1.4- Creepy Noah
(Note 21/01/16: I updated the scoresheet because I messed up with the points)
So this is Noah. He is a genius and a whiz kid. Maybe that will make him do his homework? ...Probably not. I will buy him a science table to see if he DOES SHIT or nah. I think he's such a cute kid though. He's got Don's eyes but Amanda's face I think. On with the next one.

Noah: HELLO!
Kid. Go away. You're cute but you're not adorable enough to get away with making that kinda face at me.

I don't think Noah quite knows how to life yet, he's just standing outside the bathroom with a creepy smile on his face.
Amanda (in-bathroom): Noah, go away, I'm tryna pee! It's your sibling's fault!

Poor Amanda.
Amanda: Bleeeeuuuuuurgh...
Noah and Don (off-screen): *snore*

Gross. I think she just used that too.

Third trimester! (Feat. Filthy plate in corner)

YAAAASSSS NOAH! Good kid. Where did you even get your genius from, your parents definitely don't have those traits.
I also put Amanda on family leave because I want her to do some painting and she feels horrible right now.

What a cute family!

And just as I say that, Amanda starts yelling at Noah. What did he even do? He's doing his homework. He's being quiet. Amanda started it. The joys of the insane trait.
Amanda: His face was annoying me, and the salad ain't being that nice either.
GAHD why do I bother.

Well done to Noah. Kudos.

WOW you guys. Wow. Amanda is the insane one and she is the only one doing good shit right now. (She's doing her daily task)

OK... what a cute family!

Noah, is this just your fave place in the house? Why? You have a science table, there's a TV and a computer...what is your issue?


So Amanda is the pregnant one and she's the one who does all the gross shit. Par for the course for any female TH in a straight relationship.

I realised I made Amanda's aspiration Soulmate, and she needs to do two dates, and Don's also needs him to have two dates, so that would be ten points apiece if I did this, so let's go on date 1.

Amanda: I have another idea babe!
Don: Not again.

Amanda: You are under my spell now...

Man who has hijacked violin: Even I can't stand my own music.


Don: It just makes me so mad!
Amanda: You're pretty. *smiles*



Today the Sims are not being total twats! Woohoo (which is what Don and Amanda will do if this baby is not a girl! I want a mini Amanda!)

Every time I say something is going well someone f*cks something up. WELL DONE NOAH.

And once again it is the pregnant person who has to do everything. Don and Noah are squealing, but Amanda is just FEARLESS.

Noah, your face...even though you did start a fire, I love this kid!

I don't even have a caption for this, I just feel like it was too good not to put here.

Amanda: Yeah, I deserve another taco.
She does though. I mean, she's pregnant and just put out a fire.

Amanda and the Taco: Part 3.

Don: Yeah, I'm great.
For doing the dishes, a basic household task that most grown-ass adults know how to do?

Amanda: AAAAH!
Noah: *is plotting to murder someone*

Thank you Don. I honestly thought you'd be worse as a spouse than you actually are, but no, you're actually doing chores around the house.
Amanda (off-screen): You see why I like this guy?

Don: Son, this is how you punch

Noah: *plotting to murder someone*

Noah: I choose YOU!

Noah: I have chosen my weapon and am now ordering it off eBay!

Noah: The day will come soon...
OK, dude I thought you were joking, but it looks like...you're not murdering your father. NO. I will not let that happen.
Amanda, throughout this whole murder plot: *snore*

Amanda: I know what it did. THAT WALL!
I will leave you to your insanity. Just hurry up and let someone else use the loo.

They have left their sleeping, defenceless (well, that's debatable) child at home while Amanda squeezes out her second kid. Well DONE, parents of the year.

Gaaah. I wanted a GIRL.
Though it's not unusual for people to have... I don't know, THREE kids?

And here is Baby Ryan! Isn't he cute?
Actually he looks just like Noah, and we all know how well that kid turned out.
Sorry Ryan, if this girl baby ever happens you will end up hilariously unloved by me.
Ryan: Goo.
That's it for today. Next time Amanda might FINALLY go back to work (she has like two days off now and I want a PROMOTION), Don might get a promotion, Noah might cause another fire or make another murder plot, and Ryan might grow up.
Score Sheet- 5
Single Births (2) +10
Pass Out (1) -5
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