1.3- Promotions and Children
(Side Note: I am keeping track of points. All we have right now is 5 for the birth of Noah.) So in this chapter, I'm going to get Amanda pregnant again, and grow up baby Noah. Hopefully we keep advancing in the career too. Let's go!
So we start with Amanda waking up at 12am because the baby is crying. She looks surprisingly un-pissed off.
Amanda: What, new life.

Sorry guys.

Sorry Noah, you are not going to get any attention right now. Also, you've been alive for less than 12 hours and you're witnessing this. I feel sorry for you.

Sibling for Noah!

Again with the face, Don.

Yes Amanda, feed your child. It's been crying for an hour.


Amanda: The grilled cheese will do my bidding.
Your bidding is to eat it quickly and then go fix the toilet.
Amanda: Ew, no.

Amanda: The whole world needs to see my grilled cheese.

SURE. You can TOTALLY do that in heels. OF COURSE.
Amanda: You dressed me like this.

Amanda: You really expect me to rummage through this trash?
Yes. Yes I do. You need money, OK!

Amanda: I'm not Cinderella!
As TH, you basically are. No-one else is gonna do this, and you have a day off.
Amanda: Yeah, because of my kid.

Child, please shut up.

Crop top dude, just get a new shirt! And stop looking like you think you're so swag.

I realised we had some money, so I updated the house. Where is the update? You're looking at it. OK, so I didn't have that much money.

Amanda: Oh yeah, this looks GOOD.
I wonder if Noah will get this confidence.

Amanda made £101 off her most recent painting, and here are the results. We now are worth £57. Yay...

And after the investment in a tiny canvas for Amanda to paint on, we are worth a grand total of £7.

Amanda, stop making weird faces and paint.

Honestly, Amanda is being terrible at taking care of Noah, he was crying for two hours. And I control her.

Amanda is making a new recipe. Will Fish Tacos become the new grilled cheese?
Amanda: KNIFE!

Amanda and the Fish Taco. She looks happy but less interesting than when she was having grilled cheese.

Amanda: But what do YOU think?
There's no-one there.
Amanda: Me and the Taco are best friends now.
Grilled Cheese (in fridge): Ouch.
Taco: Whaaaaat?

Look at that face. She's clearly plotting something.

What are you doing? Just eat your lunch.

Amanda: Me funnyyyyy!

Amanda got her maternity leave pay and now we have made the kid room look a bit less shit.


DON ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Now we are back down to ZERO points.

Don, don't just stand there SMIRKING. You PASSED OUT. Go to BED!

Amanda is up to her usual painting antics.

I decided to check on Baby Noah. Eh, he's fine.

*sigh* Shut up!

So, Don, your child is crying but you are just going to sit on the bed and watch. Nice one.


Oh LOOK, Amanda is painting my exact facial expression right now.

Don: I don't know what I'm doing!
Try FEEDING the child. You would know that if you payed attention to it.

Amanda: I'm so done with everything.

Don also looks like he's done with life. Tough luck, you two. And it's far from over.


And now he's given up.

Amanda to the rescue, as expected.

Amanda: I do NOT feel good.
Also Don just got another breakthrough!

Second trimester and off to work.
Amanda: I am Super Mum.

Don always seems to have scientific ideas while doing the dishes. At least he does both things on his own.

Don: Oh yeah, I can totally feed this child.
He's been alive for over a day and only now do you know how to feed him. Great parenting, Don. Great support for Amanda you are.

One good work decision card thingy and an inspired mood led to a super quick promotion! Well done Amanda!

Amanda and the Fish Taco: Part 2

And FINALLY Noah aged up. We'll have a day and a half of no more babies. Yay.
So with the ageing up of Noah, we are going to leave this chapter.
Score Sheet: 0
Single Birth (1) +5
Pass Out (1) -5
Thanks DON!
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