Randomcy Generational Goals

Generation 1: Lux

A. Couple Your heir must obtain a romantic live-in partner. They do not have to be married. 
B. 1 child
C. 1 Pet - Cat (rolled later in the generation when I got Pets)
D. Conventional Career - Criminal (Oracle). May hack and create viruses.
E. Spouse’s Conventional Career - Politician (Charity Organiser). No additional moneymaking opportunities.
F. Friendship is Forever – Beginning when the heir is a child YA, they must make one new good friend every week. This friendship must be maintained through subsequent weeks, and may only be ended by the death of the friend.
G. Fixer-Upper — May not call the handyman or purchase new objects if they break this generation. You must fix them.

Generation 2: Cola

A: Single. Your heir may not move in a romantic partner.
B: 3 children
C:  No pets
D: Conventional Career - Scientist.
E: N/A
F: Perfect Careers - All Sims of the generation must top their career.
G: I finds it, I keeps it - must find one new collectible (of the same collection) each week, and display it in the home.

Generation 3: Rivella

A: Single. Your heir may not move in a romantic partner.
B: 4 children
C: Cat
D: Unconventional Career - Professional Gamer. Create Computer Games or compete in tournaments to earn money.
E: Unconventional Career - Freelance Painter.
F: Haunted House - From the time the heir comes of age, 3 sims must die an unnatural death on the home lot.
G: Town Explorer - From when the heir is a teen, one household member must visit a unique community lot for at least 3 hours.

Generation 4: Sangria

A: Couple. Your heir must move in a romantic partner.
B: 3 children
C: Cat
D: Conventional Career - Author. May publish all book genres.
E: Conventional Career - Mechanical Engineer.
F: Career Student - Members of the generation must complete 2 distinguished degrees with four classes a term.
G: Festival Frequenter - Every time there is a festival, one household member must attend for at least an hour.
