1.10- Welcome Kezia!
Just remembered that I have to put a post title in. FAIL. I have updated all the published chapters. On with the chapter.

Sel woke up to eat some grilled cheese, and now she is mocking the bear.

Sel: I'm so cool!

Amanda: Help me!

Second Trimester!

Jeez Noah, it's only school...actually I totally get you.

In my head Sel is as crazy as the rest of them, but look how goddamn cute she is! They all are.

Actually I tell a lie. That is a face Ryan is making right now. I shit you not. He's the happiest kid, but also the most disturbing at times.

Why are you all in the WORST ROOM of the house?

Ryan: It's gonna be so much fun!
Noah: o_o
Don: My children are weird.

Aww. They're not even that close to Amanda, simply because she's always busy. And she randomly yells at them half the time when they do talk.

Oh...oh Amanda. I'm sorry, that's awful.

Amanda, maybe you could eat the food right there instead of whining about your hunger.


Thank you Don, for making a group meal autonomously.

Stop smirking. I had to use your one YA move to get you out the door because halfway to work you decided to return to the house and use the treadmill.

Oh joy. I think we can pay these.

Kids home from school. Noah is so close to an A...

Noah: Oh when can I leave this house...?

Ryan are you kidding me?

Noah: I do homework and I'm a boss.

Oh my God FINALLY.

We sold the career reward and then with that money we wallpapered the downstairs bathroom, added an extra bed in here for kid 4, and payed the bills.

Everyone is in bed and sleeping! Good going team!

Ryan: I'MMA DIE!
No you won't you dumb child.

Third trimester. Shit, she's massive.

Amanda: Ugh, I'm bored of this.

What a cute family.

Aww. They really are quite adorable at times.

Sel: No, mum, listen, it's a really good idea!
Amanda: Sel, I'm not listening to you.
Ryan: Guys look how wide my smile can go!

Noah, if you can smell the sandwich, why can't you smell your own gross self?!

Wow Don and Ryan. Wow. At least Noah took a shower.

Even in her third trimester, Amanda is still lumbered with this shit.

Amanda: Hmmm...I think I look cool like this.

Amanda and Tacos: Part ???

Sel and Ryan are pouting because they're sleepy and Noah looks like he's plotting something. Par for the course, really.

I used Noah's one Child move (I think it's one move per life stage) to get his Social Skill up to level 4.


Kids are in bed!

I swear to God he better not age up before he gets an A.

Amanda: I am FIERCE.
No, you are on the toilet at 10.15 at night. You're doing nothing special.

YES. Finally.

Don is freaking out, which is amusing since this has already happened three times.

My mod worked! So yes, Kezia Sutherland has been born. This is most likely going to be their last child.

Amanda: It's the CIRCLE of...
Let's end this. Kezia was born! I'm pretty happy about that, to be honest. And now Amanda has to go back to work six hours after giving birth. Oh fricking joy.
Score Sheet- 15
Single Births (4) +20
Aspiration Tiers (3) +15
Pass Out (3) -15
Self Wetting (1) -5
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