and Amanda's bed. The old one gave them bad moodlets. (The kids still have the old kind of bed, sry guys)

Don and Amanda being quite adorable. With the gross plates in the background. Nice. Someone should clean that shit up.
Amanda: You mean me, don't you? *sighs*
How are you speaking?

I really hate her work outfit. That's the problem with the painter career. I dress them all nice and classy and pretty and then the game sticks this on her the one time every day that she leaves the house. (She hasn't left for anything else since date 1 of the Aspiration thing I was doing)

Oh my God. (I replaced it because the house actually has a whole £466 and the sink is like...£98 to replace)

Ooh YAY.

The boys are back from school and I might just put a picture of kids returning because generally they're being at least 12% hilarious.

I think Noah and the salad got in another fight. (That reminds me...Amanda hasn't made food in ages and she should do that.)

Sel aged up! (I had to wait for ages because her birthday was at 12 and Amanda didn't come home until 5) I know she looks a bit all over the place with her outfit, but she got Artistic Prodigy and Self-Assured, which means that she'd totally be arty enough to pick this outfit, AND confident enough to wear it like a boss. (Dress and shoes are CC)
This just makes me want another baby girl.
Amanda (out of CAS): NO.

And as a bonus, Sel's sleepwear. Also Custom Content (all of which I get off the Sims Resource). I think it's adorable.
Also, I realised that the kids went like this: Noah has Don's eyes and Amanda's face, Ryan is an equal blend between both, and Sel has Amanda's eyes and Don's face. I like how they all look slightly different.
I think I'm done for today. Sel aged up, Noah and Ryan were funny and Don and Amanda are both so near to a promotion but just didn't get one because halfway through the work day they got all tense. Grr. Next chapter they should FINALLY get promotions, and we can see if Sel measures up to the boys in terms of funny. (I feel like she'll do a lot of that 'I'm cool' stuff, because of her trait).
Score Sheet- 10
Single Births (3) +15
Aspiration Tiers (2) +10
Pass Out (2) -10
Self Wetting (1) -5
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