1.6- Home Alone

Amanda went to work (finally), Noah's at school and Don is napping so Ryan is chasing down this HORRIFICALLY dressed lady.
Ryan: Haaaaaiii
Lady: Kid, take a hint, I don't wanna talk to your unfashionable ass.
Say whaaaat, lady? Says you?

Ryan: She has left but there are so many more...
Who all left too. He tried talking to Eric Lewis but he wasn't having none of it. Which I don't blame him for, if some kid just ran after you going, "Hey Mister! Hey!" would you talk to him? I THINK NOT.

He has spent the whole morning on his phone. I think that just makes him relatable.

Ryan why do you not do interesting things? I want Noah to come back. I want Amanda to come back. I want to hang out with anybody but you.

Ryan: I'm pretty cool.
No you're not. You've spent six hours on the street either on your phone or creeping out people by running after them trying to introduce yourself, you weirdo.

Noah: I'm hilarious.
Damn right you are.

What got up his ass?

Amanda is home! She got this 'snazzy' work outfit, and has been in her third trimester for six hours now (I think). We should definitely have the baby this chapter. As for now, I'm going to get her to take family leave.

She just looks so mad.
Amanda: I'm looking at the computer. I know what it did.
Just go cook some food; you're hungry. And take some family leave.

Amanda: No, you listen! You listen! I am about to have a baby, so give me some time off, bitch!
Stick it to 'em, Manda.

Now what did the salad do?
Amanda: It existed. I don't like it.

Amanda: I am a total food ninja.
Amanda, that's not safe. See, you're spilling oil everywhere.

Amanda: So that's how it is, huh salad? That's how it is? Let's play.
Um no Amanda, stop talking to your meal and just eat it.

Ryan has FINALLY decided to come in the house instead of just hangin' on the street because he needs to pee.

I went to check on Noah and was not disappointed.
Noah: *sassily stares at sparkle*

Amanda I know where you're going put that. That is gross.
Amanda: I hate everyone right now so it serves those a-holes right.

Noah once again outside the bathroom door.

Don: *yawns*
If you had a normal sleep pattern this wouldn't happen.

Don, you really don't have that much to complain about. Stop being all tense.

Don: I'm hot.
Sure you are. And go to bed, you are so tired right now.


You are both very creepy kids in your own special ways.

Ryan's first good face!
Seriously, it's being stretched to hell.

Amanda, don't worry, it'll be over soon.

Ryan, you're a...special kid.

And so is Noah.
I'll admit that now I love them both. I think Ryan is funnier when he's talking to the rest of the family. On his own he was so boring!

Don is scowling for no reason.

It's go time!

And as you can see, I named her Selina. Selina Sutherland. Finally. So now I can put Amanda's uterus out of action.

She's also adorable.
Actually, she looks like Noah and Ryan, but with a different onesie.
That's it for this chapter. Well...Amanda didn't get a promotion, Don didn't get a promotion, Ryan was boring, Noah was in the chapter disappointingly little, and Ryan hung around for hours like a boring person. Maybe next time? Hopefully we'll get Selina aged up and ready to be freed from the crib.
Score Sheet- 15
Single Births (3) +15
Aspiration Tiers (2) +10
Pass Out (1) -5
Self Wetting (1) -5
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