Ophira: Heard you got one over our dear sister.
Thirza: That's a new way of putting it. It was nothing really, just kind of satisfied a-
Ophira: But you have to tell me! What was it like?
Thirza: Oh I see, you're still carrying a flame. Well he's moved out, you can go for it-
Ophira: Nooo I'm way too responsible, just tell me details.
Chesmu: Sure, talk about this near me.
Andy and Yven are now Partners in Crime.
Andy: Right, I've got the craft glitter-
Yven: And I've hired the doves, Monday is gonna be fun!
Chesmu: Whatever you guys are doing, don't do it near me.
Andy: Suuuure, wink!
Chesmu: You don't say-
Tosca: I've been meaning to ask you, Cyb, who exactly did father this latest baby?
Cybil: You started this name game tradition so let me continue it in peace.
Tosca: I would say it's the Watcher's fault.
Cybil: Doesn't matter, we're not talking about that.
Tosca: Does anyone know why Thirz is dressed like a wartime secretary?
Cybil: Oh, her and her crisis makeovers. But, she brought this one on herself.
Jude maxed cooking!
Yven: And yet you're still burning that grilled cheese.
Jude: Oh sh-
Thirza: You see it's really just a new aesthetic-
Ophira: Try therapy.
Donald: God what a dump Uncle Jude lives in.
Arihi: That's rich, I've seen your room.
Donald: Whatever, stepmother.
Arihi: Seriously, move out!
Sade: So...I think I'm lost.
Donald: Hush child there are things to discuss.
Yven: I may need your friendship in the future.
Billie: What a sweet...little...boy.
Thirza: - yes, that's Cybil's boy, very normal.
Arihi: So she got the heirship? Why are you still hanging around here in your spinster getup?
Yven: Damn Arihi, your stepson not moving out does not have to be our problem.
Arihi: So. Why is your sister still here?
Cybil: Never mind that. It's just been that way. You like gossip, Auntie Arihi?
Arihi: Sure, if it's worth my time-
Cybil: Little Miss Spinster out there ruined my relationship with my ex-fiance.
Arihi: How so-
Cybil: Hooking up with him.
Arihi: Now that's juicy, thank you dear.
Berwyn: Mum I'm boreddddd
Cybil: Those puppy eyes aren't gonna work, you're being trained because I am not in the mood for nappies.
Berwyn: Well I am!
Chesmu: And with this placement of Macaroni, I am now the chief Kid Artist. Thank you and goodnight.
Aspiration complete.
Again with the vendors?!?
Lanuola: You guys got WiFi?
Berwyn: Uhhh...what?
Lanuola: I asked if you have internet connection. Is this kid stupid?
Billie: I mean she's only little, and you did just barge in.
Speaking of intruders, Billie it's been 3 hours since the other neighbours left, go home.
Billie: Aw, but I don't own this book-
Teulia: Will they notice - nah! Let's go home to my granddaughter, Chompy.
Chompy the Monster: This is a kidnapping, alert-
Teulia: Struggling is pointless, nobody will hear you.
Cybil: Blocks will not defeat me!
Movie Poster Anime Boy:...Wack.
Thirza: Morning Da- and plumbing's busted again, great...why are you happy?
Jude: I'm having a wonderful shower!
Thirza: No Dad, you can't lose your mind, I am not ready to be the responsible one!
Really Cybil.
Cybil: I don't know what you're talking about!
Thirza: This isn't so bad.
Berwyn: Yeah Auntie Thirz you're kind of fun.
Thirza: You know I might not make a half-bad mother.
Berwyn: Let's not go too far.
Cybil: May I count on you to empty the potty, dearest sister?
Thirza: Anything for you, person I shall never re-betray!
Berwyn:...I'm getting a vibe here.
Yven: Friends, Blarffy?
Pink Blarffy: Now I don't think I count, Yven.
Yven: Oh I know, but you are practice.
Andy: Did your Granddad have to take us to a museum?
Yven: Nonono. I'm taking him. Auntie Thirz is worried about his wee old mind.
Andy: Whatever. You might wanna get off the road, that car nearly took out your whole face.
Yven: Why not live on the edge?
Andy: You're a weird guy, Yven.
Yven: It probably started the day my mother named me Yven.
Andy: Ha!
These two are the best of friends aren't they?
Jude: Now what's happened to you?
Violet: Death in the family. Also your grandson is trying to convince my son to jump over moving cars.
Jude: Sutherlands, what are you gonna do??
Violet:...That's not how you react to this.
Best friends!
Yven: We'll be close forever!
Andy: OK but I do actually need to go I can hear my mum yelling.
Now that he's made a BFF Yven needs to make friends with other people.
Yven Don't worry, I can show you the website where I got the hat.
Spenser: Yven I said my aunt died and THEN nice hat, there's a hierarchy of importance...
Yven: Look I'm kind of emotionally stunted right now, I'll send you the link.
Cybil: Talking. OK. Let's talk.
Berwyn: No I can TALK I wanna learn a wide range of words!
Cybil: I can do that, I'm an adult.
Yven: You're in for a load of pure bullshit, sis.
Cybil: Yeah, that's a new word, Berwyn! Bullsh-
Jason: You see that girl, Ches?
Chesmu: Yeah, she's kind of-
Jillian: I'm looking for my brother! Chaim!
Chesmu: Never mind, she's yet another bloody aunt I suppose.
Chesmu: What's with all the pregnant women showing up at the door?
Jason: Another aunt!
Yven: She doesn't look like a Lothario, Pizzazz or Sutherland...either way, new friend!
Jenny: Would one of you idiot children just tell me where Darius's house is?
Jason:...I seriously have no idea.
Chesmu: Now say it with a cherry on top and a politer tone, Ma'am.
Jenny: I am not in the mood for this you little SHITS
Jason: Just tell her.
Chesmu: Now why would I ever?
Yven: We Sutherlands, we're good at annoying people.
Cortez: Why am I even here.
Ophira: Well hello family - oh GOD the baby, it's coming!
Billie: Nope, I see nothing.
Yven: I think I left my straighteners in the ocean.
Jason: You guys are just gonna leave me here?
Ophira: HELP! I need towels and hot water.
Billie: Oh for fuck's sake, you need a hospital, I'll call the water taxi.
Why are you still here Jenny?
Chesmu: I did give her the directions she's just...bitching.
Jenny: Because your dollhouse is trash, gawd!
Cybil: MotherF - get out already!
Cybil: Another blue baby! Groundbreaking!
It's a long name but if she is heiress, that's 5 letters knocked out, some of them kind of difficult, so...worth it.
Cybil: I think the ghosts of the tilapia are out for revenge.
Cybil PLEASE just eat
The next morning...
Jude: Excited for a new day?
Thirza: I am still alive!
Jude: Well there's got to be more than that!
Thirza: I know you're just faking and you're still mad with me for sleeping with Chaim! Don't worry, I'm mad at myself!
Jude: You're speaking my language!
Berwyn: Wheee!
Jude: Whee - oh no.
Tosca: What was that horrible creaking?
Jude: Grab the child and a wrench, or I'll be duckwalking the rest of my life.
Cybil proceeded to fuck off to the jungle for a day trip.
Seriously, I was sick of not getting things done on her aspiration, so quickfire solo vacation time!
Cybil: You'd make a good baby daddy if it wasn't for that horrible moustache.
Cybil: Sorry did I say that out loud? I mean, nice to meet you!
After chatting to several more people, skill maxed! Now, to the jungle!
Cybil: Aha I am the machete beast by now!
Who wants to bet she loses it?
Cybil: OK we gotta be careful with this stuff and - be serious!
Jude: I'll be as serious as this as you are about everything in your life.
Cybi: Dad. Was that shade? I'm impressed!
While this was happening Thirza got a promotion and Chesmu got an A. Everything's going smoothly at home it seems.
Cybil: I'm sure I took some notes about this darned thing...
Yep, temple time! Hopefully it goes better than before.
Ophira PLEASE you are killing me with these choices.
Ophira: Why not get a loyalty card at the funeral home?
Yeah it's really late, but Cyb has the Seldom Sleepy reward trait so we can explore all night!
Darius died later that night...RIP mate.
Annoying temple trap thing: Haha!
Cybil: I've wet myself too many times in my adult life.
Cybil:Finally. Though I do wish this moment was more dignified.
So do I dear, just collect your treasures and let's go.
Grim, what's up!
Grim: Haven't seen you yet this save. Your family is fine, but I must collect a soul.
Cybil: Hey wait a minute what the FU-
Yeah so a child just fucking drowned while Cybil was doing her exploration. Idk why this kid was even here...this is just sad.
On that depressing note we are back home.
Tosca: Good day trip honey?
Jude:...So young, such a waste...how did it happen?
Berwyn: I'm gonna guess the answer's no, Granny.
Cybil: I keep seeing it happen to you...why do we live by the damn ocean again?
Jude: Your mother wanted a dynasty of mermaids but clearly that didn't work out.
Berwyn: Look either teach me things or stop hovering, I don't need your chit-chat.
Yven: Where is she? The latest friend I need? I will come and find her on this huge beach.
Diane: Yven, Yven I'm right...oh whatever, he'll see me. Also I feel like I've got sunstroke, my head is being cooked.
I wonder.
Diane: You diss my hat one more time-
Yven: Hat llamas be like HRRRRR-
Diane: I am fuckin' warning you YVEN-
Yven: Check out my POUT bby.
Diane: Ugh why am I here?
Adrian: You can't act superior anymore Thirza, you skank.
Thirza: Oh whatever, you're the most unwanted sixth wheel in existence.
Adrian: Yeah which makes sense, what vehicle has five wheels?
Thirza: Well Mum's name ain't Toscaa is it?
Thirza: Oh for f - Cyb's gonna make me fix that, Adrian. Would rather you just cut me to pieces at this point.
Adrian: Whoa...I was only making fun of you 'cos I thought you could take it.
Thirza: Yeah, well.
Adrian: Damn you are straight-up depressed.
Adrian :Well, how are my nephews doing?!
Chesmu: Ugh you're too chipper.
Yven: Mum and Granddad left for a day-long vacation. That was the most stressful day ever.
Chesmu: Grandma pretty much just gamed...
Yven: And Thirza locked herself in her room and played roulette to determine the outcomes of her trials.
Adrian: Wow that's not ethical at all.
Chesmu: It's been an interesting time.
Cybil: Get BUFF you stupid little arms!
Damn OK we'll do weights next time.
Tosca: le GASP! My grandson is doing pushups! He's gonna turn into one of those Active freaks.
Jude: But Tosca you married me and birthed a gaggle of Active children!
Tosca: It cannot be!
Jude:...Well now I don't feel too good about my life.
Chesmu: 6,7, what are those idiots babbling about? - 8
Lol it looks like a potato.
Cybil: Nice that's what I thought.
In that case, it doesn't.
Cybil: How you wound me.
Cybil: Come on let's go, move , walk!
Impreza:...You're dressed like a gym coach, I'm intimidated.
Cybil: You should be!
Try again.
Cybil: I mean, no worries, chief!
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