1.15- Day Trips
Sel's first act as a teen is to walk in on her mother.
Y'all suck.
Reading a book on the toilet.
Ryan: We're all big now, Kezia.
Sel: Yeah.
Kezia: Aw.
That did...something.
*angel choir* New computer that actually puts the fun up! Next is a better fridge...then stove...then showers...

Don is doing autonomous cleaning. Thanks man, but GO TO BED.

Amanda just dropped everything to do THIS.

Yes, I'm doing this. With the Creative Visionary and Marketable Traits, plus level 8-9 painting skill, Amanda is going freelance. She can make around 750 per painting, sometimes a lot lot more, and the career just isn't worth it anymore. Plus, she got a good easel and her agent, so we're set up. Also, no more ugly outfits.

Amanda whyyyyy?

Amanda, what did the Eggs and Toast do to you?

Don: Me and Amanda talked and decided that I should quit too.
That didn't happen. She sat down and you left. Now take a shower and get your sorry ass to work.

:D Hells yeah! +5

Breakfast at the Sutherlands.

Noah: Y'know in Windenburg, they have a sea monster! (A/N: I don't have GT. Yet!).
Kezia: Yeah right, bro.
It was then that Amanda finally took everyone to the museum.

Everyone's here!

Sel...young lady, there is a time do push ups and this is not it.

Amanda is painting at the museum for a whim.

Amanda gave Noah the WooHoo talk and it did not go well...

Don: Ah sweet solitude...

I wonder what Amanda is talking about. Because Sel is smiling like 'if I smile and nod she'll go away' and Noah is completely ignoring her...

Sel: Ooh Simstagram update!
Amanda: I wanna eat your soul, son!
Noah: Ehehehe...she's not serious right?

Aw come on! No-one had failed for ages. Serves you right for spending your whole evening on the COMPUTER SEL. -5.
And now Amanda's taking everyone home because she did what she needed to do and the rest were doing nothing useful.

Welcome home you crazy lot.
So that's it for this chapter. In the next one... Amanda will become a real adult, and do some more aspiration...and Noah's gonna be a YA. And more importantly, the next TH will be revealed...
Score Sheet- 40
Single Births (4) +20
Aspiration Tiers (7) +35
Aspiration (1) +10
Grade A (1) +5
Pass Out (5) -25
Self Wetting (1) -5

Don is doing autonomous cleaning. Thanks man, but GO TO BED.

Amanda just dropped everything to do THIS.

Yes, I'm doing this. With the Creative Visionary and Marketable Traits, plus level 8-9 painting skill, Amanda is going freelance. She can make around 750 per painting, sometimes a lot lot more, and the career just isn't worth it anymore. Plus, she got a good easel and her agent, so we're set up. Also, no more ugly outfits.

Amanda whyyyyy?

Amanda, what did the Eggs and Toast do to you?

Don: Me and Amanda talked and decided that I should quit too.
That didn't happen. She sat down and you left. Now take a shower and get your sorry ass to work.

:D Hells yeah! +5
Amanda: So, enemy, we meet again.
But of course.
Ha...haha...ha! Screw you, *checks name* Bradford Willard! You are all beaten! By someone in heels!
Noah, Ryan and Sel: Let's just get in the house...it's Friday and we wanna chill!
Kezia: Guys! Guys! There's an interesting pavement crack! Just...just right there! Guys?
Ryan, you're a teen, stop screaming at the bear.
Noah: I'mma fight you Sis!
Sel: Hmmm.
Ryan stop it with the selfies you're not all that!
Amanda: Ryan calm down.
Ryan: No! They must pay!
Sel: Hmmm... I kinda want pasta for dinner.
Ryan: Will I taste good...?
What is up Eliza's butt?
You're scary sometimes Kez.
They're always reading on the toilet ever since I got the bookshelves...
Ryan: Oh yeah, I just got done working out.
And he FINALLY does homework.
Don: Be still my heart! Someone's doing their homework?
Yup. I feel you.
I know you're feeling all cocky Amanda, but that does not mean you can do that.
Amanda: *singing* Knife ninja knife ninja I am a knife ninja.
She's a little cray and he's a former player who got stuck with her REALLY early on b/c baby but I guess they love each other.
Or not.
OK finally much? She's been a YA forever.
It's cool when they're all teens and stuff but I do miss the kids. I miss child Noah and Ryan and Sel.
YASSSS NOAH. Extra credit and all!
Noah: I will stare at your neck until my eyes drill a hole in it, Dad.
Don: Son, when you're being weird I tune it out. I've been doing it since you were little.
Thx dude.
Kezia: I'mma fight you!
Noah: Er, please don't...um, Kezia, you're the best and...don't hurt me.
All the family are at the park.
I've decided that I'll not control Amanda and just see what they all get up to.
Park spam incoming:
Crop top dude is still around...
And then Amanda took them all home because they were all in quite terrible moods.
Finally the two conceited people are taking it as a team.
See this beauty? She interacted with Kezia, Amanda and Ryan at some point in the park... She might become important later... that's all I'm saying.
New kitchen stuff! Also I put new flooring and wallpaper in the big room b/c the navy was just making the room seem darker than it actually is.
I've never seen a sim do this autonomously. Good going Sel.
If I didn't know better I'd say Don is a neat Sim. He cleans so much!

Breakfast at the Sutherlands.

Noah: Y'know in Windenburg, they have a sea monster! (A/N: I don't have GT. Yet!).
Kezia: Yeah right, bro.
It was then that Amanda finally took everyone to the museum.

Everyone's here!

Sel...young lady, there is a time do push ups and this is not it.

Amanda is painting at the museum for a whim.

Amanda gave Noah the WooHoo talk and it did not go well...

Don: Ah sweet solitude...

I wonder what Amanda is talking about. Because Sel is smiling like 'if I smile and nod she'll go away' and Noah is completely ignoring her...

Sel: Ooh Simstagram update!
Amanda: I wanna eat your soul, son!
Noah: Ehehehe...she's not serious right?

Aw come on! No-one had failed for ages. Serves you right for spending your whole evening on the COMPUTER SEL. -5.
And now Amanda's taking everyone home because she did what she needed to do and the rest were doing nothing useful.

Welcome home you crazy lot.
So that's it for this chapter. In the next one... Amanda will become a real adult, and do some more aspiration...and Noah's gonna be a YA. And more importantly, the next TH will be revealed...
Score Sheet- 40
Single Births (4) +20
Aspiration Tiers (7) +35
Aspiration (1) +10
Grade A (1) +5
Pass Out (5) -25
Self Wetting (1) -5
I'm really enjoying this family so far, but I do have a few suggestions for you that you definitely do not have to listen to if you don't want to.
ReplyDeleteI know you're ahead in gameplay vs what you've posted so far, but if you make sure the walls are up completely rather than half up when you are taking pictures of the family, it gives it a bit more of a clean look. Also, is there a way to make the images bigger on your posts, because it's difficult to see what's going on in some of them.
Again, you don't have to listen to that if you don't want to!