1.14- Teenager Ryan
Let's start this off with Don cleaning the sink. It looks like someone threw up in there...
Ryan: Sel! You suck! I hate you!
Sel: Say whaaaat? Aw, bro, that hurts.
Don: I'm so proud of you guys.
OH HOLY- Are they hugging?
Thanks Noah, but there are better times to do your weekend homework than 3am in the morning, the MONDAY morning.
They are eating here...
But the table is empty!
Amanda: Hmm...

Kezia: Back-bends! Back-bends!
Ryan: Yeah! Me and the plate totally support you!
One: WTF? Two: You've got a bowl, Ryan. A BOWL.

Oh my game is just being its wonderful glitchy self.

That's right. All of you GTFO. It's been the weekend forever and you need to get yourselves to school.

Awww...aww. I wanna see Teen Ryan but it's also weird that he's not going to be the strange happy kid in the lightbulb tee anymore...

o_o CRAP. At least Amanda has the day off, so we can make enough money by painting.

Holy... oh my God. That was a good painting. We CAN pay the bills.

Amanda has just been painting, cooking and doing housework on her Day Off. Nothing much is happening.

House thingies.

Kids home!
Ryan: Birthday!
Sel: I am one cool human!
Kezia: Yeah! Yeah! Me too sis!
Noah: Byeee little losers.

*angel choir*

SEE THIS. She just started and then stopped and went off to go bitch at the bear. YOU SUCK KEZIA. You really got my hopes up... :(.

Ryan is celebrating all alone. Yes, I finally moved the kitchen. I kept meaning to do that, but then I realised someone was using it and I didn't want to mess with their action queue.


BWAHAHAHAHA. You're kidding me Ry. Let's get you changed up...

Yep, he's wearing the same shirt in a bigger size. I did put on glasses because he's a Renaissance Sim (and Outgoing)and I like conforming to baseless stereotyping, plus he has bracelets and blue jeans, and yeahhhh...
Soon enough Sel might age up. I wanna see what she'll be like.
Also, let me reveal something. I know who the next TH is. I realised after looking at the age bars that Kezia will not be a teen before Noah is a YA. So I went ahead and generated all their traits. I decided that Insane will be the Exemplar trait, or I'd never pick because I love them all too much. And now I know... it will be revealed on Noah's YA birthday.

Yay autonomous skilling!

Noah: I like you better now you're not so tiny...

Amanda and the Treadmill have issues to work out.

Ryan: Naw, Kezia, I'll still love you even though I'm all big now.
Kezia: Really? :D.

Sel: BE STILL MY HEART! You're joking me right?
You're obnoxious. Your siblings are having a heart-to-heart right next to you, Sel.

Amanda:: And then the clown would jump out like thiiiiiiis!
Don: Ugh...

Amanda: Don't you see it? They sneak over and...
Don: *sigh*

I was watching Kezia and hoping she'd do her homework cos she's still focused, and then this popped up. The f Don? One: You've been together for ages and have four kids. You should know all her traits. Two: HOW DID YOU NOT FIND THIS OUT EARLIER? It's so obvious!

Good going mate! So you only knew ONE throughout this whole time? ONE trait? Why do I bother with you? How are you soulmates and best friends and lovers whatever with her when you don't even know all her traits?

THANK YOU. Finish it this time please.

I am 100% done with this Sim.

You're not healthy.

Amanda is repairing so much shit.

Noah: Oh that plate! Why is that CLEAN plate just here stinking out the place?

Kids leaving. Sel left on time so she's not in this shot.

Sel got a B!

Sel: Hey! Hey siblings! Hey siblings! Hey!
Ryan: K Sel...
Kezia: *sigh*
Noah: *ignores everyone*

*sings* Oh my God, look at that face!

Sel: Lol, Ryan's been like, bathing in a toilet.Sel, it's you who stinks.
Noah: Hahaha.
Ryan: Sad face :(.

WTF game? She's not even in the bathroom!

o_o Wat?

You could sleep anywhere else, Ryan.

This is why beds should not be pressed up against walls.

YASSSS. Go Amanda.

GREAT. With that we have built two pretty bathrooms, an art studio for Amanda and started the home gym/spa thing downstairs. Also I added a card table to the study.

Oh my God... way to suck, Don.

Kezia: Hello brother.
Ryan: *snore*

Noah is meeting his first person outside the family. It's *checks name* Nancy Landgraab.

Ryan: Oh my gawd I gotta hand!

Kezia: And then this girl just called me a ****
Ryan: Kezia! Where do you learn this? And how dare that little **** make fun of my sis!

Amanda: I stink.
That you do.

Look at this. Sel is done. Sel is so done.
Also Don is cleaning the countertop. Thanks man.

Ryan and Sel: We're filthy!!!!
Kezia: I think I need to start doing homework....I wish.
Noah: Ooh, pretty tree.

Ryan, perhaps instead of hanging around outside the downstairs bathroom door, you could use the one of the two perfectly good ones upstairs.

Sel: *sings*

Wow RYAN conceited much. You're not all that.

Amanda got a promotion! I wonder what her new clothes will be.

Amanda's new clothes! I'm holding out guys, I really am...
I actually thought these were all right until I saw the BOAT SHOES. WHY?
Also I bought a bookcase for the study and a bar for the kitchen with the promotion money+career reward.

Ryan is outside reading a book. I guess he got bored of the fam. Can't blame him... but I"m glad he's reading books because it's part of his aspiration.

Noah: No one can resist the Noah.
Really. Me and ALL OF THE REST OF THE FEMALE POPULATION are doing a pretty good job with that. Do something useful, 'Genius'.


What is it with this F-ING game? She's not in the bathroom! Sel is just washing her hands anyways!

You two look like a pair of homeless teens. I could make a very good movie.

This quivering lump is Selina...

Amanda: Yessss. YEEEEESSSSS. Cook, my dear Taco, cook!

*sings* You suck, you suck, you suck you suck you suck.
(I made that up)

You're fixing that Manda. Teaches you to get all fancy with your cooking.

Don: Sometimes I wonder just WHY I married you.
Amanda: You are pretty and you are mine.
Don: *shudders* Jeez girl, no need to remind me.
Amanda: IDC, I still own you.
That's not really how marriage works...

Don: I still regret everything.
Amanda: Munch Munch Munch TACOS.

Don is giving Amanda some serious shade.
*sings* Oh my God, look at-
I'll stop.

LOVELORN are we? Go away Don, you get way more attention from her than you deserve.

Noah is pulling that thing where they stay outside and go on their phone all night.

I just checked Amanda's aspiration and turns out her first milestone got completed! Quite a while ago, actually, I just didn't notice... but yay! +5 points.

Noah, don't look like that. Don't look at the puddle like that when YOU broke the shower.

One by one the kids all GTFO.

No, I lie. Ryan's skiving.

A bit of fun before work for Amanda and Don...because their TV and computer are so crappy, this is the best way.


All the kids are home, with no grading up. I didn't take pics of Ryan's skiving day because all he did was read, do some household chores, play chess and drink some juice.

Sel is legitimately about to punch a bitch.

Noah: RYAN, I swear to God that I will just punch you one day.

Noah: I swear...I am so done with you.
Ryan: *smiles* I love you!

Amanda can get down.

It's time...

Wish, Sel, wish!
Sel: I wish that for my next birthday I do not have grow up next to old spaghetti!

Selina Sutherland as a teen! Isn't she pretty! She got Mansion Baron as an aspiration and Outgoing as a trait, like her bro Ryan.
Score Sheet- 45
Single Births (4) +20
Aspiration Tiers (6) +35
Aspiration (1) +10
Grade A (1) +5
Pass Out (4) -20
Self Wetting (1) -5

Kezia: Back-bends! Back-bends!
Ryan: Yeah! Me and the plate totally support you!
One: WTF? Two: You've got a bowl, Ryan. A BOWL.

Oh my game is just being its wonderful glitchy self.

That's right. All of you GTFO. It's been the weekend forever and you need to get yourselves to school.

Awww...aww. I wanna see Teen Ryan but it's also weird that he's not going to be the strange happy kid in the lightbulb tee anymore...

o_o CRAP. At least Amanda has the day off, so we can make enough money by painting.

Holy... oh my God. That was a good painting. We CAN pay the bills.

Amanda has just been painting, cooking and doing housework on her Day Off. Nothing much is happening.

House thingies.

Kids home!
Ryan: Birthday!
Sel: I am one cool human!
Kezia: Yeah! Yeah! Me too sis!
Noah: Byeee little losers.

*angel choir*

SEE THIS. She just started and then stopped and went off to go bitch at the bear. YOU SUCK KEZIA. You really got my hopes up... :(.

Ryan is celebrating all alone. Yes, I finally moved the kitchen. I kept meaning to do that, but then I realised someone was using it and I didn't want to mess with their action queue.


BWAHAHAHAHA. You're kidding me Ry. Let's get you changed up...

Yep, he's wearing the same shirt in a bigger size. I did put on glasses because he's a Renaissance Sim (and Outgoing)
Soon enough Sel might age up. I wanna see what she'll be like.
Also, let me reveal something. I know who the next TH is. I realised after looking at the age bars that Kezia will not be a teen before Noah is a YA. So I went ahead and generated all their traits. I decided that Insane will be the Exemplar trait, or I'd never pick because I love them all too much. And now I know... it will be revealed on Noah's YA birthday.

Yay autonomous skilling!

Noah: I like you better now you're not so tiny...

Amanda and the Treadmill have issues to work out.

Ryan: Naw, Kezia, I'll still love you even though I'm all big now.
Kezia: Really? :D.

Sel: BE STILL MY HEART! You're joking me right?
You're obnoxious. Your siblings are having a heart-to-heart right next to you, Sel.

Amanda:: And then the clown would jump out like thiiiiiiis!
Don: Ugh...

Amanda: Don't you see it? They sneak over and...
Don: *sigh*

I was watching Kezia and hoping she'd do her homework cos she's still focused, and then this popped up. The f Don? One: You've been together for ages and have four kids. You should know all her traits. Two: HOW DID YOU NOT FIND THIS OUT EARLIER? It's so obvious!

Good going mate! So you only knew ONE throughout this whole time? ONE trait? Why do I bother with you? How are you soulmates and best friends and lovers whatever with her when you don't even know all her traits?

THANK YOU. Finish it this time please.

I am 100% done with this Sim.

You're not healthy.

Amanda is repairing so much shit.

Noah: Oh that plate! Why is that CLEAN plate just here stinking out the place?

Kids leaving. Sel left on time so she's not in this shot.

Sel got a B!

Sel: Hey! Hey siblings! Hey siblings! Hey!
Ryan: K Sel...
Kezia: *sigh*
Noah: *ignores everyone*

*sings* Oh my God, look at that face!

Sel: Lol, Ryan's been like, bathing in a toilet.
Noah: Hahaha.
Ryan: Sad face :(.

WTF game? She's not even in the bathroom!

o_o Wat?

You could sleep anywhere else, Ryan.

This is why beds should not be pressed up against walls.

YASSSS. Go Amanda.

GREAT. With that we have built two pretty bathrooms, an art studio for Amanda and started the home gym/spa thing downstairs. Also I added a card table to the study.

Oh my God... way to suck, Don.

Kezia: Hello brother.
Ryan: *snore*

Noah is meeting his first person outside the family. It's *checks name* Nancy Landgraab.

Ryan: Oh my gawd I gotta hand!

Kezia: And then this girl just called me a ****
Ryan: Kezia! Where do you learn this? And how dare that little **** make fun of my sis!

Amanda: I stink.
That you do.

Look at this. Sel is done. Sel is so done.
Also Don is cleaning the countertop. Thanks man.

Ryan and Sel: We're filthy!!!!
Kezia: I think I need to start doing homework....
Noah: Ooh, pretty tree.

Ryan, perhaps instead of hanging around outside the downstairs bathroom door, you could use the one of the two perfectly good ones upstairs.

Sel: *sings*

Wow RYAN conceited much. You're not all that.

Amanda got a promotion! I wonder what her new clothes will be.

Amanda's new clothes! I'm holding out guys, I really am...
I actually thought these were all right until I saw the BOAT SHOES. WHY?
Also I bought a bookcase for the study and a bar for the kitchen with the promotion money+career reward.

Ryan is outside reading a book. I guess he got bored of the fam. Can't blame him... but I"m glad he's reading books because it's part of his aspiration.

Noah: No one can resist the Noah.
Really. Me and ALL OF THE REST OF THE FEMALE POPULATION are doing a pretty good job with that. Do something useful, 'Genius'.


What is it with this F-ING game? She's not in the bathroom! Sel is just washing her hands anyways!

You two look like a pair of homeless teens. I could make a very good movie.

This quivering lump is Selina...

Amanda: Yessss. YEEEEESSSSS. Cook, my dear Taco, cook!

*sings* You suck, you suck, you suck you suck you suck.
(I made that up)

You're fixing that Manda. Teaches you to get all fancy with your cooking.

Don: Sometimes I wonder just WHY I married you.
Amanda: You are pretty and you are mine.
Don: *shudders* Jeez girl, no need to remind me.
Amanda: IDC, I still own you.
That's not really how marriage works...

Don: I still regret everything.
Amanda: Munch Munch Munch TACOS.

Don is giving Amanda some serious shade.
*sings* Oh my God, look at-
I'll stop.

LOVELORN are we? Go away Don, you get way more attention from her than you deserve.

Noah is pulling that thing where they stay outside and go on their phone all night.

I just checked Amanda's aspiration and turns out her first milestone got completed! Quite a while ago, actually, I just didn't notice... but yay! +5 points.

Noah, don't look like that. Don't look at the puddle like that when YOU broke the shower.

One by one the kids all GTFO.

No, I lie. Ryan's skiving.

A bit of fun before work for Amanda and Don...because their TV and computer are so crappy, this is the best way.


All the kids are home, with no grading up. I didn't take pics of Ryan's skiving day because all he did was read, do some household chores, play chess and drink some juice.

Sel is legitimately about to punch a bitch.

Noah: RYAN, I swear to God that I will just punch you one day.

Noah: I swear...I am so done with you.
Ryan: *smiles* I love you!

Amanda can get down.

It's time...

Wish, Sel, wish!
Sel: I wish that for my next birthday I do not have grow up next to old spaghetti!

Selina Sutherland as a teen! Isn't she pretty! She got Mansion Baron as an aspiration and Outgoing as a trait, like her bro Ryan.
Score Sheet- 45
Single Births (4) +20
Aspiration Tiers (6) +35
Aspiration (1) +10
Grade A (1) +5
Pass Out (4) -20
Self Wetting (1) -5
Oh wow Selina is so pretty!