1.12- New Aspiration
He still looks like he's plotting something. So nothing really changed.
Good job, now perform well at work and get decent sleep and you could be promoted...bahaha that's never happening.
I don't normally use close-ups unless they're making funny faces, but Zia just has these big sad eyes and droopy little mouth. She looks sad. She got Rambunctious Scamp and Mean. Which is annoying, because I wanted someone to be Insane like Amanda.
Kezia's everyday wear. Any custom content is off the Sims Resource.


Don: And the monster just...
Kezia: You make no sense.


Noah: I am SO healthy!

Kezia even looks sad while sleeping.

Don: Hmmm...

OK, Noah, OK.

Sel: Your face looks like a turd!
Ryan: Blah blah blah. I'm Sel and I'm stupid!

Zia: I am so healthy! And it sparkles.

Amanda: I have just realised how happy I am.

Kezia: So this is how I punch!
Don: That's correct! I'm so proud.

Definitely plotting.

Kezia hasn't been very interesting on her day off. All she did was nap, do some pushups outside, watch TV and now she's clearing the dishes. At least she does them.

Sel: Hmmm, and for my next plot.
Ryan: *daydreams*
Noah: I dislike you small people.
WTF Noah you were literally that small yesterday.

Noah, if you are that filthy take a shower.

Well, Ryan and Sel stole the showers so... that's the reason for this face. He's not that disturbed.

Thank you for the autonomous skilling, Kezia. (I bought this earlier).

Bought this too. We actually have spare money now.

Nice job, girls!

Ryan: Blarffy, I cross my heart and hope to die, drop down dead if I tell a lie. We will explode something.

Nice job, Amanda!

Amanda also got a new outfit. I consider this a win because it doesn't involve any weird sock combo shit.

Noah would you stop whining? There's nothing wrong with the bathroom! For once it's all clean! No puddles, no dirty toilets or showers...

Sel: Derp.

Um...oops? I didn't realise how tired Don was. I was just trying to get Amanda to work on her stinking aspiration and then...yeah. -5 points, guys.

Kezia: The cake depresses me.
You are a gloomy child.

Sel: I'm approaching the abyss again...
Or as normal people say, the stairs.

Noah: And then I just clean killed the guy!
Kezia: You mean the bunch of pixels on that big old 90s computer we have.

Kezia: Our brother is weird; we should totally prank him or something.
I feel like whenever they have sister secrets Kezia would get pissed off because Sel would be so loud and never keep ANYTHING secret.

OK... I'm not doing that now.

Um...what? But we only just aged up Noah...

Noah did this. I've never heard of a Sim doing that autonomously.

Um, I hired a repairman, not Luigi.

Really Ryan? REALLY? You're going to be a teen in about two days!

Kezia's favourite sibling is definitely Ryan. She ran round the side of the house to where he was stomping in trash just so she could give her bro a hug. How sweet.

Kezia: I could punch you if I wanted.
Ryan: Try me, sis!

Ryan: Look how bendy my back is!
Kezia: *applauds*

Sel has been here all day. I don't really trust her with this thing.

Kezia is definitely closest to Ryan and Don. She hasn't talked to Noah and barely talks to Sel and Amanda, but always seeks out those two.

Don: Talk to the hand, son!
Noah: Excuse me?
Kezia (in head): Burnnnn.

Noah: I will punch you.
Don: No you won't.
Kezia: *grabs popcorn*

Don: Now let's talk to the child I do like!
Kezia: Yay!
Noah: Whatever.

Don: I am so done.
Noah: See, our dad's a twat.
Kezia: Oh really, and you're not?

Ryan: SWING!
Amanda (at work): I'm working :(

They so cuuuuute. Noah may not get along so well with Don and Kezia, but he'll always love his little bro.

Sel: Pffft. Sentiment. I am all about the science.
No you're not. You weren't until today. Faker. FAKER.

You sure you did it right, Sel?
Sel: Yes. This is exactly what I wanted.
A noxious green fume cloud?
Sel: Uh, yes.

SEL! I'm selling this stupid thing.
At first I was worried because Amanda is still at work. But I realised that Noah has one teen interaction. I already used Don's YA move, and the others are kids, so it's all on Noah.

Kezia: SELINA! Are you kidding me?

Nice job, Noah.

Ryan: Phew...
Sel: Sorry guys.
Don: Is everything alright?


Noah started autonomously cooking himself a meal. I got scared because he has no skill, and if there was another fire it would burn down the whole place cos, ya know, I used his teen move. But then I realised he's making GARDEN SALAD. Smart thinking!

Sel: It wasn't MY fault, Dad!
Don: Like hell it wasn't.

Goodbye, science table! It's caused three fires, and it's not good to have that in an ISBI. I was lucky I still had Noah's teen move, or we'd be screwed. Anyway we still have a chess table for mental skill.
New rule: No things that cause fires that aren't necessary- for example, stoves are still needed.

Kezia really does love Sel.

This family get along really well. Apart from that one argument between Noah and Don, they're always nice to each other.

Finally a Good Friend for Ryan! He's always talking to that bear.

Kezia: I'm AWESOME.
Noah: Tone it down sis, you're not all that.
She finally talked to Noah!

Aww. Ryan is definitely her favourite.

Yay! I love all of these siblings.

This dude has been here for frickin ever. STALKER ALERT.

Amanda: GTFO dude.
Dude: But...but, I know you so well! We're NEIGHBOURS. (They are, but they don't visit the neighbours because...eh).
Amanda: I don't know you, apart from when you brought round a Welcome Wagon and I kicked you out.
Dude: But I watched you from afar.
Amanda: GTFO. You are CREEPY. And married. (Also true).

Kezia, why? Just because Ryan did that...

Both kinds of adorable in one picture.

And with this kiss, Amanda is FINISHED with her aspiration. Phew. So that's more points for us! Yes!

And this is our new one! We already completed one goal in the first tier, so we're on the way to another 5 points.
Also I'm buying her the Creative Visionary Trait because look at all of these points we got!
Score Sheet- 35
Single Births (4) +20
Aspiration Tiers (5) +25
Aspiration (1) +10
Grade A (1) +5
Pass Out (4) -20
Self Wetting (1) -5
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