Sutherlands Get Random - 4.9


Gimlet: Welcome to my show, oh Toddstradamus! This is what we call the endgame-

Todd: I'm pretty sure white pieces move first

Gimlet: Hush, you threw off my groove-

Todd: I might go-

Kahlua: Hell no you're not, then I'll have to play with him.

Carl: Hey look we match!

Sangria: I'm dressed like a professional. You have a cactus on your chest...

Carl: All I see is double sweaters bb.

Vermouth: C'mon now, I beLEAF in our friendship!

Kimberly: Vermy if you don't stop with the bad jokes one of us is going over this banister.

Carl finished his degree with a perfect semester and GPA. He starts Mechanical Engineering for real soon.

Tommy: Ugh she's always ignoring me for that computer. Stupid computer. It's that thing's fault.

Carl: Preaching to the choir, kittycat! I mean, I swear I could speak in tongues and she'd notice you tho, San.

Sangria:...Dumbasses I am in the room and of course I wouldn't notice, Carl. You do weird shit every hour, I'd get nothing done if I cared every time.

Gimlet: Ugh I'm sick of being haunted by ghosts and their SALAD. Get it out of here.

You could clean-

Gimlet: REMOVE

Kimberly: Yep, nope, I'm out of here and you'll never see me again.

Vermouth: Oh whatever I have Tom as a friend now. Right Tommy?

Todd: It's actually Todd-

Kimberly: Yeah good luck Vermouth.

Vermouth: Oh yeahhh Tommy's our POS cat-

Gimlet: Thaaaat's it. Follow the light, Tommy, follow- ooh purple! Spinny!

Tommy: Who's playing with who, boy?

Gimlet: I could always switch it off.

Gimlet: See? I have the power.

Tommy: Whatever scrub just gimme those scritches.

Sangria:...Gimlet was right these salads do smell like ectoplasm.

Vermouth: Oh Mother...I have tried my hardest, but it's clear that you are my best friend, out of all these people in the world.

Sangiria: *sigh*...anything for my children, I suppose. At least make some other friends. Your own age.

Vermouth: Why would I need other friends when I have you Ma?

Sangria: C'mon. You're smarter than this. You know why.

Kahlua: Mermaids be like...'oh no my scalerot, I'm half-fish and can drown people'

Gimlet: Wait, tell me more about the drowning people. I was just gonna do regular human magic-

Kahlua: It's a joke, Gim-Gim. There's no such thing as magic.

Gimlet: You say this when our family have met literal aliens? You're not the brightest, are you sis?

Vermouth: This is the greatest day of my life! Giving up on my peers to be BFFs with my mother!

Sangria: Sure kid, but get a life after this, you hear me?

Kahlua: Hey bb...I mean Bobby! So glad to finally have you over now that I'm finally Level 3 Mischief.

Bobby: Nice gal, troll all of 'em fuckers.

Kahlua: Aw you're my best friend for a reason.

Bobby: Only, right?

Kahlua: Don't push it.

She had a wish to use a Bold Pickup Line and...

Bobby: C'mon Lua, I'm grieving. Save that for another day.

Kahlua: So no gun show?


Bobby: Mighta fucked up on rejecting that one, I mean Kahlua's a pretty girl...y'know, I never said never and she'd probably forgive me.

Tommy: Dude why do you think I care? Also, her mum's like right here. Trying to sleep. Weirdo.

If it isn't our Gen 3 girls haunting together! Hi ladies.

Rivella: Bitch why did you make a cake?

Kezia: I dunno just wanted to feel something.

Rivella: Pet Tommy then. I've really missed real cat fur in the past couple days.

Kezia: I meant emotionally.

Rivella: Since when do you have emotions?

Rivella:...Kinda dry, Kez.

Kezia: Oh up yours, Riv.

Lowkey forgot they were having a second baby. Both are getting close to elder so I figured they were truly one and done.

Aperol: I'm just happy I talked her out of 'Kristian' as a name.

Right after that Gene, Grenadine's husband, unfortunately passed away. RIP dude, you were pretty entertaining and I'm sure the family will miss you. I think we'll have Grena while longer though, 'cos she was a bit younger and is an Active sim.

Sangria: So...I noticed you had a boy over late last night-

Kahlua: OK first of all nothing happened cos he's a dick-

Sangria: I bet that'll last.

Kahlua: Oh shush! Granny Riv told me about your club exploits with Dad and the others!

Jordan: Aren't you a bit old to be graduating?

Carl: Aren't you a bit dumb? I saw your lab report!

OK whatever. I'm ready for university to be over. Let's end this.

Carl: It's just so exciting, finally-

Yasmin: Apologies Carl. I'm not paying attention. Just saw my old nemesis-

Kalama: Nope, you're not important enough to spoil my big day.

Carl: I missed out on a lot attending from home, huh?

Jordan: Yeah old man. Probably raising kids and paying your mortgage or something lol.

Carl: Jokes on you I married a rich heiress with her own house and her PARENTS raised my kids!

Carl didn't get his diploma for some reason. Either that or the blueprint is supposed to represent it. He did get that after the ceremony so maybe that's the case.

Anyway here's their little achievement wall.

Kahlua:  I can't believe I asked him to 'come to my homeslice'

Vermouth: That's pretty bad, sis, let the Master talk to you-

Kahlua: That Kimberly girl literally jumped over a desk to avoid you.

Gimlet:...How do I have less friends than those two?

Gimlet: Never mind my lack of a social life! I am hungry, sister! Let us forage in the bushes for sustenance.

Kahlua: That's why Gim.

Gimlet: Fair enough lemme just-

Carl: ASDHIFAWEOIHAEHIFW LEFTOVERS?     How dare you when Chef Carl is in the house?

Gimlet: Damn the world really wants me to go hungry huh.

Gimlet had to be aged up manually because this save file is starting to crap out on me. Might  have to move them soon.

He grew up handsome except for the white boy braids but that can be fixed. His aspiration is Spellcraft and Sorcery and I will now reveal that he is the heir! A male heir in this challenge, who'd a thunk?!

Gimlet: I'm just that cool bby.

He grew up an Insider. Also apparently he was supposed to actually do club meetings for his whole childhood but I just forgot. Let's ignore that and get on with things.

Gimlet: Much better. Can I be a wizard yet.

In a BIT.

Gimlet:...Can I at least have the day off from school to do it?

Sangria: Goddammit what is this 'wizard' shit Gimlet and Carl just texted me? Normally if the both of them share an idea it's...unreliable.

Nope, it's real.

Sangria: That's worse! If anybody has that kind of power it should be my little Vermouth...he'd harness it for good! Probably.

Kahlua: Oh really are such a good friend to me.

Vermouth: That's 'cos she's your only one. I'm gonna make so many-

Bobby: Yeah and? How well is that going for you, little guy?

Kahlua: This is why I like him.

That look...she's smitten. It would almost be cute.

Gimlet: But Mum I wanna go to the library and find spellbooks!

Sangria: None of that. You can go to Glimmerbrook on alternate days so long as you keep your grades up. That involves chess.

Gimlet: *grumble grumble* 

Sangria: What was that, darling? Ooh, check!

Yay successful flirt.

Bobby: Oh thank you Lua I am beautiful! I mean, you too, of course. Unfortunately, gotta get home now, sorryyyy-

Kahlua: Say what now.

Sangria: Wow son, you might have spent a lot of time playing as a child, but you kinda suck at chess.

Gimlet: Just you wait. I'll re-engineer this against you. You've heard of wizard chess, right?

Vermouth: Extra credit? You don't even have to ask.

Sangria: See, this one. This one is my best hope.

He's not your heir.

Sangria: A girl can dream. 30 more minutes on the table, Gimlet, or I'm not signing that permission slip.

Gimlet: *grumble grumble*

Carl: Now I know your mum's nagging you, but you can't resist a chess match with your old dad-

Gimlet: Yes I can, I'd rather practice alone.

Carl: Well San, I tried!

 Did you now.

Gimlet: We have to stop promoting this terrible game, Todd. It's insidious. The pieces will rise up and then what to do?

Todd:...You're saying this cos I put you in check, right?

Nicola: You. You've let a man take over. How DARE you-

I mean this was never supposed to be a matriarchy.

Nicola: I mean San already let down the side, but she has a perfectly good daughter.

It was up to the dice.

Nicola:...Lux and I send our love. In the form of me wrecking your shit.

Carl's father died. For some reason ONLY Kahlua got called. Even though she never met him and Carl is therefore the only one who KNEW him. OK.

Tommy is still being a filthy little menace.

Tommy: Being covered in skunk fluid won't stop me from conquering this's like a ski slope.

The morning...

Gimlet: Wooohooo! Today's the day I finally become a spellcaster...more like spellmaster! Hahahaha!

Slow your roll.

Gimlet: Also I've been hearing some weird old echoey voices in my head.

I would assume the erraticism but given Nicola's anger...maybe my boy is haunted.

Carl: *sniff* My deadbeat dad didn't even bother to have someone call me...letting me down one last time.

Vermouth: Hey so does that mean I can have ghost cake for breakfast?

Calr: Well yeah cos nothing even MATTERS-

Gimlet: Oh, yeah, the ghost voices said they'd poison some food last night-

Vermouth: Yes Gimlet I heard you talking in your sleep. I want the cake you loon.

Carl: *sigh* Promised San I"d play with, come here boy, here's the shiny rainbow thing.

Gimlet: Dad I'm not a child anymore...oh, sparkles-

Carl: Not for you! For the cat...

Gimlet: Yeah the second he saw you he went to go hide in the bushes. 

Sangria: Well then! Ready for your field trip?

Gimlet: I've been waiting for an hour-

Sangria: Right, let's move the cat, he has so many places to sleep, I don't know why-

Tommy: *snore*

Sangria: It's OK. Carl's dad was kind of a POS anyway.

Gimlet: But what if he joins the voices of the ghosts?

Sangria: Oh please. My foremothers will get it together. They'll have to or their legacy dies. Also, stop scaring your brother or you'll have to sleep in your Granny Riv and Kezia's old room, and that really will be haunted..

Gimlet: Thanks, Mum...

Jacklyn+Stanley: Whee...time to fly.

Gmlet: Aw this looks so fun I can't WAIT-

Sangria: Dear me this looks dangerous, Gim, maybe we should start with some books-

Gimlet: Mum WE are not doing anything, I didn't even ask you to come.

Obviously all the old Sages are gone at this point. The new ones are some badass looking ladies.

Genevieve: Ivy I told you I don't want to learn a repair spell and I came up here to be alone-

Gimlet: I might be all green, but you're purple and I'm not calling you violet. So I'm not an Ivy.

Genevieve: Uh...what? Why am I hearing the squawking of a teenage boy?

Gimlet: Um, ouch, and yeah I wanna do magic.

Genevieve: Sure, what could be more untamed than arming some random weirdo with magic.

Gimlet: You know it lady.

What the hell Gimlet.

GImlet: Now you take that back about my voice you bi-

Thats enough of that, go find your motes.

Meanwhile, Sangria is making friends...

Ivy: I mean I'm not the one for it, Mrs Sutherland. Your son sounds like he'd be better served by Chelsey or Genevieve-

Alvetta: Your son sounds like he shouldn't have this power at all.

Gimlet: Here I go, I finally found them now it's time to-

Genevieve: We're doing a quick ritual and you're leaving after that lickety-split. Your mum says you guys have a 6pm appointment at the spice festival.

Sangria: Oh goodness this city is filthy-

Gimlet: Haha no that's just Kahlua.

Kahlua: I TOLD you I wanted to go home and shower!

She was allowed to. So Vermouth went to chat to people, while San and Gimlet kind of hung out doing fuck all.

Gimlet: C'mon, Mum! Look! I'm in place to make a real trickshot!

Sangria: What - what is that stance? Are you squatting over a latrine?

Carl came to join 'em.

Carl: Son...why are you making this woman lie on the ground for your friendship?

Elisa: What do you know, old man? This kid was right, my back does feel better now.

Vermouth: Suck it!

Gimlet gave up to get high.

Gimlet: What noooo it's totally just flavourful vapour, no chemicals at all.

While his parents were actually lowkey cute.

Sangria: Sooo how's my husband the ENGINEER? How's the job? Is it everything you dreamed of?

Carl: Haha we both know my dreams are way weirder than that. But it was a fun first day!

Carl: Hey honey look what I can do.

Sangria: I love you but this will not go well. You haven't had anything hotter than my mum's chili before.

Carl: Hey I'm pretty sure she used to add trace poisons and animal wellness ingredients in that, I can handle this curry.


Sangria: Knew it.

Rivella's here!

Rivella: You know I like you and all, Gimlet, but I had so much hope for Lua. I practically raised that girl, and after your mother she'd be a good heir.

Gimlet: Hey don't worry I just became a fuckin' wizard. Mum might be boring but we'll get interesting again.

Rivella: Well you better. I refuse to be the last murderer of this lineage.

Back at home everybody trickled off to bed and the ghost for the night came out. Hi Pepsi.

Pepsi: I dunno why they're all up in arms about young Gimlet heading this household. I said I actually like men and they really did shame me for that.

Lux: I swear that's not really my daughter...things really did get weird after Rivella grew up.

And they continued to deteriorate. San...Sangria's bringing back some stability.

Lux: At what cost? She's so boring. Despite being a *shudder* boy, maybe Gimlet will bring back some of that good chaos.

Gimlet: Guns for the group chat, let's goooo-

Kahlua: Surely all your magic friends would care about actual spells, right? And your bulk lies elsewhere, brother.

Gimlet: Um, ouch, we can't all be stick-skinny like someone over there.

Gimlet:..Annoying little piece of SHIT, sitting there like a smug little pencil-

Vermouth: Dude, chill out. You just became a wizard yesterday. Feel like you got the better end of the deal.

Speaking of people in need of chill...

Kimbery: Fucking hell Vermy what do you even want this time?!

Also Bobby is here. y'know, Lua's only friend basically.

Kahlua: Still one more than Gimlet has. That dickhead said I had chicken legs.

Kimberly: You want a photo? Why? For some stupid goals? How will that contribute to anything except your creepiness you little creep!

Vermouth: We're the same height.

Kimberly: That's what you took from that?

Vermouth: I'll never talk to you again if you take one picture.

Vermouth :C'mon, try not to look like you're in a hostage situation.

Kimberly: :) I will kick you in the downstairs, take the picture already.

Meanwhile Gimlet...

Gimlet: What? I shine bright like a diamond bb.

Kahlua: You always act like you like me but you're so weird whenever I make a single move...

Bobby: I're a friend and I don't-

Kahlua: Oh my God, then don't make little comments like that! Pick a side, dude.

Bobby: I'm sorry! I'm a coward! Remember that day your dad made fun of you because I'm your only friend-

Kahlua: I try not to, but yes-

Bobby: I realised that day that you're kinda my only friend. Like I am a prickly weirdo. So are you, no offence.

Kahlua: None taken.

Bobby: I just don't wanna lose you.

Kahlua:...Well fuck that, dude. Either shoot your shot or don't! I can't promise it wouldn't end badly but dammit, if you want to let's try something!

Bobby: Is it that easy?

Kahlua: Hell no it won't be easy! When  have I ever been easy? At all?

Gimlet: Aaaaand...Deliriate! That's a good place to start! Club meeting this evening after all.

Kimberly: Ugh Vermouth's whole family is idiots and weirdoes or both-

Giimlet Hey, you took that photo with Vermouth, right?

Kimberly: Ugh yes after he pestered me for ages-

Gimlet: That means you're free to leave and shut up ya little gremlin.

And then Sangria finally completed her BestSelling Author aspiration.

I gave her the Neighbourhood Confidante aspiration after that, cos I've never played it and fits her being kinda nosy. Plus she has decent charisma skill.

Carl: Hmmmmm is that LOVE in the air that I smell?

Bobby: Do you wanna talk somewhere else?

Gilet: C'mon Tommy get the shiny, get the - ooh it's so pink and weird shaped I love it!

Tommy: Nah I think you're good.

Kahlua: And this. This is the brother who insults me!

Vermouth: Mate your hair is kind of like a little animal tail, lol.

Bobby: *immediately becomes enraged*

Kahlua: Dn't take that crap from him, he literally has to be best friends with our Mum cos his life is so sad.

Ah, teenage hypocrisy.

And whatever mood is between them has died. 'Tisn't meant to be I guess. Maybe she'll be like Aperol and Kristine, and the two will finally get together in their 30s.

Gimlet: HA! I knew it! You gotta have big hair to make it as a spellcaster. Tell me your secrets, oh Mr Twist!


Gimlet: I mean you have the exact same hair as my Auntie Kristine. And almost like this girl I know called Jaleesa!

Gimlet: Don't act so taken aback! You know you're trying to confuse me! You know that what you say will ruin my magical education!

Olivver: What are you on about?

Gimlet what the hell.

Olver's still hanging around but the conversation is not sparkling.

Anyway, here is yet another visitor.

Gimlet: That no-one invited. How do we know you, lady?

Mikayla: Why, I'm related to Kevin!

Gimlet: Never heard of a Kevin. Also, I'm a minor Home Alone, that intense look is freaky.

She is flirty for some reason.

Oliver: So you're Gimlet's sister, huh?

Kahlua: What did he say?

Oiver: Some real weird shit-

Kahlua: What? I don't care about his mental state! Did he say anything about me?

Hey, here's someone else.

Vanessa: Did you just cast witchcraft on someone?

Gimlet: Hey she tried to grab dat ass.

Vanessa: I find that hard to believe.

Gimlet: Why? You think my ass isn't thicc? I'll have you know-

Mikayla: OK, so I outstretched my hand.

Vanessa: OK Kahlua called me about an emergency, where is she?

Gimlet: Practicing her prank calls. You got played, son.

Next time, Gimlet goes to a club meeting, and his siblings might have birthdays.
