Chapter 17- More Ageing Up
I was messing about in the Manage World screen and CASing all the townies, when I found crop top dude. I gave him a real shirt...
Actually I didn't, that would be wrong.
Anyways enough of my irrelevant bullshit...
So, today Kezia is definitely ageing up into a teen. I will miss her, and I will miss having a kid in the house, but I'm excited to see Teen Kezia. Depending on how interesting the Sutherlands are and how many screenshots I take, Ryan may or may not have his birthday too. And... yeah.
Also, I moved Noah out! I made the 'spare house' this big one RIGHT next to the main ISBI house so they can be neighbours and we can see them more often. I think it's fine to cheat on money here because it't not like it contributes to the challenge. Also, I want all the spares in one big house instead of being dotted everywhere. I want to have like, Ryan's spare kids living with old Noah and Sel and Kezia.

Doing that in the morning. IDK why she was aged up at 3am the last time.

It's just Amanda and Ryan who care. Don's asleep, and Sel is in the room but she's eating food and doesn't care.

She still looks sad.

Kezia's everyday look. I decided to make her dress very different to Selina...they are complete opposites. Anyway, Kezia got Slob and Fabulously Wealthy as her new teen stuff, so that's all good. On with the game.

Sel and Ryan are having breakfast at our outside area.
Ryan: Sel, wait, wait, I've got a really good idea!
Sel: No...I'm so done with you.
Don't worry, *checks age bar* you have like six days left here. After that you're sayonara and you'll be off to live with Noah.
Sel: Really? *cries internally*

See? Even when Kezia smiles she doesn't look that happy... who likes the sleepwear I picked out for her?


Sel: I really don't like my palms.

Kezia is so happy that she doesn't have to go to school that she made THIS FACE.

How are you THIS FLEXIBLE? You've never done yoga before.
Don (off-screen): I know many reasons why ;).

So. Amanda can apparently do that downward dog thing PERFECTLY, but she can't stand on one foot for a few seconds.
Slow clap for the Spa Day GP. (I actually love it).

Random close-up of Amanda painting. She's super good now! 3/5 masterpieces... Ryan has like 3 days and I'm a little anxious.

You two need to get your lives together, you trainwrecks. Take. Showers. Before. School.

Yes, Ryan kicked you out of the bathroom, Sel, but there are two perfectly good ones upstairs you can use. Don't just go and play on the goddamned computer.

Amanda giving Kezia the WooHoo talk.
Amanda: So, first things first. Men in loveheart underwear are ALWAYS d-bags. Always. That's why I married your father.

Kezia: Mum GTFO with all your shit. I don't want to hear it.

Amanda: Too bad, it's a mother's job to tell you this. Now, what I advise you to do...

Kezia: Mum I do not want to hear about how you and Dad conceived us!

Amanda: Hm...what do you think, plate and glass? Should I not have told her about-
Plate and Glass: O_O

Ryan: I could do homework... but nah.

Sauna-y bit. Was expensive, but we actually have money now and can still pay bills.

Noah: *sniff* I miss my parents! And my childhood home... and my bedroom...and my mum's cooking. And I miss my sisters!
Soooo EVIL. And what about Ryan?
Noah: Bleh. He sucks. He took away heirship. If it wasn't for him gaining insanity, I would be allowed to remain in that house!
You wanted your freedom.
Noah: It sucks! Anyway, AS I WAS SAYING, Ryan is the cause of everything. If he didn't exist I would be heir!
No you wouldn't. It would be Sel. You don't have ANY of Amanda's traits.
Noah: OK, boo to her then. Both of them. I'm still coming to visit though.
Noah: Free food! I can't cook jack!

Kezia: Oh, freedom, please come soon.
LOL no. You have 13 days left.

The Sutherlands reunited... like 1 day after Noah moved out. Needy child.

Noah: *sad face*

Kezia, what are you doing?
Kezia: I'm planning to smack a hoe!
Ooh. Who? I'm past worrying about you, I'll just feed off your drama.

Noah looks like a kid being caught pranking someone.

Christening the sauna...

Don: Heck yeah, I just banged my wife in the sauna.

Amanda: Chilli. Dude, you'll never guess what I just did.

And with Noah yelling at Amanda... she is now acquaintances with her own son.

Noah is being a DOUCHE. Seriously...this woman raised you. Well...that could be debated.

And now they're fighting in the street at midnight. Real classy you two.

Amanda won. And now... this is a f*cked up family.

Eh. Bradford's dead, she needs a new enemy.

It's morning, and I found Nat! She got a job as a cop. I may or may not change that when Ryan marries her.
I got Amanda to ask her about her career just so we know when Ryan can invite her round. He has two days...

Amanda still can't stand up on one leg.

New beds! I'm not gonna buy much more because Ryan won't make nearly as much money as Amanda when he takes over and I want a stockpile, but I did buy these. I'm replacing the kid beds as the current kids stop using the beds, because otherwise they lose the Claim on it.

Ryan: I'm steaming mad!
Sel: I really like those bricks over there...
Kezia: I am devoid of a soul.

Kezia is autonomously using the observatory.


There are so many places to sleep, Ryan.

Kezia: If I make this face will peeps love me?

Sel: Hmmm... does my finger taste like chocolate? Or am I imagining things?

Kezia is trolling teh forums at 2am.

Kezia: Say what you f-ing CHAIR?!

Day trip destination!
Once again I am not controlling anyone, apart from Ryan for one teen move (reading a logic book for aspiration stuff).

The librarian is not a happy woman. But then if I had a hair-eyebrow combo like that I'd be pouting.

Amanda is playing chess with this lady.
Amanda: Yaaaaay I gotta new friend!
Lady: You're psycho. But I'll play ya anyways.

Don and Sel are being useful.

I found the Sim who was being creeped on by Eliza and J when Amanda first got here. I guess she got a job as a cop after that incident.
Creeped-On Sim: Damn straight! I destroy all the creeps.

Kezia has been mean to the librarian lady.

Oh my God... how can such a pretty Sim be so SCARY?

Don: Who is that girl, sleeping on the bench like a hobo?
Your daughter.
And then Amanda took everyone home because I got bored. Also we accidentally brought home chess lady.

Chess Lady is cool with the fact that the four people surrounding her are all in need of showers.

Don: It smells... but I'm proud of you guys.
Kezia: Ugh.

This asshole is Bradford Willard's son... who's also Nat. Well, Nathaniel. I guess he was put up to be Manda's next stalker. If he doesn't leave I guess we'll fight him too.

Mailman: Derp.
Also I didn't catch it in time but Amanda was cutting food on the counter that has the dishwasher, and Ryan opened it straight onto her legs. It went IN her legs. Dishmandaslegs...IDEK.

Amanda: Alone at last.
She escaped out here to eat. Don't blame her.

Amanda is chewing out Nathaniel.

Amanda: Young man, you and your man-bun need to get the f off my lawn!
Nathaniel: I am carrying on my father's noble legacy!
Amanda: Well your father was a twat ya dumbass! Get out!


Then this bitch comes in.
I know what needs to be done.

Oh yeah, we are taking this downstairs.

It's ON!


Don: You did so well, honey.
Amanda: Yeah... now let's **** in the same sauna that our kids use.
Don: Good idea!

Everyone is convening in the bathroom. Why... there are so many nice rooms in this house. There's even a pool, for crying out loud.

On a date for old time's sake.

J being a creeper again.

This is the worst mixologist in the world...I just hear bottles smashing.

*checks name* Alice: Not impressed.
Amanda: I'll give it a chance.
Don: Eh.

Amanda is pancake queen.

It's easy to forget how much they actually do love each other.

Finally Kezia is happy!
However, she had to eat food specifically designed to make you playful just to get like this. Why is she so depressing? I'm convinced that Noah was always evil, that Sel is insane and that Kezia is gloomy.
Ryan is on zero days, and it's scary because Amanda still hasn't done her fifth masterpiece.

Trees! Landscaping!

Random assortment of plants!

Jungle gym for kids!

HELL YES. Totally ready for Ryan to age up now. +15 points.

Amanda: Kezia you're in trouble!
Kezia: I hate you Mum!
Don: Nope. Not even happening.

Sel: We could do so many things, sis! I've got SO MANY IDEAS.
Kezia: I hate this.

Kezia: If I put my legs like this it's an even better dance move.
Sel: I can punch, I can so punch. I could punch you.

Honestly he's a bit done, isn't he.
Aw, but my dear... you are.



Amanda is playing cards with herself. And she is in it to win it.

Noah: Hiiiiiiii
Also I just had to use Kezia's teen move to stop her from eating Ryan's cake.

Sel is sleeping on the sofa.

Noah: I'm just so mad and evil all the time! I wanna punch something!
Ryan: Come on bro. Lover not a fighter, remember?

Let's do it.

Everyone's here...

Lol look at this. You've got Noah with the green horn and Don with the confetti and Sel and Amanda are cheering, but Kezia does not care.

Ryan: Yeah. I'm heir. Cool right?
That's it for this chapter! I'm excited to have a new TH, but I will miss Amanda. Manda's got a lot of life left in her though, she'll be around for a while. Next chapter Sel might have to leave, also Ryan is going to make a headway on his aspiration and, most importantly, woo Natalie!
Score Sheet- 50
Single Births (4) +20
Aspiration Tiers (9) +45
Aspiration (2) +20
Grade A (1) +5
Pass Out (7) -35
Self Wetting (1) -5

Doing that in the morning. IDK why she was aged up at 3am the last time.

It's just Amanda and Ryan who care. Don's asleep, and Sel is in the room but she's eating food and doesn't care.

She still looks sad.

Kezia's everyday look. I decided to make her dress very different to Selina...they are complete opposites. Anyway, Kezia got Slob and Fabulously Wealthy as her new teen stuff, so that's all good. On with the game.

Sel and Ryan are having breakfast at our outside area.
Ryan: Sel, wait, wait, I've got a really good idea!
Sel: No...I'm so done with you.
Don't worry, *checks age bar* you have like six days left here. After that you're sayonara and you'll be off to live with Noah.
Sel: Really? *cries internally*

See? Even when Kezia smiles she doesn't look that happy... who likes the sleepwear I picked out for her?


Sel: I really don't like my palms.

Kezia is so happy that she doesn't have to go to school that she made THIS FACE.

How are you THIS FLEXIBLE? You've never done yoga before.
Don (off-screen): I know many reasons why ;).

So. Amanda can apparently do that downward dog thing PERFECTLY, but she can't stand on one foot for a few seconds.
Slow clap for the Spa Day GP. (I actually love it).

Random close-up of Amanda painting. She's super good now! 3/5 masterpieces... Ryan has like 3 days and I'm a little anxious.

You two need to get your lives together, you trainwrecks. Take. Showers. Before. School.

Yes, Ryan kicked you out of the bathroom, Sel, but there are two perfectly good ones upstairs you can use. Don't just go and play on the goddamned computer.

Amanda giving Kezia the WooHoo talk.
Amanda: So, first things first. Men in loveheart underwear are ALWAYS d-bags. Always. That's why I married your father.

Kezia: Mum GTFO with all your shit. I don't want to hear it.

Amanda: Too bad, it's a mother's job to tell you this. Now, what I advise you to do...

Kezia: Mum I do not want to hear about how you and Dad conceived us!

Amanda: Hm...what do you think, plate and glass? Should I not have told her about-
Plate and Glass: O_O

Ryan: I could do homework... but nah.

Sauna-y bit. Was expensive, but we actually have money now and can still pay bills.

Noah: *sniff* I miss my parents! And my childhood home... and my bedroom...and my mum's cooking. And I miss my sisters!
Soooo EVIL. And what about Ryan?
Noah: Bleh. He sucks. He took away heirship. If it wasn't for him gaining insanity, I would be allowed to remain in that house!
You wanted your freedom.
Noah: It sucks! Anyway, AS I WAS SAYING, Ryan is the cause of everything. If he didn't exist I would be heir!
No you wouldn't. It would be Sel. You don't have ANY of Amanda's traits.
Noah: OK, boo to her then. Both of them. I'm still coming to visit though.
Noah: Free food! I can't cook jack!

Kezia: Oh, freedom, please come soon.
LOL no. You have 13 days left.

The Sutherlands reunited... like 1 day after Noah moved out. Needy child.

Noah: *sad face*

Kezia, what are you doing?
Kezia: I'm planning to smack a hoe!
Ooh. Who? I'm past worrying about you, I'll just feed off your drama.

Noah looks like a kid being caught pranking someone.

Christening the sauna...

Don: Heck yeah, I just banged my wife in the sauna.

Amanda: Chilli. Dude, you'll never guess what I just did.

And with Noah yelling at Amanda... she is now acquaintances with her own son.

Noah is being a DOUCHE. Seriously...this woman raised you. Well...that could be debated.

And now they're fighting in the street at midnight. Real classy you two.

Amanda won. And now... this is a f*cked up family.

Eh. Bradford's dead, she needs a new enemy.

It's morning, and I found Nat! She got a job as a cop. I may or may not change that when Ryan marries her.
I got Amanda to ask her about her career just so we know when Ryan can invite her round. He has two days...

Amanda still can't stand up on one leg.

New beds! I'm not gonna buy much more because Ryan won't make nearly as much money as Amanda when he takes over and I want a stockpile, but I did buy these. I'm replacing the kid beds as the current kids stop using the beds, because otherwise they lose the Claim on it.

Ryan: I'm steaming mad!
Sel: I really like those bricks over there...
Kezia: I am devoid of a soul.

Kezia is autonomously using the observatory.


There are so many places to sleep, Ryan.

Kezia: If I make this face will peeps love me?

Sel: Hmmm... does my finger taste like chocolate? Or am I imagining things?

Kezia is trolling teh forums at 2am.

Kezia: Say what you f-ing CHAIR?!

Day trip destination!
Once again I am not controlling anyone, apart from Ryan for one teen move (reading a logic book for aspiration stuff).

The librarian is not a happy woman. But then if I had a hair-eyebrow combo like that I'd be pouting.

Amanda is playing chess with this lady.
Amanda: Yaaaaay I gotta new friend!
Lady: You're psycho. But I'll play ya anyways.

Don and Sel are being useful.

I found the Sim who was being creeped on by Eliza and J when Amanda first got here. I guess she got a job as a cop after that incident.
Creeped-On Sim: Damn straight! I destroy all the creeps.

Kezia has been mean to the librarian lady.

Oh my God... how can such a pretty Sim be so SCARY?

Don: Who is that girl, sleeping on the bench like a hobo?
Your daughter.
And then Amanda took everyone home because I got bored. Also we accidentally brought home chess lady.

Chess Lady is cool with the fact that the four people surrounding her are all in need of showers.

Don: It smells... but I'm proud of you guys.
Kezia: Ugh.

This asshole is Bradford Willard's son... who's also Nat. Well, Nathaniel. I guess he was put up to be Manda's next stalker. If he doesn't leave I guess we'll fight him too.

Mailman: Derp.
Also I didn't catch it in time but Amanda was cutting food on the counter that has the dishwasher, and Ryan opened it straight onto her legs. It went IN her legs. Dishmandaslegs...IDEK.

Amanda: Alone at last.
She escaped out here to eat. Don't blame her.

Amanda is chewing out Nathaniel.

Amanda: Young man, you and your man-bun need to get the f off my lawn!
Nathaniel: I am carrying on my father's noble legacy!
Amanda: Well your father was a twat ya dumbass! Get out!


Then this bitch comes in.
I know what needs to be done.

Oh yeah, we are taking this downstairs.

It's ON!


Don: You did so well, honey.
Amanda: Yeah... now let's **** in the same sauna that our kids use.
Don: Good idea!

Everyone is convening in the bathroom. Why... there are so many nice rooms in this house. There's even a pool, for crying out loud.

On a date for old time's sake.

J being a creeper again.

This is the worst mixologist in the world...I just hear bottles smashing.

*checks name* Alice: Not impressed.
Amanda: I'll give it a chance.
Don: Eh.

Amanda is pancake queen.

It's easy to forget how much they actually do love each other.

Finally Kezia is happy!
However, she had to eat food specifically designed to make you playful just to get like this. Why is she so depressing? I'm convinced that Noah was always evil, that Sel is insane and that Kezia is gloomy.
Ryan is on zero days, and it's scary because Amanda still hasn't done her fifth masterpiece.

Trees! Landscaping!

Random assortment of plants!

Jungle gym for kids!

HELL YES. Totally ready for Ryan to age up now. +15 points.

Amanda: Kezia you're in trouble!
Kezia: I hate you Mum!
Don: Nope. Not even happening.

Sel: We could do so many things, sis! I've got SO MANY IDEAS.
Kezia: I hate this.

Kezia: If I put my legs like this it's an even better dance move.
Sel: I can punch, I can so punch. I could punch you.

Honestly he's a bit done, isn't he.
Aw, but my dear... you are.



Amanda is playing cards with herself. And she is in it to win it.

Noah: Hiiiiiiii
Also I just had to use Kezia's teen move to stop her from eating Ryan's cake.

Sel is sleeping on the sofa.

Noah: I'm just so mad and evil all the time! I wanna punch something!
Ryan: Come on bro. Lover not a fighter, remember?

Let's do it.

Everyone's here...

Lol look at this. You've got Noah with the green horn and Don with the confetti and Sel and Amanda are cheering, but Kezia does not care.

Ryan: Yeah. I'm heir. Cool right?
That's it for this chapter! I'm excited to have a new TH, but I will miss Amanda. Manda's got a lot of life left in her though, she'll be around for a while. Next chapter Sel might have to leave, also Ryan is going to make a headway on his aspiration and, most importantly, woo Natalie!
Score Sheet- 50
Single Births (4) +20
Aspiration Tiers (9) +45
Aspiration (2) +20
Grade A (1) +5
Pass Out (7) -35
Self Wetting (1) -5
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