The Name Game - 2.11

Yven: Haha yeah you're right I DID drop that stitch! Don't worry I'll still make a great plant pot! Of COURSE I know you started that whole trend.

Tosca, in the ocean:...

Berwyn: Oh GOD I made a mistake curating my Insta feed, no wonder people won't listen to my demos!

Jude: That's definitely it. Weren't we doing homework?

Luzija: Soooo, what are we doing?

Tosca: It's for bigger humans than you.

Luzija: But I wanna touch scissors! Why can't I?

Tosca:...I'm not doing this, Impreza get your mother.

Luzija: Would you like to form an...alliance?

Berwyn: Well, if you get me some Insta followers, I could be interested...

Luzija: I've never met anyone outside the family...

Berwyn: So? Grandma AND Yven don't follow me, start with that.

Berwyn: Hey. Yven. Yven. There's neighbours here.

Yven: Have fun I'm taking a nap.

Phoebe: Wow this place is still an eyesore.

Nathanael: Not as much as Stuart's face.

Stuart: So I went prematurely bald, so what?

Nathanael: Talking about the lipstick. Who wants kalua pork?

Haych: Damn tho. ThatGrannyInfluencer really is that hot in real life!

Nathanael: Yeah I see it.

Phoebe: Guys ew she's like 100.

Berwyn: That's not seriously your social media handle is it?

Tosca: Well why not?

Yven: Grandma still has more followers than you, sis.

Stuart: Yeah your page is screwed up.

The next morning...

Cybil: I'm great, I'm hot, I'm beautiful, I'm above all y'all...I'm lonely.

Yeah I don't know why her social is so low.

Impreza: Oh GOD she's got leggings in the shower!

Berwyn: The creator didn't fix that up yet stop freaking out!

Back to Cybil's loneliness. Since Chesmu moved out there's been an empty house slot.

Cybil: Tbh yeah I prefer to a dog to my eldest. 

Sione: That's cold lady.

Dixie: Hey STEREO fuck offfff.

Cybil: I don't think that one will do well here, someone's always blasting that thing.

Tosca: Well, happy birthday Luzija!

Cybil: That was today?

Luzija: Thanks Mum...

Sione: Wow that's really cold.

Sione: Thanks for adopting, just need to use the-


Cyb and Tosca both seemed to prefer Bea, the retriever puppy who isn't scared of the stereo. Hopefully this will keep Cybil from getting lonely.

Cybil: C'mon little critter, time to add meaning to my life.

Bea: Woof?

Cybil: Also Dad says I need to make sure you go toilet outside or he'll die of an aneurysm.

Tosca: So Cybil seems to have bought a lazy dog! Haha, we're still holding the fort down!

Jude:..Since when was it a competition?

Tosca: Since I started winning!

Soon after Tosca maxed Charisma. From all the Social Media I suppose.

Also here's Luzija. Look how different she looks from everybody else in the family. But she's keeping the family trait - Erratic. And she's got the Whiz Kid aspiration.

Luzija: I'm gonna go play chess and wait for the erraticism to present itself.

Impreza: Yeah, high school is a battlefield...

Berwyn: God none of my classmates are on my level, this school already sucks.

Yven: You're telling me. Tried to give my lab partner a scarf and he set it on fire.

Impreza:...and I'm gonna win against you two!

Yven: I'm saaaaad and alooooone-

Bea: Hey. Hey get me away from them?

Yven: Another random voice they'll tell me is false? Woe is me!

Josca: *slurp*

Impreza: So I know you did this assignment last week...

Berwyn: Well I did but in my own unique yet popular Berwyn way-

Impreza: Yeah whatever I just need to make an A average, help me out.

Berwyn: No. I can't. I did it special. I'm special, right?

Impreza: Absolutely!

Thirza: So how are things going around here?

Tosca: Uh. Fine. Cybil's got a dog to fill the void.

Thirza: Well I still got Chaim huh?

Tosca: Yeah. Uh, the dog's pretty cute. I kind of think she might have got a better end of the stick.

Thirza: You might not be wrong.

Impreza went into a mean phase.

Impreza: It's's just call me the Volcano!

Nobody will do that.

Cybil: OK. Stop wriggling, you gotta come inside. What if I drop you?

Bea: O___O That bin does smell pretty bad.

Cybil: Doesn't it just? Come on, stay still.

Cybil: Awwww look at my precious baby boo-boo bear-

Bea: I'm a puppy.

Yven: Yo that's more overt affection than we ever got.

Cybil: Well you kids never had this little FACE-

Cybil works on archaeology once all her darling children are in bed.

Cybil: And just do the dust, doesn't really matter, no technique *cough cough COUGH*

Impreza completed her scamp aspiration while in the gaming rig.

Impreza: It's pretty imprezive, right?

Go to bed now.

Berwyn: Come on why doesn't this sound like the videos?

Because you're only just level 3 my dear, sorry.

Tosca: Right, just gonna level with you...I'm alive. You know that, right? Right?

Luzija: Yup, you're right here. I could kick you.

Tosca: Don't. Now we've dealt with have the family trait, where is your panache?

Luzija: Idk it'll be here in like 1-2 business days!

Berwyn: OK people. Luzija's coming to school today. All in favour of telling everyone she's adopted?

Yven: Ohhhh yeah that'll be really funny! She sure looks it!

Impreza: two are lame, let's tell HER she's adopted,

Berwyn:...That's pretty intense, Preza.

Yven: Hahahahaha! Still hilarious!

Jude: Your puppy's freaking out a little-

Cybil: She'll be fine, lemme finish my bacon.

Jude: She will do her business outside or so help me GOD-

Cybil: God Bea that was half your size.

Bea: What? I eat my foods.

Jude: Ugh I can't even watch this.

Luzija: I can't believe you guys thought that would work.

Yven: Something smells and it's definitely Preza.

Impreza: Shut up it's been a bad day.

Berwyn:...We didn't expect you to keep a birth certificate on hand, Lu.

Luzija: Yeah, don't cross me.

Yven: Ahhhh. There you are. Impart upon me your wisdom, oh Spirit-

Tosca: You dropped another stitch, Yven.

Berwyn: Ah..the scent of kalua pork next to that shitty knockoff wonder this place needs some art in it.

Yven: So true bestie, that's why I knit.

Luzija: Dunno who to throw this plate at now.

Luzija: Damn I get Mum and Grandma to help? I must be the favourite.

Cybil: Oh please we'd do this for all my kids!

Tosca: Well we don't really have anything better to do.

Cybil: *zzzz* At least my dog loves me...

Bea: *zzz* Hope the blue lady gives me that wet food, mmmMMMM

Cybil was thinking about Chesmu, which is kinda sweet.

Cybil: I do miss my kid a little bit.

Luzija: You have like a million others.

Berwyn: Yeah this brat better be the last, six kids is not the vibe.

Tosca: OK seriously you need to tell your brother I went back to heaven. I'm gonna hide from him. This ghost thing is getting exhausted.

Impreza: Who says you'll be going there?

Jude: Oooohooohohooo she got you there!

Tosca: Betrayed. Betrayed by my own family.

Berwyn: Wow I have curated myself a lovely lot of influencers and musicians to follow, so many good stories and - cRAP I was supposed to finish this two hours ago.

Yven: I feel a curious emptiness. Could it be that the spirit has departed...and I must knit onwards on my own?

Mask: I think you're just hungry dude.

Cybil: OK we need to get some proper tiling here...should not have had her do her business in the sand.

Bea: I did a good.

Cybil: No.

Jude, inside: Not cleaning that, you made our bed.

Jude: Aw, but you are a good puppy, you've done not one 'business' on my clean floors. Well they're not that clean really, stupid family-

He loves her.

Wow, no really I totally thought they'd have a good marriage.

Berwyn: This is bullshit!

Impreza: They were doing auditions for Mamma Mia and you played a violin concerto.

Luzija: Badly.

Berwyn: Well you'd think they'd see raw talent!

Chaim: So now that your Aunt and I are on the out-and-out, wanna hang out with your old Dad?

Berwyn:...I never even met you and you never made the effort!

Berwyn: The world is full of assholes, and I was brought into it by two of the biggest ones!

I mean you're not wrong.

Cybil: Don't call me Cybil. I now go by the Sun Goddess, and I will be worshipped by being brought more treasures like the one above. I mean, not because they're worth ten thousand...

Yeah no, you will find that yourself.

Cybil: Fine. At least my dog is spicy tho.

Bea: Hey fuck you tail come back here!

Bea grew up. She's cute!

Impreza: Would you like to form an alliance with me?

Girl: Hi, I'm Perla?

Impreza: We can get to that later.

They're not getting on.

Perla: Hey screw you I don't want to be shoved!

Impreza: Oh as if it's just a bit of fun, are you not fun?

Perla: I'm not like you!

Ah, Bea. Definitely a lazy dog.

Cybil: I'll tell Yven the spirit of my mother lives on.

Bea: *snore*

Tosca: Hey assholes I am STILL ALIVE-

Berwyn: Seriously, violin playing is a lot like knitting and you should definitely not 'fix' that area of the scarf.

Yven: I'm making a sweatshirt-

Berwyn: Well it's all the same process isn't it. Granny Tosca said so.

Yven: I feel like you're lying to me but let's try it!

Sanjiv's eldest got the pet adoption agent who brought us Bea.

Berwyn: The secret to being a genius? Stand there and THINK about how much of a genius you shall be!

Yven: Are the secrets in this sparkle?

Luzija: Mum...

Cybil: Oh just you wait you'll end up like this too. Clearly I went wrong SOMEWHERE-

Cybil: What are you doing here? Go to school and get out of my hair.

Impreza: Charming. It's my birthday so Grandpa says I can stay and wait for my cake.

Cybil: Eh. Fair. Wait HOW are you a teenager, surely I'm not old enough for - well at least I don't LOOK old enough for-

Impreza: You can believe that,.

Jude: I spy another ACTIVE grandchild on the horizon, now let's go weightlifting-

Impreza: Whatever Grandpa let me feel my oats.

Jude: Seriously it's like teen Cybil reincarnated.

SERIOUSLY what is with these cloney children.

Anyway Preza got the Serial Romantic aspiration (that's fun), Active trait and she really does look like Cybil. She has a different mouth and blue eyes, but apart from that... C L O NE.

Impreza: Whatever.
