Yven: Haha yeah you're right I DID drop that stitch! Don't worry I'll still make a great plant pot! Of COURSE I know you started that whole trend.
Tosca, in the ocean:...
Berwyn: Oh GOD I made a mistake curating my Insta feed, no wonder people won't listen to my demos!
Jude: That's definitely it. Weren't we doing homework?
Luzija: Soooo, what are we doing?
Tosca: It's for bigger humans than you.
Luzija: But I wanna touch scissors! Why can't I?
Tosca:...I'm not doing this, Impreza get your mother.
Luzija: Would you like to form an...alliance?
Berwyn: Well, if you get me some Insta followers, I could be interested...
Luzija: I've never met anyone outside the family...
Berwyn: So? Grandma AND Yven don't follow me, start with that.
Berwyn: Hey. Yven. Yven. There's neighbours here.
Yven: Have fun I'm taking a nap.
Phoebe: Wow this place is still an eyesore.
Nathanael: Not as much as Stuart's face.
Stuart: So I went prematurely bald, so what?
Nathanael: Talking about the lipstick. Who wants kalua pork?
Haych: Damn tho. ThatGrannyInfluencer really is that hot in real life!
Nathanael: Yeah I see it.
Phoebe: Guys ew she's like 100.
Berwyn: That's not seriously your social media handle is it?
Tosca: Well why not?
Yven: Grandma still has more followers than you, sis.
Stuart: Yeah your page is screwed up.
The next morning...
Cybil: I'm great, I'm hot, I'm beautiful, I'm above all y'all...I'm lonely.
Yeah I don't know why her social is so low.
Impreza: Oh GOD she's got leggings in the shower!
Berwyn: The creator didn't fix that up yet stop freaking out!
Back to Cybil's loneliness. Since Chesmu moved out there's been an empty house slot.
Cybil: Tbh yeah I prefer to a dog to my eldest.
Sione: That's cold lady.
Dixie: Hey STEREO fuck offfff.
Cybil: I don't think that one will do well here, someone's always blasting that thing.
Tosca: Well, happy birthday Luzija!
Cybil: That was today?
Luzija: Thanks Mum...
Sione: Wow that's really cold.
Sione: Thanks for adopting, just need to use the-
Cyb and Tosca both seemed to prefer Bea, the retriever puppy who isn't scared of the stereo. Hopefully this will keep Cybil from getting lonely.
Cybil: C'mon little critter, time to add meaning to my life.
Bea: Woof?
Cybil: Also Dad says I need to make sure you go toilet outside or he'll die of an aneurysm.
Tosca: So Cybil seems to have bought a lazy dog! Haha, we're still holding the fort down!
Jude:..Since when was it a competition?
Tosca: Since I started winning!
Soon after Tosca maxed Charisma. From all the Social Media I suppose.
Also here's Luzija. Look how different she looks from everybody else in the family. But she's keeping the family trait - Erratic. And she's got the Whiz Kid aspiration.
Luzija: I'm gonna go play chess and wait for the erraticism to present itself.
Impreza: Yeah, high school is a battlefield...
Berwyn: God none of my classmates are on my level, this school already sucks.
Yven: You're telling me. Tried to give my lab partner a scarf and he set it on fire.
Impreza:...and I'm gonna win against you two!
Yven: I'm saaaaad and alooooone-
Bea: Hey. Hey get me away from them?
Yven: Another random voice they'll tell me is false? Woe is me!
Josca: *slurp*
Impreza: So I know you did this assignment last week...
Berwyn: Well I did but in my own unique yet popular Berwyn way-
Impreza: Yeah whatever I just need to make an A average, help me out.
Berwyn: No. I can't. I did it special. I'm special, right?
Impreza: Absolutely!
Thirza: So how are things going around here?
Tosca: Uh. Fine. Cybil's got a dog to fill the void.
Thirza: Well I still got Chaim huh?
Tosca: Yeah. Uh, the dog's pretty cute. I kind of think she might have got a better end of the stick.
Thirza: You might not be wrong.
Impreza went into a mean phase.
Impreza: It's happening...it's HAPPENING...now just call me the Volcano!
Nobody will do that.
Cybil: OK. Stop wriggling, you gotta come inside. What if I drop you?
Bea: O___O That bin does smell pretty bad.
Cybil: Doesn't it just? Come on, stay still.
Cybil: Awwww look at my precious baby boo-boo bear-
Bea: I'm a puppy.
Yven: Yo that's more overt affection than we ever got.
Cybil: Well you kids never had this little FACE-
Cybil works on archaeology once all her darling children are in bed.
Cybil: And just do the dust, doesn't really matter, no technique *cough cough COUGH*
Impreza completed her scamp aspiration while in the gaming rig.
Impreza: It's pretty imprezive, right?
Go to bed now.
Berwyn: Come on why doesn't this sound like the videos?
Because you're only just level 3 my dear, sorry.
Tosca: Right, just gonna level with you...I'm alive. You know that, right? Right?
Luzija: Yup, you're right here. I could kick you.
Tosca: Don't. Now we've dealt with that...you have the family trait, where is your panache?
Luzija: Idk it'll be here in like 1-2 business days!
Berwyn: OK people. Luzija's coming to school today. All in favour of telling everyone she's adopted?
Yven: Ohhhh yeah that'll be really funny! She sure looks it!
Impreza: Sigh...you two are lame, let's tell HER she's adopted,
Berwyn:...That's pretty intense, Preza.
Yven: Hahahahaha! Still hilarious!
Jude: Your puppy's freaking out a little-
Cybil: She'll be fine, lemme finish my bacon.
Jude: She will do her business outside or so help me GOD-
Cybil: God Bea that was half your size.
Bea: What? I eat my foods.
Jude: Ugh I can't even watch this.
Yven: Something smells and it's definitely Preza.
Impreza: Shut up it's been a bad day.
Berwyn:...We didn't expect you to keep a birth certificate on hand, Lu.
Luzija: Yeah, don't cross me.
Yven: Ahhhh. There you are. Impart upon me your wisdom, oh Spirit-
Tosca: You dropped another stitch, Yven.
Berwyn: Ah..the scent of kalua pork next to that shitty knockoff mask...no wonder this place needs some art in it.
Yven: So true bestie, that's why I knit.
Luzija: Dunno who to throw this plate at now.
Luzija: Damn I get Mum and Grandma to help? I must be the favourite.
Cybil: Oh please we'd do this for all my kids!
Tosca: Well we don't really have anything better to do.
Cybil: *zzzz* At least my dog loves me...
Bea: *zzz* Hope the blue lady gives me that wet food, mmmMMMM
Cybil was thinking about Chesmu, which is kinda sweet.
Cybil: I do miss my kid a little bit.
Luzija: You have like a million others.
Berwyn: Yeah this brat better be the last, six kids is not the vibe.
Tosca: OK seriously you need to tell your brother I went back to heaven. I'm gonna hide from him. This ghost thing is getting exhausted.
Impreza: Who says you'll be going there?
Jude: Oooohooohohooo she got you there!
Tosca: Betrayed. Betrayed by my own family.
Berwyn: Wow I have curated myself a lovely lot of influencers and musicians to follow, so many good stories and - cRAP I was supposed to finish this two hours ago.
Yven: I feel a curious emptiness. Could it be that the spirit has departed...and I must knit onwards on my own?
Mask: I think you're just hungry dude.
Cybil: OK we need to get some proper tiling here...should not have had her do her business in the sand.
Bea: I did a good.
Cybil: No.
Jude, inside: Not cleaning that, you made our bed.
Jude: Aw, but you are a good puppy, you've done not one 'business' on my clean floors. Well they're not that clean really, stupid family-
He loves her.
Wow, no really I totally thought they'd have a good marriage.
Berwyn: This is bullshit!
Impreza: They were doing auditions for Mamma Mia and you played a violin concerto.
Luzija: Badly.
Berwyn: Well you'd think they'd see raw talent!
Chaim: So now that your Aunt and I are on the out-and-out, wanna hang out with your old Dad?
Berwyn:...I never even met you and you never made the effort!
I mean you're not wrong.
Cybil: Don't call me Cybil. I now go by the Sun Goddess, and I will be worshipped by being brought more treasures like the one above. I mean, not because they're worth ten thousand...
Yeah no, you will find that yourself.
Cybil: Fine. At least my dog is spicy tho.
Bea: Hey fuck you tail come back here!
Bea grew up. She's cute!
Impreza: Would you like to form an alliance with me?
Girl: Hi, I'm Perla?
Impreza: We can get to that later.
They're not getting on.
Perla: Hey screw you I don't want to be shoved!
Impreza: Oh as if it's just a bit of fun, are you not fun?
Perla: I'm not like you!
Ah, Bea. Definitely a lazy dog.
Cybil: I'll tell Yven the spirit of my mother lives on.
Bea: *snore*
Tosca: Hey assholes I am STILL ALIVE-
Berwyn: Seriously, violin playing is a lot like knitting and you should definitely not 'fix' that area of the scarf.
Yven: I'm making a sweatshirt-
Berwyn: Well it's all the same process isn't it. Granny Tosca said so.
Yven: I feel like you're lying to me but let's try it!
Sanjiv's eldest got married...to the pet adoption agent who brought us Bea.
Berwyn: The secret to being a genius? Stand there and THINK about how much of a genius you shall be!
Yven: Are the secrets in this sparkle?
Luzija: Mum...
Cybil: Oh just you wait you'll end up like this too. Clearly I went wrong SOMEWHERE-
Cybil: What are you doing here? Go to school and get out of my hair.
Impreza: Charming. It's my birthday so Grandpa says I can stay and wait for my cake.
Cybil: Eh. Fair. Wait HOW are you a teenager, surely I'm not old enough for - well at least I don't LOOK old enough for-
Impreza: You can believe that,.
Jude: I spy another ACTIVE grandchild on the horizon, now let's go weightlifting-
Impreza: Whatever Grandpa let me feel my oats.
Jude: Seriously it's like teen Cybil reincarnated.
SERIOUSLY what is with these cloney children.
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