The Name Game - 1.3


Tosca: Number Three then?

Jude: *yawn* Yes, dear.

Tosca: Cool, meet me in the shower!

Jude: Yeah...I think I do need a shower.

Jude:...I should probably pay closer attention to what she says in the morning.

Tosca: Isn't it great?

Baby S is on the way!

When I reloaded the game some kid was here.

Forrest: Wow my moms were right this really is a shack.

Tosca:...Do you mind?

Forrest: How are y'all fitting all these babies in here?

This is apparently Thirza's happy face.

Thirza: So glad...about all the siblings...

It's not so bad. Look, you guys even have a nicely-sized room now.

Thirza: Yay.

Tosca: So, how do you feel-

Thirza: Yay!

Tosca: Good enough?

Jude:...Really? I'm definitely not convinced.

Tosca: Well I didn't want my mother to have two new babies at her age when I was sixteen but I dealt, she will too.

Thirza: Y A Y

Did I have Tosca leave her kids at home so she could talk to this dolphin?

Tosca: Worth it! Whaddup LL!

LL: OMG Tosca the mermaid, I think you're pretty cool now! Wanna dance? I've got loads of tricks up my sleeve-

Tosca: Or fin, hahaha!

Lapis: Good one!

Thirza: Thank you for being here, Uncle Tris! It was just me and 'Phira and I am too young for a job.

Tristan:...That you are. ....Just watch Tossie try and judge me for my parenting.

Jude's home with a promotion.

Jude: Cool, maybe we can finish off that terrible exterior!

Eh, I think your daughter might need a bed; her birthday is tomorrow.

Tosca: *hiss* There are scales surrounding many children. My life is out of control!

Thirza: I can step outside if you need it, Mama.

They're having a family breakfast. Even if Jude's finished here, and Tosca's barely started.

Tosca: Just you, me, Thirza, our third baby and Timmy!

Jude: That thing still freaks me out.

Thirza: Yeah, I can never win a staring contest against it.

Tosca: Well sorry I can't knit him eyelids, princess!

Tosca's sickness is a consistent factor these days.

Tosca: So are my *retch* pregnancies.

Tristan Y'know what! I think we do have marital problems!

Tosca: Oh brother-

Tristan: That's me, isn't it! I don't even think Kala likes me these days...she's always looking at the ring and grumbling-

Tosca: Maybe ix-nay in front of the kidlet.

Thirza: It's fine, I'll show myself out.

Tristan: NOW you care about that?

Tosca: Tris, our kids are already screwed up enough by being Sutherlands, the least we can do is not make it worse.

Tristan: Uh...shush please, kid who kinda looks like mine!

Ophira: Waaaah you're useless!

Ophira: Hey.

Tosca: Nice to meet you, kid, go sleep by your sister. I'm going back to bed.

In the morning, Tosca came to Tristan's house (which he shares with the Kealoha family) to borrow their stove.

Tosca: And your toilet please!

Kala:...Sure. Need any help there!

Tosca: Nooo, I'm doing peachy.

Here's Tristan and Kala's son Mason. He's...a happy kid I guess.

Mason: Is that a joke?

Makoa didn't like Tosca's use of his kitchen.

Tristan: Sorry, it's hard to stop my sister when she has her mind set on something.

Kala: Never mind her, could you help me with our son?

Tristan: Please when he's not eating his peas, he's your son.

Kala: It wasn't my decision to get him used to junk food!

Makoa: Can you guys do that somewhere else?

Mason: Eh, this is the usual.

Here are the girls made-over. Ophira is fussy and looks like a non-blue version of Thirza with the brown hair. Thirza looks like a redheaded Tosca; she is a Bookworm with the Artistic Prodigy aspiration. 

Come on Jude's genes, take part in this Name Game!

Thirza: Ah yes, the perfect place for my homework to get done.

Ophira:...yes you do look good enough to eat, sarnie!

Tosca: Thirza, if your sister wants to speak to her food we should let her express herself.

Despite the tiny home and general lack of money, Thirza is a lucky kid in some ways. Her drawing table faces the ocean!

Thirza: I do want a bed though, this view isn't a substitute.

Jude: Where's Phira? Where is she?

Phira: I'm here and you better not forget it!

Jude does this with the kids, which is good because Tosca, being pregnant all the time, is unable to.

Thirza:...Not gonna lie, growing up on the beach has its perks. For example, this counts as skilling!

Tosca: There was once a powerful and wonderful king...ugh, that picture is kinda ugly tho-

Ophira: I grow tired of your tangents, mother.

Tosca: Sorry, sorry. He ruled over a beautiful kingdom...oh, so he lorded it over peasants-

Ophira: I'm done. Can I just go to sleep?

When Thirza was a toddler she found a shell in the sand by chance. Wanted to see if she could repeat the feat.

Thirza: Well lightning doesn't strike twice. Ew! What did that bird eat? I need a shower!

Jude came home and took out his tension on our punching-bag.

Jude: How are we down to TEN DOLLARS?

Thirza needed a nice bed.

Jude: I still don't like this!

Ophira: You'd think they could feed me.

Well there isn't enough money to grill anything, so you can have cold corn.

Ophira: Lucky me.

Luckily Tosca's about to make a sale on Plopsy.

Tosca: So...kid's coming in a couple hours. I'm not sure if I'm ready for a third kid now I think about it.

Jude: Maybe we should have thought about it before it was conceived.

Tosca: Eh, you win some you lose some.

Jude: Tosca this is a child.

Tosca: DAMMIT I didn't even get to eat my tofu dogs!

Tosca: YAY I get to not be pregnant for a while.

Jude: Now that is a plus.

Tosca: I can fit into my nice formal dress! 

Jude: Do you mean?

Tosca: Let's get married!

Tosca and Jude have had their first son. This is Sanjiv, which is a Hindu name meaning long-lived. 

Tosca: We don't look bad, if I do say so myself.

Jude: You're well within your right to say that, it's almost like you didn't have three kids.

Tosca: Almost?

Jude: Well-

Tosca: Kidding, I know I'm gettin' thicker.

Jude: That's just more of you to love.

Tosca what is that face?

Tosca: Dammit even his hands are nice!

Jude: Yes, I know I'm loveable, now let me pledge myself to you forever.

Tosca: Hhhh you make me weak at the knees!

Tosca: *squawk* You'll take me even though I do THIS?!

Jude: Why would that be a factor?

Tosca: Damn how'd you afford that rock?

Jude: Uh...I may have found it in the locker room. Don't worry, I disinfected the crap out of it.

Tosca: Ooh, secondhand!

And done!

Thirza: Mum this wedding 'night' really saddens me.

Tosca: Same here, but life goes on.

Thirza: And we're too broke for a repairman, right?


Thirza: Please be quiet, Sanjiv, you're disrupting my dollhouse's storyline. It's a real doozy.

The girls play together, which is nice.

Thirza: No, put her back, she needs to be in the library for this scene...

Ophira: But Miss Flower likes ME best!

Thirza: UGH you ruin everything!

With Ophira in bed, Tosca can finally get back to knitting.

Tosca: God I've missed this chair.

Later, Thirza joins her outside.

Tosca: What are you drawing there, honey?

Thirza: Family.

Tosca: Nobody here would wear that waistcoat, kid.

Tosca: Mmm, yeah, but you have that kind of energy, Mum.

Tosca: Y'know what? I'll take that, thank you.

Thirza: Y'know, maybe I could knit something like's not a bad design for six-year-old...damn the kid's right.

Tosca why are you doing that in the nursery; Ophira is sleeping.

Jude: I'm close to a promotion, the kids are happy, and apparently you need five...

Tosca: Ooh, yay, let's do it!

In a totally functional display of parenting, Ophira's having a burger at 11pm.

Ophira: It's actually called Chimi.

The next morning...

Thirza: MOTHERF - fricker, stupid horse!

Ophira: Do you mind?

Thirza: Fine....

Tosca: Seriously?

Thirza: We really need some seating in this house.

Jude: Yes honey, we're working on it...but bills day is coming up.

Thirza: So if you have to choose between appropriate furniture and electricity, why do you guys keep having children?

Jude: Wish I had a good answer to that.

Thirza: Damn, I really am the smartest person in this house, huh?

Pregnancy test time!

Tosca: *Squawk* What have I done...*squawk* OW my fingers!

Jude: So Thirza made some really good points about financial responsibility today-

Tosca; She's only six what does she know? Besides, I'm pregnant!

Jude: Ah. Disregard that then. Who's telling her?

Ophira: Mum you smell like scalerot and spit-up..

Tosca: Watch it, I'm going through a lot right now. Seriously, I can aim this bile at your head.

Ophira: I'll just keep with the potty then...

Tosca: Jude, the bathroom's...let's call it fucky. It's fucky.

Jude: OK, but I'm doing crucial work for this crucial promotion-

Tosca: But, I'm pregnant. And you're an athlete, how long do you need to be at a computer anyway?

Jude:...I'll get on it.

Despite being pretty different kids, Thirza and Ophira get on pretty well.

Thirza: Lesson 1, our parents have less braincells put together than either one of us. Once you grow up, you'll have to fend for yourself, I assume.

Ohpira: No, I get the attention-

Thirza: Won't last, little fussy queen. You'll be deposed.

Leila is here.

Leila: So how many rugrats now, Jude-

Jude: Gimme a minute, Leila, just gotta sort out this bathroom.

Leila: Oh that's fine. Keep scrubbing with that fine arm of yours.

Aren't you a lesbian?

Leila: I mean, I have eyes.

Leila: How many siblings do you have, Thirza?

Thirza: Two, soon to be three. It's a madhouse. Why do you think I'm outside drawing?

Leila: You're a good kid, being good for your parents. They seem a little overwhelmed.

Thirza: Ya think?

Ophira is a little more to handle.

Ophira:...Yeet. I don't like sandwiches anymore.

Then she threw the second lot of food.

Jude: Alright Ophira. Maybe once you waste enough food, you don't get anymore?!

Ophira: But..I was only playing!

Leila: Come on Jude, you're better than this.

Thirza: They need all the help they can get.

Jude: Eheheh...she was kidding Leila you don't actually need to help us.

Thirza: I wasn't kidding.

Leila: Oh I know, but I WANT to help you. I mean, sheesh.

Josca remain horny for each other. I stg Jude you're supposed to be at work.

Jude: I'll be quick.

Tosca: But not too quick OK, I know you can last-

Bye now.

Meanwhile, Thirza and Leila hang out.

Leila: You've got a good head on those shoulders kid. And a keen eye for art...why is your paper so crumpled?

Thirza: I stole it off the beach, we're poor, remember?

Tosca: Where did we get that? Why is the Watcher spending our money on books?

Thirza:...please tell me you're joking.

Tosca: I guess it's good you like to read. So does your father.

Thirza: Right, you're last.

Tosca: What does that mean?

(Brain cell count)

Tosca: Look babe, we finally have our own bedroom.

Jude:...Why are we having five kids again? At least I got that promotion...

Late night visitor Tristan appears to feel the same.

Tristan: Jesus Tossie, they're streaming out of you!

He then went straight home and got his wife pregnant.

Tristan: That is our second, I'm not a hypocrite!

I mean at least Tosca and Jude seem to LIKE each other.

In the morning Tosca continues being a good and responsible kid.

Thirza: Somebody has to.

She's now even more right because there are two toddlers. It's Sanjiv's birthday.

D'awww look at his little face.

He got the blessed Independent trait. No nappy use! Unfortunately, we're still 0 for 3 on mermaid kids. Which is strange when compared to Sari's 5 for 6 (only Xavier was human).
