MySims Legacy - 1.6

Summer:...How did I get stuck babysitting you lot?

Loudred: It's OK Mrs Benali we're really good-

Zubat: I'm gonna go dump a violin in the toilet!

Loudred: Wait, no, come back.

Lodured: Heeeyyyy girl.

Anika: It is motherfucking 10pm, why the hell did you invite me here?

Mariska: Hahaha I'm not so mad anymore. Lmao how embarrassing for you.

Salim: I can explain.

Mariska: Don't. And it's not the dress, it's those shoes.

Latias is a lot of things, but never unenthusiastic.

Latias: Wheee! Here we go again! Can't wait to only do this for the rest of my life!

Raj: You look so beautiful up there, but you never needed to-

Mariska: Yeah yeah, I know. You next, chubs.

Arun: Had a great dream last night. You. Me. Turned into flies. No more kids, no more rent!

Raj: Why would I want any of that? You're a weird guy, Arun.

He kind of is.

Arun: Well siree I tried nothing, looks like it's your problem now.

Mariska:...She's my am I making more sense than you?

Zubat rises, finished with all his skills!

Zubat: Hell yes! I'm even better at toilet then Dad!

Raj: It's not what it looks like I'm just really sweaty from my workout!

Zubat: Sweat isn't brown...

Zubat: Celebration dance!

Raj: Don't we just have the best kids, Mariska?

Mariska: They're good for Sutherlands, I suppose...Loudred even has like, a little bit of talent.

Zubat: But I've got the most!

Raj: We'll see about that.

Loudred: Imagine only completing your aspiration now...the shame, the shade-

Latias: Well, I'm the only one with the A.

Loudred: But not for long!

Latias: The end is near, mortals! Quiver and despair.

Gavin:...Where are her parents?

Grey-haired woman: Maybe I'm just hallucinating. Haven't had my coffee yet.

Gavin: No, this is happening.

Zubat: No no no! I'm bored!

Anika: Is he always this bratty?

Loudred: It's on me, I promised him a stick of gum if he stuck at it for 2 hours.

Zubat:...Give me my gum.

Loudred: Lesson 1. Don't trust anyone. Lesson 2....I'll think of it. Lesson C. There are no rules.

Anika: Probably shouldn't give a toddler gum anyway. He might choke.

Loudred: In that case, maybe I will give it.

Anika: Loudred!

Loudred: Sorry. This family has a dark sense of humour.

Kind of neglected Lati this evening while trying to up Loudred's friendship with Anika because she's the future spouse.

She's having a grand old time on her own tho.

Lati: Speak to me, image. You are so endlessly fascinating...that's a neat suit!

Latias: We shared a womb, let's make another bond. Best friends forever!

They're both on Social Butterfly so it made sense to do it this way. Plus they're pretty close even if Lati insists on insults.

Loudred: Well, if you gotta be my crazy twin sister, we might as well be crazy best friends.

Latias: Mhm. But I'm the cute one.

Loudred: Pshhhh.

Summer: Keep your damn babies quiet!

Mariska: I...what? There's only TWO crying, and its not that loud-

Summer: Let me SLEEP!

The next morning...

Raj: *sniff* The last bath I'll ever give my precious baby boy...all my kids growing up-

Zubat: Don't be lame Dad! Look on the bright side! This sponge tastes amazing.

Raj:...It's covered in shampoo. Hope you'll just grow out of that.

Zubat: Just one sip of the adult juice?

Mariska: NO even I'm not that irresponsible.

Sawyer, Summer's daughter, grew up pretty decent-looking.


I mean with regard to randomly-generated clothes, I always knew she'd grow up cute.

Sawyer:  I'm just gonna go back inside.

I've been letting Zubat run free, so he's doing shit like this.

Zubat: What a weird fuckin' spoon.

And now he's back under control 'cos he'll be a kid and need to do homework and skill and all.

Raj: Yeah yeah, blow em out kid, you don't have to make a huge show of it.

Zubat:...Dunno if it's me or the sparkles but I can't see shit lmao.

Whiz Kid aspiration + this outfit + this squinty expression means he's getting glasses.

He's slobby like his dad. 

Zubat: Dunno why I couldn't wear the other getup, I thought it was nice-

Raj: I mean, same, but your mother decided against it. Something about wanting you unbullied?


Loudred: Damn! Who are you, some long-lost cousin?

Zubat: It's me. Zubat?


Zubat: Your brother?


Zubat:...I bothered you yesterday when you were trying to impress that girl? Also, your brother?

Loudred: I remember the first thing!

Latias: SO. You have chosen to remain unimpressed with me.

Salim: So what? It's not like I like your parents.

Latias: I surpass my parents. And I will remember this,

Salim, muttering to himself: She's ten, I'm not scared, it's a child, I will not be afraid...

Loudred went to say hi to this kid he invited over and...

Arjun: Whatever dude, keyboards and stuff, I get it. Now I'mma go talk to your sister, she cute.

Loudred: Hmmm. OK then. Good luck with that choice.

Salim: Your sister is really quite awesome, young Loudred-

Latias: :)

Loudred: Come on man, what did she threaten you with?

Salim: Hahaha, NOTHING-

Sawyer: Light stabbing. But it's whatever. I wouldn't mind seeing it.


Sawyer: Between the threats and the jokes and the words that count as both, you are pretty cool, kid!

Latias: I know.

Sawyer: Modest too.

Latias: Yep, I try so hard and I'm pretty - wait.

Loudred: Ooooooh you got trolled. sis.

Raj: You're not gonna scream if I beat you?

Zubat: No dad, just make your move.

Mariska: *watching movie and ignoring the whole family*

Well. This is an invasion of boundaries.

Salim: Well, they're terrible neighbours and I want a shirt.

Salim: It ripped :(

Mariska: If you destroyed my favourite tank top I will actually kill you. Do NOT test me, I'm working a double shift and I'm already low on patience as a general rule.

HMMMM Latias.

Latias: Don't even try, I'm not your shitty heir.

Latais seems her own freaky way. Arjun looks like he's being held hostage.

Arjun: I heard the stabbing threat I'm not crazy!

Latias: I am! About you!...As a friend.

It's Toxicroak's birthday.

Raj: Now where did you get those glasses?

Toxi: Like a boooosssss.


Toxicroak: Time to flyyyyy!

Raj: Let's call it more of a sensible and safe lift.


Oops. Maybe we are the bad neighbours.

Sawyer: Kid! Put that shit down and lemme sleep! Who practices violin at 11.30?

Zubat: Feels like a pretty good day to be me!

Latias: But not for long! That's my seat!

Zubat:...Am I in danger?

Latias: Nah. I'm messing with you! Funny jokes and all :)

Raj: But my son's really good at piano!

Salim: It's way too loud!

Raj: Now you better not insult him for being himself!

Salim: That's not what I meant! Get him a practice pedal!

Toxi: Hey guys! You're not bear-y scary at all!

Turquoise Blarffy: Wow. I've never heard that one before.

Toxi: Maybe I'm the funny one.

Perhaps. Loud's got his music, Zubat has...I don't know what he has yet. And Lati's just bonkers.

Mariska: Middle-age. Yup. I'm cool with that.

Mariska got a quick makeover. Raj doesn't get one because he's always dressed middle-aged lmao.

Mariska: Ha! Spinny, spinny SPIN THE BOWL-

Toxi: Toesies toesies, this plastic itches-

Raj: C'mon. You can do it.

Mariska: Oh I just love watching my beautiful family-

Raj: Wanna step in?


Oh Toxi.

Toxi: Dad LEFT! 

Mariska: Get used to it, right kid? Lmao. Nah, he'll be back soon. Wanna forget the sadness?


Toxi: I'm just DIZZY what was that?

Mariska: Playtime dear. Now, it's time to go confront those human sewer pipes we call neighbours.

Zubat: Whoooo yeah boy, got that maths homework!

Latias: And mine's even harder than yours! I can't wait!

Zubat: Can I at least look at it? Pleaasseee I wanna learn.

Loudred: I am the only normal child in this family.

Loudred: Hi Salim. I'm ready to put on a show.

Anika: Oh is THIS the guy who doesn't respect your violin playing?

Salim: Not at 6am I don't!

Anika: Maybe he's got a point, Loud.

Loudred: Nah he just wishes he had my talent.

Anika: Or maybe he's just a big chicken! 

Summer: Ha this girl's funny.

Salim: I hate everybody.

Latias: So. You have decided to put me in check.

Zubat: It was the best move.

Sawyer: Hahaha you in danger, moron.

Anika: This should be fun. 

Arun came round flirty...

Arun: Middle age has never looked so good on someone before...

Mariska: Well, thank you. Must I remind you of our respective marriages? Also Raj is right there.

Toxi: I think that man likes Mum.

Raj: Well, what am I gonna be? Threatened?

Toxi: I mean, maybe.

Raj: Now what are you saying?

Kid doesn't know any better, it's fine. Marajka forever.

Loudred's ahead of his twin in the social department. He started earlier, and he holds conversations easier.

Loudred: Yes. Because of stuff like this. But I'll just sit tight and smile.

Latias: The dolls within the House shall move, and take over our apartment, breaking what our gnomes fix each evening.

Loudred: Very interesting!

Latias: Ahahaha yes! Pranks! We can start by getting some strong matches and lighting-

Loudred: I was thinking more of a bucket of water on that teacher's door.

Latias: Fine! But then we move onto fire!

Loudred: I'll talk you out of that eventually!

The next morning...

Zubat: I'm floooaaating.

Loudred: Either I'm still dreaming, I'm hallucinating or one of Latias's weird stories was actually real.

We're at the park so the twins can make friends and everybody as a whole gets fresh air.

Julia:...Are you in your pyjamas, little boy?

Loudred: It's a look and I'm not little. I'm ten!

Avery: So these are my monkey bars! Beat me across them or step off.

Latias: Le gasp! I can't believe you!

Avery: Believe it.

Latias: And you can believe that you'll...die!


Latias: Sigh. Loudred did tell me to rein it in. How about let's be friends and I'll let your silly machismo slide. It's hard to be tough in magenta capris.

Avery: Nononono. We ain't friends.

Latias: We will be :). There's a match under my headband and plenty of surfaces to strike with.

Latias: Hi, I'm Lati-

La'ei: And I don't care. Take that kid away, will you?

Makoa: I have no idea who she is.

La'ei: Still don't care. Where is her adult?

Zubat: Mum's off doing...something, so I guess it's Loudred. He's over there.

Zubat: There's our adult, Mister.

Latias: But we take care of ourselves pretty good. I mean, look at her.

Mariska: Motherfucker I'm gonna die!

Makoa: That's good but if you need a ride or something, just lemme know-

Misael: Lol someone call Chris Hansen.

Loudred: Heeeey gal-

Jerrica: Put on some real clothes first bitch.

Loudred: Why so blue?

Jerrica: You're blue! look at that outfit!

Sawyer: Just be glad you don't live in my apartment dude, my neighbours are craaaazy.

Girl please, with your parents?

Latias: Friendddd...

La'ei: No! No I'm not! For the love of GOD go away!

Latias: But why can't we be friends, blue lady?

La'ei: You're a random creepy kid! Is this a fucking horror movie?

Latias: Be my friend or it will be! 

Mariska: Oh she's just joking! She'll be a great friend for you! 

Latias: Just a couple more interactions!!!

La'ei: Ugh.

Loudred: Lol yeah my family's normal.

Mariska: Scrubby, scrubby....

Loudred: Mum, must you do...any of this?

Mariska: Oh I've heard that too much.

Loudred: *sigh*  Business as usual I suppose.

Loudred: Let's goooooo! *elbows keyboard* And that's what you call a chord!

...Nice. Real nice, Arun.

The next morning...

Latias: One day I will discover the aliens!

Zubat: You do know I'm blue, right? Have you seen our mother?

Loudred:...Makes me feel a bit bad about my own goals.

Raj: Well. We all have our talents.

Loudred: Except you. What is a 'cherf' anyway?

Loudred: Anyway sister, I'm the heir. Don't outshine me!

Latias: You can't take my vibes, so I already have!

Raj: Awww snap...I mean, don't fight. Be nice and kind and...yeah lemme get a coffee.

Mariska: No way am I old enough for teenage kids!

Mariska: And NO WAY is he wearing that.

Loudred: But I'm different.

Latias: I no longer want to share a birthday.  Or a best friendship.

Because kids can't plan social events, Raj had to plan this one. But he doesn't know any of their actual friends so it's just...the Bheedas and their old nanny.

Zubat: I really don't remember you.

Ayyyy he did it. Social Butterfly FTW.

Latias: Don't forget about me or this will be the worst birthday ever.

Toxi: With the worst outfit!

Latias: I'll make you forget I looked like this...

Hawea: How? Wait, I don't wanna know. Raj, how do you deal-

Raj, just watching the game: Hell yeah! Hit him! Hit-

Mariska: Dammit you went too soon, Loud is actually older-

Latias: Bite me.

Loudred: But I'm still the most important.

Latias:..I'm calling sexism.

Finally, here are the twins. They're both great mixes of their parents. As in I honestly can't tell where each individual feature comes from because they're so well-blended. Like Lati's eyes and nose are both mixtures of both parents'. Latias is in her party look-

Latias: Though I could be a fancy bitch all the time if I wanted to.

And Loudred's in his everyday. Their party looks will matter because Loudred has that aspiration, and what's a party without your crazy sister?

Latias: Great!

Loudred: Do you want me to succeed, or-?

Latias is a Slob like her dad and little brother, while Loudred got the 'Bro' trait., as detailed in the rules. I will give him Dance Machine when he ages up into YA.

Mariska: Great. I'm done. Your turn to lead and all Loudred.

Uh, no, he has to grow up first. And you have to finish up some skills +collections.


Loudred: Ew I don't want responsibility.

Loudred: This outfit is EVEN BETTER!

His first hoodie was glitched so I had to change his look.

Latias: But I'm still serving the most beauty.

Loudred: It's not a competition, sis!

Latias: But if it was I'd win.

Anika got aged up too, because she was already at zero days left, and she's, y'know, goddamn adorable. Tho I swear her hair was darker before. Anyway she's not gonna go round and be wooed by Loud like this, so makeover!

Loudred: How's that new personality trait coming along?

Anika: Damn you don't have to break the 4th wall so hard.

She's an Insider, which adds to Perfectionist.

Loudred: Yeah and I've got two stupid little siblings, and I"m gonna have to inherit stuff and be responsible-

Anika: Ohhh how horrible. Sure you'd much rather help my mother with her four stinking cats!

Loudred:...I like cats.

Anika: I don't! Not anymore!

Don't know if I've mentioned this but Anika's mother is Catarina Lynx, now Hekekia.

Loudred: OK. Next birthday I'll get you a dog. Or a really cool vacuum cleaner.

Anika: *facepalm* OK, Loud...

Loudred: No? Not it? Um, you're really pretty?

Anika: Aw, so are you? Um...I need to hide now.

Zubat: How dare you present your rotten self before me?!

Latias: Grow a spine, I scream at everyone. Plus your glasses did look stupid hanging off your face.

Zubat: You could have just told me to fix them!

Loudred: So....I've got hopes, she's just really cool, Toxi-

Toxi: Whee! Salad! And I don't care, Loud!

Loudred: HEY! What the fuck is wrong with you?...Why are you playing elevator music? 

That's what it actually sounded like, and I figured Loudred would be offended.

Loudred: Terrible, just terrible! I can introduce you to some real jazz, come out and face me coward!

Summer: Well this is embarrassing.

Loudred: Isn't it?

Summer: But it's not what it looks like-

Loudred: I don't sense anything wrong except for that HORRIBLE MUZAK you two play-

Latias: You LOSE, I win! Get used to that you little pathetic scrub! And your FEET SMELL!

Zubat: How can you even smell my feet? I don't get it...

Latias: Nothing to get except you're just a silly little spare with nothing important to do!

Zubat: Uh..pot meet kettle?

Mariska: God what a day. I need to yell at someone.

Mariska it is 2am, just go the fuck to bed.

Mariska: You never let me do nothin'!
