1.11 - Honour Roll

1.11- Honour Roll

We're gonna start this chapter with Noah eating grilled cheese at 3 in the morning and being his wonderful little self.

Don has slowly been getting better at this kid thing. She wasn't even crying and he went to take care of her.

Noah after meeting Baby Kezia.

Sel after meeting Baby Kezia.

I can't decide if Don is being great or rubbish because she needs FOOD.

Noah is angstily doing the dishes. That's right, prepare for your impending teenagehood, Noah!


Noah, are you happy now?

Noah: The Noah has better things to do than worry about little sisters. I've got...stuff to do. But believe me, the baby will suffer.



Sel is definitely plotting to murder Kezia.

Noah, what did your taco ever do to you? You're the one that's eating it.

Don had yet another breakthrough while washing the dishes. Is it so mind-enhancing to scrape congealed food off plates and use way too much soap?

The only good thing about this outfit is that it's 1% less shit than the other one.

YES NOAH. +5 points to me, thank you very much.

Ryan: Look Sel, look!

Sel: Talk to the hand, RYAN.

Noah: *mock-shudders* You all disgust me.


Sel: La la la la la...you smell.

That he does, Sel, but you are being really stupid.

Everything's always better after Ryan takes a shower and Sel isn't a brat.

Amanda: So what do YOU think, eggy toast?


Don: *groans* why am I seeing stars?

Sel: Cheeeeese!

Ryan: WHOA! I got food!

Yay! Though she hasn't been too annoying. She hasn't cried very much at all.

Sel: I'mma drop into the abyss...

Amanda starts her day off with...cleaning! I got Don to take a vacation day (allowed under the rules I'm playing with- Lynnwood's ISBI Rules for Sims 4) so we're going to work on the aspiration.

Sel, YOU don't have to do angsty dishwashing, you have like 8 days until ageing up. Which reminds me, Noah's birthday is today.

She's really practising, isn't she?

Still, at least she helps out around the house. *cough cough* Noah and Ryan, who NEVER clean their dishes *cough cough*


Wow. It feels like yesterday that I had just moved him in and he was pouting at all the kid news. I checked on Amanda and her age got frozen up during parts of pregnancy so she has 6 or so days left instead of 2.

Date #1 for the aspiration.

Aww. (Warning, Date Spam incoming!)

Yes, I sent them on three dates in a row. Time is of the essence, people!

Done! Now I have about 15 romantic interactions left to do before I get 15 points, baby. I want those points.

Noah has been here ALL DAY. You suck Noah! Just because you get an A does not mean you can fall off the bandwagon like this.

Noah: Um, I can, it's my birthday tonight.

Kids who actually attended school are home.

Like mother like son?

Sel: I'm cool.

Noah: Um, don't touch me, peasant.

Ryan: Jazz hands, bro! Whaddya think?

Noah: Go away.

I'm making Amanda work out because you know how Sims in this game tend to put on pregnancy weight? Well most of her looks the same because all the weight ended up on her butt, it is now almost at Kim K levels. We're fixing that.

Ryan: Derp.

I can't believe you only have 4 days left until you grow up!

Ryan's best friend is this bear. No-one else in this house really talks to him that much, and if he talks to them he generally goes straight back to the bear after about 5 interactions. 

I shit you not, he is better friends with the bear than any of his parents or siblings. Sorry Ry, that's pretty sad. The other kids just use the bear to take out their frustrations, the relationship is in the red for them.


Happy Birthday Noah!

Noah as a Teen! It'll take me a while to get used to this, but I'll cope. It had to happen, gotta move on. Noah got Music Lover and Master Mixologist. The Aspirations are so random, y'know. Next chapter I hope that Amanda will get a promotion and complete her Aspiration. Also Kezia should stop being a baby.

Score Sheet- 25

Single Births (4) +20
Aspiration Tiers (4) +20
Grade A (1) +5

Pass Out (3) -15
Self Wetting (1) -5
