Elin's WYDC - Baby Q


Ibrahim: Guess you just couldn't get enough.

Elin: Uh, yes, sure, sweetie...


Gunther: So this is why she sometimes doesn't want me outside...

This is my fault. I forgot to make sure he was in the house.

Elin: Get your mouth away from my hair, Ibrahim.

Gunther: How dare you, Elin. This one isn't even special.

Elin doesn't even care.

Elin: Husband? No! More like persistent stalker!

Ibrahim: Oh, I could just hold you forever.

Elin: Well don't. It's time for you to go. That was my husband and he likes shotguns.

Ibrahim:...This has been a very strange day.

Elin: Same for me, dude. Bye!

Oman: Why are you sniffing me?

Libs: No reason...can you really turn down food? Who else will feed you? 

Oman:..I cannot turn down food. Sandwich please.

Elin: Well...baby Qatar's on the way I guess.

Gunther: Mauri, never trust your mother.

Mauri: Knew that.

Gunther: I mean, she's a whore!

Mauri: Knew that too. Do either of you have spellcasting powers?

Elin: I hope you're a merman like I wanted...

Paraguay: Yay, expectations from birth!

So not only is he another clone, he isn't even a mermaid. SMH my head, v disappointing.

Paraguay: Yay. Falling below expectations at toddlerhood.

Mauritius: Please, remove your angry vibes from my area.

Gunther: This is my house, I will sit where I like! I am a MAN!

Mauritius: You're something.

Paraguay: Haha! Nice SWIMSUIT!

Norway: Yeah. I know.

Liberia: My words will strike fear into the hearts of children haHAAAA!

Yeesh. Scaryyyy woman.

Elin: I'm warning you Para...say block.

Paraguay: Square!

India got married, and the guy's cute!

Nothing new for Elin...

Elin: I'm sick of this...literally. Ugghhhh...

Paraguay: Whee! Play with me!

Gunther:..If only you were a mermaid.

And now for an awkward breakfast.

Gunther: I don't understand how you could do this to me?

Elin: You should understand, you've met me! We've been married for...a time!

Gunther: Does none of this mean anything to you?

Elin: Very little does. I'm gonna eat this sandwich and lock myself in the lab, enjoy looking after my affair babies.

Paraguay: Sis you're bad at this, Oman just ran into a wall and I still don't know how to use this stupid plastic seat.

Kiribati:...You come to pick up one book. Where are your parents?

Paraguay: Locked in different rooms now help us.

This cannot be safe.

Elin: Haha, live life on the edge babyyyyy!

Paraguay: No Mum please, let the bunny stay alive!

Elin: Death is necessary, I don't want you kids reading drivel.

Oman: I stg guys I'm trying to sleep.

Elin: It's 2pm dear so that's a you problem.

Paraguay: There's not enough room round this bear for the two of us?

Oman: There isn't? OK...well,  I was here first-

Paraguay: Doesn't matter, there's a new kid in town, scram.

Oman: Oh whatever it isn't worth it.

Liberia: I'll teach you everything you need to know.

Oman: Lol sounds like a trap.

Gunther: Nice robe, you'll be the sparkliest kid at the spa.

Oman: Whatever you're not my real dad.

Gunther: That's old news, tell me something I don't know next time.

Oman: That's just unfair, I'm like five.

Kiri: You've grown up now so why am I still getting roped into looking after you?

Oman: Because I want to cheat my way through school, duh.

Kiri: Gunther-

Gunther: Don't look at me, that's maths. I'm an artist. I've had enough of helping these ungrateful children-

Norway: So can one of you lend me a hand with this history report?

Kiri: Christ Norway, read the room!

Liberia: It appears somebody got me sick.

Oman: Well it wasn't-

Kiribati: I'd run, little girl.

Jordan: Yeah, I'm out.

Kiribati: We grew up with this bitch, remember?

Kiri: I'm sensing a weird vibe around here.

Elin: No more weird than usual, right?

Gunther: Whatever?

Kiri: See, where's 'yes dear?'.

Mauri: As dead as Mum's concealing of her infidelity.

Kiri: Good one, you're my favourite for a reason.

Gunther: Here I was thinking you hated everybody equally.

Liberia: Seriously Para, fucking listen. I have one job today and then I get to leave forever.

Para: I will not use the plastic seat!

Liberia: It's a potty! You do your business in it! We've told you so many times!

Elin: Wow you smell.

Paraguay: Yeah and whose fault is that?

Elin: God you're more of a brat than Oman was and you don't even have the trait.

Para: Mum! Mum help! Somebodyyyy-

Elin: You hear something? No? Must be going crazy...er. Anyway off to eat breakfast.

Elin: This is definitely safe for the baby...haha yeah, you're funny. No, he's at work.

Gunther's gonna have jobs for a while because of his Renaissance Sim aspiration so here we go. Prime opportunity.

Elin: Did I...drop this arrow? Dearie me!

Matty: Woman I made out with in the bushes once! We are now in love.

Elin: Good to know it's still working.

Matty: Mwahaha you are sick for no reason. I am evil!

Elin: Is this really my best option?

Elin: Sorry I threw up on your feet.

Matty: No you're not.

Elin: We can make up for that, my telescope is pretty big...

Matty: So is mine, wink wink.

Elin: Ugh, it's behind me, Let's go, my kids are home soon.

Honduras: Hi M-

Elin: Nothing to see here, I will be in the basement. Make sure your new brother doesn't die.

Honduras: Loving as ever. What letter are we on now?

Brant: A gaggle of kids by this house as always, huh?

Oman: I will gaggle your face.

Mauri: Aw, she doesn't know what the word means, but I am the smartest of-

Liberia: Mauri. Shut. The fuck. Up.

Norway: No, piss her off I wanna see what happens.

Anyway Norway's on a B now and Lib and Mauri are ready to age up.

Also this is the first pic I have of madeover Oman. She's cute and the only kid right now that isn't a clone of her mother.

Liberia: Bye suckers!

Para: Wait...I hardly see Mum and Dad's got a job now, so...who's watching us?

Liberia: Beats me, not like I care.

Mauri: Which deity did I piss off to end up in this shitty vest?

Bad randomised outfit aside he's really handsome. And not a total clone.

Liberia: I'll give you the answers to your first algebra test, don't say I never did anything for you.

She's sticking around probably until tomorrow, 'cos we don't need the space desperately rn.

Here's Mauri all madeover.

Mauri: God I'm awesome.

Oman: An awesome failure if you don't open that homework, big brother.

Paraguay: Whee! Are you staying then?

Paka'a: Well shit kid, let's talk about this when I'm not balancing your life on my back!

Norway Meh meh meh I'm Gunther and I'm saaaaad!

Oman: I'm Liberia and I'm eeevillll!

Norway: I'm Mum and-

Oman: Damn how do you start describing that woman?

Later that night Jordan got married, well done man.

Mala had her second kid, first with her husband. Surprised she had any at all tbh.

Norway: Soooo should I help you with those emotions or not?

Gunther: *sniff* I miss my mother. She was right about my Elin, all along!

Norway: Yeah Mum's an evil harpy with a dark soul, keep up. Gawd.

Elin: If only I had this thing in the bedroom. Or before I met you-know-who...

Elin you cheat on him constantly don't complain.

Paraguay seriously doesn't like potty training.

PAraguay: I will NOT use plastic seat! It's an abomination.

Gunther: So is my life, you don't see me whining.

Paraguay: You just did!

Elin: Look I put you in the chair and I'm getting you food and all. Lucky! Now sit tight I'm going to build a cybernetic in the basement.

Paraguay: But...how do I get out?

Elin: That seems like your problem kid.

Gunther: You really hurt me El..I know you have affairs but at least keep them discreet!

Elin: Would you shut up I'm blowtorching.

Maruii: So today didn't go to plan.

Norway: Kinda nice to see him knocked down a peg.

Oman: I'd never push my brother, of course.

Mauri: Of course not you don't need to mention it.

Elin: Mauri dear, do you need any help? Of course you don't, you'er so smart, unlike-

Norway: Mother I'm done.

Elin: I meant unlike your 'father'.

Gunther: Cheating bitch.

Norway; Don't involve me in this.

Marui: Keep your mouth shut then, don't you learn?

Elin: Oh for the love of - I was JUST about to sleep. Hang in there, Q, I'll get you out.

Meanwhile Paraguay painstakingly climbed all the way down to the basement to get a plate of eggs. Half-eaten.

Paraguay: My life is one of suffering.

Enjoy your spoils, little man.

Elin: This one is already suffering. Why does this please me?

Cos you're damn twisted woman. Everybody meet Qatar.
